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For the women of the world February is about hot sex and romance. But for simps, sissies, and beta boys it's about chastity.

Since it is of no interest to women why not lock that thing up and focus on making women happy in other ways.

Promise to have a diddle free month and certainly leave women alone.

We have plenty of cuckold content in the world that will keep you busy.

And don't worry we have more to come this month.

New training coming soon.



Beta Cuck

Well said Severin, It is good to here that so many betas such as you and I are hungry for a good education from our supreme female Gods. Always remember, women deserve the best and we should give them what they want. We must let FSU program our brains and learn to enjoy serving all women. Final note: Be proud to be a beta.


I just saw "Reinforcing Your Obedience Drive". Thank you so much! I'm grateful beyond measure for this training. With the help and encouragement of FSU I've remained primed since August (when She was last merciful) and my obedience drive has remained strong with my domestic service improving as a result. My Goddess Wife is trad-vanilla, but She knows, and makes fun of, my simp nature. This week She saw fit to use me, but without release. My Goddess is pleased, even as flawed as I am, and has rewarded me. I am SO happy! The adjustments to my old selfishness and the strengthening of my obedience drive are a direct result of my FSU training. Even when I was young and active in the BDSM scene I didn't have the proper attitude and reverence for the superior Female. The experience is now even more intense and meaningful to me as a result of your teachings.


It's a comfort to have the virtual comradery of my beta brothers here at FSU, Beta Cuck. What you said - "we should give women what they want" - is such a radical idea outside of the simp brotherhood. I feel sorry untrained betas who don't know the exquisite transcendence of surrender and service. What a waste. In that regard FSU has been transformative for me. FSU/theHIVE is my true alma mater! It's a funny idea to be a "proud" beta, but you're right. I've never felt 'less than' as a simp or a sub. Serving - and fearing - women has always felt 'right', and, the thought of it has always made my nickers twitch. How frustratingly delightful it is to embrace being manipulated and bullied by women, and how thankful I am to be able to serve. It's so nice to have this forum with other betas. Serve on, brother!