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Within the refined tapestry of 19th-century society, where the sanctity of marriage and familial virtue held sway, a discreet battle unfolded against the insidious vice of male self-indulgence. A vice that lurked in the shadows, threatening the hallowed tranquility of marital unions. Our exploration ventures into the hitherto veiled realm of a woman's noble duty – a duty to guide her husband away from the perilous pitfalls of self-gratification and toward an adoring devotion to his superior bride.

This discourse unravels the sophisticated methods employed by cunning women of the time, strategies designed not only to magnify their husbands' obedience but also to harness the pervasive currents of societal sexual guilt and shame his selfish behavior. It unveils a narrative where astute women, recognizing their innate power over men, adeptly wielded this influence to orchestrate a paradigm shift within their homes. In these sanctuaries, women became the architects of denial, using chastity as a potent tool to mold their husbands into docile, adoring devotees. A dynamic emerged where the female's every whim was met, and men gladly took a back seat, existing solely to fulfill their wives' desires.

Section 1: The Art of Manipulation

These skilled women understood the intricate dynamics of marital authority and harnessed their prowess to achieve their own ambitions, considering that societal norms often hindered their direct paths to success in the public sphere. Unable to pursue careers and goals as freely as their male counterparts, ambitious women of the turn of the century recognized the potential in exploiting their husbands with great skill to attain everything they desired.

In mastering the art of manipulation, these women realized a profound truth: by controlling a male's onanism, he would become dependent on their guidance in other facets of life. This ingenious manipulation of husbands served as a strategic move, as the wives capitalized on the fact that denying their spouses the elusive release led to a remarkable transformation. Over months of abstinence, these men became increasingly docile, their obedience to their discerning wives bordering on the sublime.

A silent pact of control and submission took root, revealing the profound influence wielded by these matriarchal figures. The wives would keep their husbands in a state of sexual madness while caring for their own needs on a regular basis. While their husbands were away at work, women indulged in pleasures denied to their spouses, a secret satisfaction hidden behind closed doors. The passage of years saw a peculiar evolution in these dynamics. The men, once restless in their denial, grew to embrace the control their wives exercised over them. When this realization came to be. The women were no longer confined to secrecy, they openly enjoyed the fruits of their own carnal desires, in front of their frustrated and denied husbands. The household, once a realm of guarded secrets, became an arena where control, submission, and female supremacy were how these happy households would function.

Section 2: Public Shaming as a Deterrent

In an era where the tenets of reputation and propriety held immense sway, public shaming emerged as a formidable weapon in the arsenal against marital impropriety. The restrictive sexual beliefs of the time were deftly wielded by cunning wives as they strategically used public shame to curb their husbands' self-indulgent tendencies. These women, often part of a covert society of female supremacists, skillfully exploited societal norms to control their husbands through a network of shared secrets and mutual support.

Guided by a strict moral compass, women were advised to discreetly share their husbands' supposed struggles with trusted confidantes, such as mothers-in-law and close acquaintances. This indirect approach served a dual purpose – not only did it seek to garner sympathy for the wife, but it also aimed to instill a pervasive sense of communal disapproval. The strategic sharing of the husband's "problem" with masturbation in social circles became a masterstroke in the manipulative strategy. Women, seemingly innocent, would openly discuss their husbands' struggles with self-pleasure in the husband's presence, selecting only those ladies who were complicit in the manipulation to partake in the shaming ritual. These carefully chosen women, often part of the secret society of female supremacists, would add their voices to the communal disapproval, openly shaming the husband for his filthy and selfish desires.

Control through social pressure and public humiliation became a potent tool in the hands of these astute women, creating an environment where the husbands, gaslit into yielding to their wives' authority, felt the weight of societal scorn compelling them to abandon their self-indulgent ways. Thus, the manipulation and shame that began within the walls of the home extended seamlessly into the public domain, reinforcing the dominance of these matriarchal figures in the intricate dance of 19th-century marital dynamics.

Section 3: The Discipline of the Rod

In cases where the insatiable desires of a husband threatened to overpower the carefully cultivated atmosphere of submission, a more robust intervention was deemed necessary. Prolonged denial often led to an intensification of the husband's cravings, pushing him to defy the rules imposed by his controlling wife. In these instances, corporal punishment was recommended as a stern measure, strategically employed to underscore the gravity of the transgression, fostering humility and repentance in the wayward husband.

