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As we step into the dawn of a new year, we've embraced a theme that encapsulates a transformative journey for our community: "Pussy No More in 2024." In this pursuit of personal growth and empowerment, we encourage you to delve into the significance of being entirely pussy-free. It's important to acknowledge that while some of you may serve women who permit engagement with this sacred aspect of female anatomy, the key lies in ensuring that such interactions are unequivocally initiated and embraced by her.

Now, let's address the nuanced nature of beta males. It's imperative to dispel any self-deception and clarify a fundamental principle: genuine consent and initiation must emanate from the woman. If she has taken the lead, expressed her intentions, and consistently instigated all sexual activities, it is a manifestation of her autonomous decision. However, if there's any trace of manipulation on your part—whether through whining, feigned competence, or misleading signals—such behavior is deemed unacceptable.

In this discourse, we aim to elucidate the paramount importance of this commitment and present a structured agreement, allowing you to embrace periods of abstinence. While our primary focus remains on the benefits to women, there's an often-overlooked facet of this process that warrants attention: the profound relief you'll experience upon signing the agreement.

This relief emanates from the acceptance that, for the designated timeframe, you relinquish the pursuit of something you do not truly deserve. It liberates you from the persistent struggle to embody a persona you're not. You are not a “real man” and your penis is not intended for sex. And by signing the agreement it allows you to authentically embrace who you really are, recognizing the value you, as a simp, sissy, or beta male, can bring to the women in your world. This newfound clarity is not confining; rather, it's a source of beta liberation, granting you the freedom from failing to satisfy women sexually to providing something genuinely meaningful, your obedience, to the all women.

Manipulating Male Attraction

Now, let's delve into the core purpose of embracing this agreement, the real essence of the lifestyle we encourage. It's about understanding that women wield a profound power—your attraction to them—and utilizing this dynamic to manipulate and exploit you. In the realm of beta males, comprehending this truth is crucial; it defines your purpose in life—to be a simp, a sissy, an obedient beta male. These are the qualities women will find attractive in you, not your personality, opinions, or sexual prowess, which they can easily find in others. What sets you apart is your attraction and the vulnerability it brings.

While conventional masculinity might resist the idea of being exploited by women they are attracted to, you, as a beta male, will learn to embrace it. It becomes an inevitable part of the only relationship dynamic you will cultivate with women. When you willingly commit to being pussy-free, women will keenly sense it. They'll recognize your attraction but, more importantly, discern your sexual intimidation. This realization grants them a powerful sense of control—an assurance that you won't assert yourself in any way.

You become what is known as a "safe male," someone they can be around without fearing unwanted advances. Yet, concurrently, they are fully aware of your deep attraction. These are the unmistakable signs of a trained beta male—a simp or sissy whose ego has been purposefully deflated. Women, reveling in this newfound power, will delight in bossing you around while simultaneously flirting with other men. In this realm, you become their "little helper," "special friend," or, in less flattering terms, the "Beta Boyfriend" or simply, the "Simp."

In embracing this truth, you embark on a journey where the sweet sting of your attraction becomes the foundation for a unique and fulfilling relationship dynamic—a dynamic where you find purpose and women find satisfaction in your unwavering obedience.

Establishing Safe Exploitation

The role of a simp is not merely a fantasy but a tangible and beneficial dynamic embraced by many women today. Central to the simp's identity is the assurance of safety. It's imperative that she knows, regardless of your level of arousal, you won't attempt any physical engagement—no kissing, hugging, or touching unless explicitly directed to do so.

Some simps might mistakenly believe it's acceptable to mimic the actions of a girlfriend: brushing up against their crush, offering small hugs, or planting kisses on the cheek. However, we must be unequivocal: such behavior is highly inappropriate. The key difference is the awareness that she possesses regarding your sexual attraction. She may question whether you're exploiting her for sexual thrills if you initiate physical contact. Therefore, it's essential to maintain complete passivity unless she directs otherwise.

Even in instances where she tests your self-control—perhaps teasingly grinding against you—your role is to remain composed and passive. Women administer these tests to ensure that you've genuinely learned self-control, and they won't tolerate a male who pretends to be a simp for mere show.

Once she ascertains your niceness and passivity—your willingness to be completely manipulated without expecting anything in return—she'll recognize that you've embraced the understanding that sex is entirely off the table. This acknowledgment of safety opens the door to new forms of relationships where she has complete control, utilizing your attraction to fulfill her desires. In this space, she orchestrates the dynamics, and you willingly play your role as a safe and obedient simp.

One-Way Attraction: Power Dynamic

In the world of beta simps, nothing is more ingrained than the one-way attraction power dynamic. If you haven't encountered this term before, it encapsulates a scenario where the simp or sissy becomes increasingly infatuated with their crush, while the crush holds little to no reciprocal attraction. This dynamic is a hallmark of beta males who tend to gravitate towards powerful, confident women while exhibiting docile and insecure traits themselves. It often leads the crush to find them somewhat repulsive, as assertiveness is a quality she likely values in those she allows into her inner circle. However, the simp represents the refined version of this power dynamic.

A simp is characterized by persistent attempts to gain approval even in the face of rejection. They tirelessly strive to win their crush over through selfless acts, though these endeavors yield no substantial progress in the relationship. However, true simp dynamics only manifest when the superior female, the crush, recognizes the simp's nature and actively decides to exploit him. This happens when she deliberately seeks to keep him around, reveling in the goods and services he offers.

