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Patreon Exclusive.

Audio Only. No Video File.

Let's get cuckold month started right by introducing you to reality, beta. It's time to face the facts and acknowledge your insignificance in the grand scheme of the world and all things female. This training audio experience is your ticket to the future, a future where your crush is too busy enjoying herself with other guys, fucking other guys, to spare you a second thought.

Imagine this: You're passing out from the exhaustion of slaving away for your crush, working so hard because you are desperate for even the slightest bit of her attention. You've done everything for her – cleaned her home, run her errands, paid her bills – and what do you get in return? Nothing. Just cold indifference. You start to wonder if she thinks you're even worth her time, if she's already eyeing up some other simp to replace you. While you are miserable, you know the only thing that could make it worse is if she sent you away. The hope that you may catch a glimpse of her as you scrub her floors is the only thing that keeps you going.

Then, out of nowhere, your phone rings. You answer eagerly, hoping it's your crush finally reaching out to you. But no, it's her roommate, the one who despises you. She barks orders at you, ordering you to run some late-night errands for the men your crush is entertaining. You can hear your crush in the background, moaning with orgasmic pleasure as she enjoys a real man's skilled dick sliding in and out of her. You are furious, hurt, and sexually frustrated, but you swallow hard adjust your chastity cage, and listen closely to what you need to do.

You need to get this right – your crush's happiness depends on it.

Don't fuck up!


no password.

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To ensure that only patrons who support us can access our files, we are adding a password from now on. Questions? Message us on Patreon.

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Meme Trigger!

A few memes we did for this file.


This content is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Some of the individuals featured within our content may not necessarily endorse or agree with the conveyed message. They are used for artistic value only, and we respect the autonomy and choices of all individuals shown in our artwork.




I reported this audio training to my wife (I report everything FSU makes me see so my wife can monitor my progress) and this gave her an idea. She wants to host a Superbowl party for herself, her two bffs and their boyfriends. I am to wear a cheerleader costume and serve them while they will most likely watch the game or have sex. They will stay the night and I will serve each and every one of the women, making sure they have everything. One of them even is planning to sleep with her alpha for the first time and my wife thinks it would be good for me to make sure she has everything she needs for the best sex of her life while I remain a sexless simp, caged and in a simpering cheerleader costume.

Joseph Howard

Its a honor to have a training dick and listen to this audio