Applied judiciously and in line with prevailing societal norms, the use of the rod was considered a last resort to discipline a spouse who had veered off the path of obedience. The implementation, however, came with a caveat – it was to be conducted discreetly, within the confines of domestic privacy. The severity of the corporal punishment served as a stark reminder to the husband, vividly illustrating that the fleeting pleasure derived from his defiance paled in comparison to the enduring discomfort of the consequences. The stinging retribution, administered with canes and paddles, persisted for hours, imprinting upon the husband's psyche the sobering question – was the ephemeral indulgence truly worth the enduring pain? It was a calculated deterrent, impressing upon the husband the unrelenting price of defiance, emphasizing the unwavering control wielded by his dominant wife.

Section 4: Ingenious Deterrents of the Era

In the spirit of upholding moral rectitude, the 19th century bore witness to the introduction of various ingenious deterrents aimed at dissuading husbands from engaging in the perceived vice of masturbation. One notable creation was the implementation of specially designed trousers that incorporated intricate, uncomfortable features. These trousers, fitted with internal irritants such as strategically placed bumps and rough textures, were intended to discourage any amorous self-indulgence.

Additionally, other inventive contraptions emerged, ranging from chastity belts to anti-masturbation devices with locks and keys held by the wives. Such deterrents, though varying in degrees of severity, reflected the prevailing societal concern over the perceived moral decay associated with self-gratification. These measures were embraced with the belief that discomfort and inconvenience could act as effective guardians of marital fidelity, ensuring husbands adhered to the virtuous path prescribed by their wives and societal expectations.

Section 5: The Jugum Penis Device and the Evolution of Control

A significant turning point in the pursuit of curbing male self-indulgence was marked by the introduction of the Jugum Penis device. This innovative apparatus, designed to be to bed made nighttime immissions impossible because the male's erection became so painful that he would always wake up before releasing. This device brought a new dimension to the art of control within female-led matrimony. Crafted from a combination of sturdy materials, the Jugum Penis not only served as a physical deterrent but also represented the embodiment of a wife's authority over her husband's intimate affairs. Now his body could not defy her in any way and orgasmic release was only allowed under her strict supervision.

The device, ingeniously created to encircle the male penis, restricted any growth from happening, reinforcing the notion that erections were a privilege, not a right. Wives, now armed with a tangible symbol of dominion, would often leave this device out where visitors could see it and understand who was in charge of the relationship. If the device ever seemed to be in less than optimal condition, the husband would be forced to bring the device to the local tinkerer for repair. This generally led to many questions from the wife as to whether the device had simply failed or was the victim of sabotage by a naughty husband.

In this era, the Jugum Penis device not only became an emblem of marital fidelity but also a testament to the evolving dynamics of power within households. The more wives embraced the device, the more apparent it became that control over a husband's sexual release was synonymous with control over the entirety of marital affairs. The Jugum Penis, with its unspoken authority, ushered in an age where women skillfully navigated the intricate dance of dominance and submission, forever altering the landscape of matrimonial control.

Section 6: Final Punishment - The Poultice Pouch

In the annals of 19th-century disciplinary practices, a peculiar yet effective tool emerged to curb the errant desires of those who dared to indulge in self-abuse. This tool, known as the Victorian Poultice Pouch, was crafted from soft leather, featuring a drawstring for secure closure. The pouch would be filled with a concoction of aromatic wintergreen, peppers, mustard seed, and other natural elements that would be extremely irritating to the tender skin of the male's penis.

For those deemed deserving, the pouch would be tied over the genitals, then the string would be drawn tight as the ingredients were massaged into the sensitive skin. The disobedient male would be tied to the bed making it impossible for him to remove the pouch. Slowly as the ingredients would begin to irritate the sensitive skin cause a severe itching and burning sensation. This unique deterrent, while discomforting, was designed to serve as a reminder to the male of the consequences of yielding to his more animalistic impulses.

