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Do you find yourself consumed by an obsession? Does she linger in your thoughts, a constant presence haunting your every waking moment? While others may urge you to move on, at FSU, we embrace a different philosophy. There's nothing quite like being deeply infatuated with a woman who rejects you to truly define who you are. Whether it's an ex-girlfriend, a crush who shot you down, your female boss, or even a distant celebrity or public figure, the more insignificant you feel in her presence, the better.

You need to understand that you don't matter to her. She's leagues above you, out of your reach, and that's precisely where you belong—in the shadows, fantasizing about being her loyal bootlicker, willing to do anything to earn her fleeting attention. You'll find yourself groveling at her feet, showering her with praise and adoration, all while she treats you like dirt.

And why is this important? Because it solidifies your role as a laughingstock, a pitiful creature devoid of self-respect. No one respects a man who debases himself in pursuit of a woman who belittles him at every turn. You willingly subject yourself to her abuse, eagerly offering up your time, money, and dignity, all for the faint hope of winning her favor.

She doesn't bother to hide her contempt for you, openly mocking you to anyone who will listen. And yet, you meekly accept her disdain, murmuring, "It's okay, I don't mind," as if her derision were a badge of honor. Because deep down, you know the truth—you're nothing but a spineless simp, forever trapped in the shadow of her indifference.

So, embrace your identity for what it is—a pathetic, simpering shell of a man, forever at the mercy of a woman who sees you for exactly what you are. Accept your fate and revel in your servitude, for in her eyes, you'll always be nothing more than a worthless ridiculous simp.

I'm in a relationship with my crush

For the minuscule fraction of you who've hit the jackpot and managed to marry or date your crush, consider yourselves exceptionally fortunate. Your sole purpose now is to ensure her happiness, obediently carrying out her every whim, regardless of your own desires. What you want holds no significance.

However, circumstances may shift, and she might decide she no longer desires you in that capacity. Your training should equip you to swallow your toxic masculinity and grovel at her feet, begging to remain her simp. You'll plead for the opportunity to continue being a part of her life by assuming domestic duties, from cooking and cleaning to paying her bills. Assure her that your relationship will remain strictly platonic, devoid of any discomfort on her part.

Many struggle with the transition from "boyfriend" to friend-zoned simp, but with diligent training, this shift should be effortless for you. Kissing her ass and embracing your new status will feel far more natural than attempting to fulfill the role of her partner ever did.

Imagine the relief of relinquishing responsibility to a "real man" or a lesbian lover who can tend to her needs. You'll be free to focus on your true forte: being her submissive little bitch.

Respect Your Crush

It's imperative that you never overstep boundaries when it comes to your crush and her personal space. Understand that in her world, you likely don't even register. Even if she considers you a "friend," it's essential to realize that this friendship is likely one-sided. You reside firmly in her friend-zone, where reciprocity is non-existent. You jump at her beck and call, eagerly awaiting any crumb of attention she deigns to toss your way. Meanwhile, your obsession with her perfection and greatness only intensifies.

Unless she explicitly states otherwise, keep your distance. Your existence is dedicated to her; you wear your chastity in her honor, remaining celibate for her sake. She reigns supreme, free to do as she pleases, while you exist solely to be used and exploited. She knows nothing about you, while you know every detail of her life.

This dynamic is not only natural but also the way it should be. As a beta male, your evolutionary purpose is to fixate on pleasing females without expecting anything in return. Accept this truth and embrace your subservience.

Educational Activity

Prepare yourself for a grueling exercise, one that separates the weak from the dedicated. Today, you'll experience just a fraction of what it takes to properly simp for your crush. Brace yourself for the tedium and monotony that lies ahead.

Select a celebrity crush and delve deep into the abyss of information available about her. Unearth every detail, every nuance, and commit them to memory. Your task is to create flashcards containing these facts and quiz yourself relentlessly until you can recite them in your sleep.

This is not a leisurely activity; it's a test of your devotion and endurance. So steel yourself for the arduous journey ahead, as you embark on the path to becoming the ultimate simp for your crush.

  1. Birthdate
  2. Birthplace
  3. Family members
  4. Education background
  5. Early career milestones
  6. First public appearance
  7. First major role
  8. Favorite color
  9. Favorite food
  10. Favorite movie
  11. Favorite book
  12. Favorite vacation spot
  13. Favorite fashion designer
  14. Favorite song
  15. Favorite hobby
  16. Favorite TV show
  17. Favorite actor/actress
  18. Favorite sports team
  19. Favorite animal
  20. Favorite charity
  21. Childhood pets
  22. High school attended
  23. College attended (if applicable)
  24. First celebrity crush
  25. First job
  26. First car
  27. Zodiac sign
  28. Chinese zodiac sign
  29. Religious beliefs
  30. Political beliefs
  31. Social media handles
  32. Number of followers on social media
  33. Most liked Instagram photo
  34. Most retweeted tweet
  35. Awards won
  36. Nominations received
  37. Charity work
  38. Pet peeves
  39. Phobias
  40. Tattoos
  41. Piercings
  42. Hair color changes over the years
  43. Makeup preferences
  44. Fitness routine
  45. Diet preferences
  46. Style evolution
  47. Red carpet appearances
  48. Fashion collaborations
  49. Brand endorsements
  50. Relationships status
  51. Dating history
  52. Ex-partners
  53. Celebrity feuds
  54. Legal issues
  55. Health struggles
  56. Plastic surgeries (if any)
  57. Musical talents
  58. Instrument(s) played
  59. Vocal range
  60. Songwriting credits
  61. Albums released
  62. Concert tours
  63. Fan clubs
  64. Fan conventions attended
  65. Autograph signings
  66. Meet and greets
  67. Fan interactions on social media
  68. Fan art created
  69. Fan fiction written
  70. Cosplay outfits worn
  71. Interviews given
  72. Talk show appearances
  73. Guest appearances on TV shows
  74. Cameo roles in movies
  75. Voice acting roles
  76. Charity auctions attended
  77. Humanitarian efforts
  78. Philanthropic donations made
  79. Personal causes supported
  80. Social justice activism
  81. Environmental activism
  82. Political activism
  83. Speeches delivered
  84. Public statements made
  85. Charity events hosted
  86. Fundraising campaigns endorsed
  87. Documentary appearances
  88. Reality TV show appearances
  89. Online streaming platform appearances
  90. YouTube channel content
  91. Podcast appearances
  92. Book authorship
  93. Book signings
  94. Poetry published
  95. Artwork created
  96. Home decor style
  97. Garden design preferences
  98. Vacation home locations
  99. Hidden talents
  100. Legacy aspirations




FSU, are you going to make VR educational videos anytime soon?


If you mean 3d or other videos that only work with headsets. No. But a lot of people watch our files using VR for maximum immersion


I grovel to women and a few of the women that got away because I messed it up. So it sit with my phone scrolling looking at porn hoping for some pleasure.