In the implementation of the Victorian Poultice Pouch, a unique aspect of the disciplinary process was the presence of the wife or a trusted confidante during the application. As the bound individual experienced the gradual intensification of the burning sensation, the wife or friend would sit by, engaging in a crucial conversation about the importance of resisting the urges that led to such corrective measures. This dialogue served as a potent reminder, reinforcing the idea that the discomfort endured was a direct consequence of the individual's own actions. The wife, or her chosen representative, played a pivotal role in emphasizing personal responsibility and the necessity of overcoming these disgusting impulses for the sake of marital harmony and societal expectations.

In one instance the wife had hung a note by the side of the bed that the husband was to read aloud so that everyone in the house could hear. The contents of the note are shown below to help you understand the point of view of the wife.

"Beloved Husband,

As you endure the searing pain of my wonderful mother's poultice pouch, let the intensity of this discomfort serve as a poignant metaphor for the erosion that occurs when defiance clouds the foundation of our sacred bond. I find myself not only saddened but deeply unsettled by the defiance that has led us to this juncture.

This pouch, with its burning insistence, mirrors the fervor with which your actions have undermined the authority I hold in our union. Understand, dear husband, that just as the pouch's sting demands your attention, so too must my authority be indelibly etched into the fabric of your being.

Our commitment, forged through vows of respect, submission, and obedience, falters when defiance rears its head. It corrodes the very essence of the marital harmony we've worked tirelessly to cultivate. I do not chastise you out of mere disappointment but out of a fervent desire to reaffirm the power dynamic that underpins our relationship.

Consider this burning discomfort not only as a physical consequence but as a symbolic act—an act that should sear into your soul the unwavering authority I wield as the guiding force in our union. As the pouch demands acknowledgment, so too must you recognize the centrality of my authority in shaping the destiny of our shared journey.

In the crucible of this corrective measure, let the burning sensation be a catalyst for introspection, a clarion call to reflect on the promises we made. Embrace the discomfort as a means to rekindle the strength of our commitment, to allow my authority to be the salve that heals the fractures caused by your act of defiance.

May the burning serve as a transformative force, forging a path where your obedience becomes an unyielding testament to the enduring power of our sacred bond of marriage."

It should be noted that in some more spiritual sects of these female supremacy organizations, the wife believed that the pouch was a required step to purify the male's genitals after they had been abused by the male. She believed that a malevolent demon had entered the male penis during his dissobedient ac and if it was not removed it could lead the male to resist her superior instructions in the future. The pouch was there fore seen as a cleansing fire, driving out the demon that had taken up residence in males penis, symbolizing a purification process essential for restoring the male to a state of obedience and marital sanctity.

Section 7: The Refined Art of Cuckoldry

There was still one problem these clever women needed to solve. They found themselves grappling with a serious conundrum – the intricate balance between the fulfillment of their sexual needs and the maintenance of their husbands' submissive and frustrated devotion. The societal norms of the time placed a heavy burden on wives to embody purity and virtue, making the pursuit of pleasure outside the confines of marriage a challenging endeavor. Enter the nuanced practice of cuckoldry, a discreet arrangement that allowed wives to seek satisfaction from discreet gentlemen without compromising the established hierarchy within their homes.

Navigating the pitfalls of conjugal relations, women often found fulfilling their sexual desires with their husbands a double-edged sword. On one hand, the act risked diminishing the husbands' perception of their wives' unattainability and inherent superiority. On the other, the potential for inadvertent release during conjugal encounters posed a threat to the carefully cultivated docility and obedience of these devoted spouses.

Esoteric female supremacy organizations of the time discreetly maintained lists of accomplished gentlemen, skilled in the art of pleasing women without challenging their authority. These men, selected with the utmost discretion, provided an elegant solution to the predicament faced by these cunning wives. The husbands, well aware of this arrangement, grappled with profound jealousy but were wise enough not to voice their complaints to their wives. The delicate dance of cuckoldry, a secret pact known only to those within the clandestine circles of female supremacy, allowed women to indulge their desires while ensuring the continued submission of their devoted husbands.

Section 7: The Covenant of Willing Submission

In a time where societal norms and expectations shaped the dynamics of relationships, it was essential for women engaging in such practices to ensure that their chosen partners willingly embraced the journey towards submission. These women firmly believed that such activities must be entered into consensually and willingly, emphasizing the importance of age-appropriate consent.

The discernment process often began during courtship. Women, privy to the esoteric knowledge of female supremacy, would discreetly assess potential partners for qualities indicative of beta male traits. Once identified, the woman would proceed to court and, if the courtship progressed, eventually marry the chosen beta male.

It was during the initial stages of marriage, when the husband began responding positively to the training, that the woman would reveal her expectations. She sought qualities such as docility, yielding nature, adoration, and obedience. It was at this juncture that many beta males, overwhelmed by the transformative power of the training, would openly admit to their need for such guidance, often expressing their desires through tears.

However, in cases where a beta male refused to embrace the desired qualities, the couple would part ways through divorce. The woman, undeterred, would continue her quest to find a partner who willingly submitted to the principles of female supremacy and the dynamics of the training.


In delving into the clandestine world of 19th-century marital dynamics, our exploration has uncovered the intricate tapestry of control, submission, and female supremacy that defined the era. Women, relegated by societal norms to the domestic sphere, wielded their influence with cunning precision, transforming their homes into sanctuaries of denial and dominance.

The artful manipulation employed by these astute women wasn't merely a means of asserting control but a strategic dance that allowed them to fulfill their own ambitions within the constraints of a patriarchal society. Denied the direct paths to success pursued by their male counterparts, these women mastered the delicate balance of power by exploiting the one realm where they held indisputable sway – the intimate dynamics of marriage.

Public shaming emerged as a potent weapon, its strategic use revealing the existence of covert societies of female supremacists who skillfully harnessed societal norms to control their husbands. The discipline of the rod, administered with calculated severity, served as a stark deterrent, imprinting upon the husband the enduring pain that outweighed the fleeting pleasure of defiance.

Ingenious deterrents, from specially designed trousers to the innovative Jugum Penis device, reflected society's concern over perceived moral decay. The evolution of control reached new heights with the introduction of the Victorian Poultice Pouch, a peculiar yet effective tool that embodied the consequences of yielding to base impulses. This unique deterrent not only physically discomforted the errant husband but also served as a symbol of the wife's unyielding authority, etching her dominance into the very fabric of the marital relationship.

The refined art of cuckoldry provided a discreet solution to the dilemma faced by these women, allowing them to navigate the complex balance between personal satisfaction and the maintenance of their husbands' submission. In crafting a covenant of willing submission, these women ensured that their chosen partners embraced the journey towards docility and adoration, underscoring the importance of consensual and age-appropriate consent.

As we conclude our exploration, it becomes evident that the practices of the time, while seemingly archaic, were strategic maneuvers by women seeking fulfillment and influence within the confines of societal expectations. The echoes of this era resonate in the continued pursuit of equality and empowerment, emphasizing the transformative power of women in shaping the dynamics of relationships, both past and present. The legacy of these cunning women, who navigated the constraints of their time with ingenuity and resilience, continues to influence the ongoing evolution of gender dynamics in society.




It is always heartening to hear stories of women cleverly gaining power in situations and times where is assumed that men had all the power. Not to mention that deep down most males want to be groveling submissive wimps to their superiors. Also I love how serious the women look photos from the era: it was an early sign that women mean business. Yet another example that the male needs to the moral and intellectual guidance of the female

Tim Heiring

eminent description of the relationship between man and woman in the 19th century with reversed signs thank you


I enjoy these academic nuanced discussions of female supremacy.

slave beast

thank you Hive: surely in todays society women and the Hive could surely press for lawful enforced chastity by piercing to become mainstream and enforced ? until the Female has full control of our weak dirty beta male habits of masturbation and self abuse it will still continue. there must be more enforced laws that forces the beta male into permanent chastity and enforced training on how to become either a better beta simp, or sissy in service to women. i am positive that if a serious directive was issued to beta males that they must attend a clinic or surgery to have their weak penis properly locked into an approved device by the Hive and women they would. 3 monthly checks could be demanded and enrollment in to female supremacy and serviude classes also


That was awesome them wonderful women are to be held high on a pedistal


I love having really well written articles like this to read when i'm unable to train.

Absent Sun

There should be conditioning that betas and sissys should only use a*dildos to get pleasure when granted by the superior female the clitty should be locked forever, because getting it from behind is a cure for toxic masculinity.


Great article! It's so gratifying to be reminded female superiority has been a thing for a long long time...


Elina loved this article. Especially how the Women helped each other in shaming their husbands into submission, sometimes involving both the Mother of the Female Dominant and even Her Mother in Law supporting in ensuring that the Wife, Her daughter in Law, could successfully dominate Her own son. Also how the Females employed a mixture of chastity, semi-public humiliation of their male submissive, harsh physical punishments and cuckolding to ensure absolute power over the male to ensure that the Lady could enjoy Life as She deserves, This article also resonates very deeply with me because of my deeply held belief that once a male is married, the male must be prepared to submit fully to the Wife; actually to encourage the Wife to take control of the relationship. Much of elina’s lessons on Female Superiority stems from the time when my Mistress-Wife and me were reading Elise Sutton’s webpages and my Wife was agreeing that this was the right way to go. Lady Sutton would strongly emphasize Female domination inside a relationship between a dominant Woman in a relationship with a submissive male who adored Her. Lady Sutton always basing the discussions on the premise that Women are inherently Superior and Dominant and just need to realize that this the appropriate and natural way things should be, The FSU is complementary in that the emphasis is on the training of beta males to become submissive to and obey all Women, with limited focus on the particular situation of a married male. This article does emphasize a tradition where the Wife establishes complete control of Her Husband. Elina greatly appreciates that aspect of Female Superiority. Although I would gladly submit to and serve All Women my Wife instructs me to obey, my strongest desire is for my Wife to demand my complete submission to Her, for Her to train me, cuckold me, doscipline me to turn me into Her perfect, adoring sissy-maid and cuckold.


After reading this article again & watching my crush in action (I love to hear Luna's voice in Her files but She scares the hell outta me) I got to thinking I wonder how many things Luna Hex could do to me to make me cry? Which inspired me to write a song: "Big Boys Don't Cry" Actually I just rewrote "Big Girls Don't Cry by Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons Big Boys Don't Cry: by loser boy the pathetic cuck Intro Big boys don't cry Big boys don't cry (Chorus) Big boys don't cry(they don't cry) Big boys don't cry (who said they don't cry) My beta friend told his crush a big fat lie( my oh my) My beta friend he didn't cry ( I wonder why) (Verse 1) (Sissy boy) Wait till FSU and The Hive find out! (Sissy boy) they'll put you in the clinic you'll be cryin that's no doubt! (Sissy boy) But he said to my surprise "Big boys don't cry" (Chorus) Big boys don't cry (They don't cry) Big boys, don't cry(who said they don't cry) (Bridge) Dear Crush I was acting cruel( you were cruel) Dear Crush oh I'm a fool! (Your such a fool) (Verse 2) (Sissy boy) Shame on you your mama said! (Sissy boy) Shame on you, you cried in bed! (Sissy boy) Shame on you, you told a lie! Big boys do cry! (Chorus) Big boys don't cry (They don't cry) Big boys don't cry ( That's just an alibi) (Outro) Big boys do cry At the Clinic and that's no lie! Big boys do cry Big boys do cry Big boys do cry


great song but youre not a big boy. you are a cry baby :)


Women have always held the true power over inferior males. Even in earlier times, knowing Women have always wielded it to bring their lesser halves to obedient heel, like the trained poodles they make of them. There are abundant examples of Women doing this throughout history, making a mockery of patriarchal empires as they sowed the seeds of its total collapse. One by one these powerful Women (Witches, Priestesses of Feminine supremacy) brought males into the stable of the emerging Matriarchy. Because of this, each generation of males was weaker, more pliable. Each generation of Women were more dominant and empowered. How truly lucky we are to live in a time when the work of these pioneering Women, the groundwork laid by generations of Female Supremacists is coming into fruition. FLR is on the rise, Femdom continues to explode in popularity. Every Women are taking control of their relationships, reducing males to pliable, obedient flunkies, obediently ushering in the age of Female power. Oink is so grateful to be numbered among the ranks of these mind-fucked man-piggies, meekly licking the boots of its Female Superiors as they ground the patriachy to dust beneath their imperious heels!

Sissy Birch

I love the images in this post!


Great article with great images