Your crush's ability to string you along reaches its zenith in this dynamic. Unlike untrained males in similar situations, where the female must occasionally stroke his false male ego to maintain the illusion that he might eventually receive the sought-after reward—whether a physical encounter or an intimate kiss. In reality, she harbors no intention of fulfilling these promises, and the relationship inevitably unravels. The male, too proud to admit his assigned place, often sabotages the connection, leading to his dismissal.

However, a since you have agreed to stop all pursuit of the “pussy”, and you've committed to no longer pursuing any form of sexual engagement with women, your crush will understand that your intentions are not driven by sexual desires. Your sole purpose is to please her, to obediently follow her lead, and to exist solely for her satisfaction. With this newfound clarity, the power dynamic is solidified, and your role as a simp takes on a more defined and purposeful form as she exploits you, full confidence that you understand exactly what the nature of the relationship is. Sure she may still lead you on from time to time, or play amusing little head games with you. These are just ways she enjoys your desperation which is her right as a woman.

Restrictions on Depictions: Focus and Education

Your crush desires one fundamental thing from you: respect and obedience toward all women. This expectation extends to your interactions with depictions of female genitals, which she views no differently than if those depictions were of herself. Picture this scenario: if your crush were to discover that, as a simp, you were looking at explicit images of her, she would be furious. She understands that, deep down, you may still harbor a certain perversion, and the last thing she wants is to envision you viewing her in a state of undress. In her eyes, respecting all women in the same manner you respect her is non-negotiable.

Acknowledging that you will inevitably experience sexual desires toward women is essential. It's a normal aspect of your nature and will be addressed later in our discussions. However, acting on those desires by seeking out explicit material is deemed unacceptable and exploitative. As part of this agreement, you commit to refraining from viewing depictions or even observing naked women in person. Establishments like strip clubs or all-nude fetish shows are to be avoided. The intimate parts of a woman are not for your consumption. By merely looking at them, you violate the woman who is likely showcasing her body for her own enjoyment—never anticipating it to be consumed by a beta simp like yourself.

Women understand your purpose and recognize that you require substantial training to fully embody your potential as a spineless sissy or devoted simp. They have no desire to corrupt your path. Instead, they want you to focus on a woman's superior intellect, her commanding and domineering personality, and her bossy and bullying personality. These are the aspects of a woman that excite your loins and make you obsess and adore them. The allure of the female anatomy may be something you yearn to see and engage with, but it is a desire that will remain rightfully unfulfilled. You'll crave the sight of it, longing to witness its beauty, yet feeling a profound sense of guilt if you so much as accidentally catch a glimpse of a woman’s most intimate parts.

Controlled Desires: Exploitable Strength

A prevalent misconception among beta males is the belief that women desire the eradication of their sexual yearnings. Contrarily, most women prefer that you silently yearn for them, with your lust controlled in the recesses of your mind. When confronted with moments such as seeing them clad only in panties, a brief imagining of what lies beneath should be the extent of your desires. In situations where your crush engages with a 'real man,' she desires your burning jealousy, coupled with anger and frustration, as you dutifully serve them both.

For women, confidence is derived from the knowledge that you desire them intensely, irrespective of your status as a beta male. Even for those perceived as less assertive, the feeling of being wanted and lusted after remains inherently satisfying. This sentiment intensifies when women are aware that seemingly mundane activities, like strolling in a bikini by the pool, drive you to a state of insanity.

Contrary to the misconception that women aim to eliminate the desire to see explicit content, they, in fact, want you to crave it. This craving becomes a tool, compelling you further into submission. The power dynamic reaches its zenith when your crush realizes that a simple movement of her panties could grant you access to what has been denied for so long—a glimpse of her most intimate places presented provocatively.

The allure lies in the denial, much like a tantalizing treat just out of reach. As your need grows and you are denied all depictions of female genitalia, a fixation develops. Despite your earnest attempts to please, the unattainable remains, fostering a sense of inferiority. Women, aware of your addiction and the inexorable craving for that which is forbidden, exploit this vulnerability in numerous captivating ways.

At some point, you will be desperate to recall even what a pussy looks like. You will see that soft mound under your crush's panties as she relaxes on the couch and be desperate to dash to the closest computer to see what treasure she is hiding under there. You know that just seeing a pussy will cause your brain to be hit with intense pleasure. But you realize that to do so would be an act of defiance as well as being exploitative to women everywhere. Pussy is not for you and that is what you agreed to.


To effectively engage with the Abstinence Engagement Compact, follow these step-by-step directions:

1. Handwriting the Agreement:

  • Use a pen to transcribe the entire Abstinence Engagement Compact onto a sheet of paper.
  • Insert the current date where indicated and establish a reasonable engagement period, noting the start and end dates.

2. Signing the Agreement:

  • After a thorough review, sign the agreement at the designated space.

3. Posting on Social Media:

  • Capture a clear photo or scan of the handwritten agreement.
  • Share the image on your social media platforms, inviting followers to join the conversation or share their experiences.

4. Highlighting and Displaying:

  • Highlight the start and end dates on the agreement for easy reference.
  • Display the agreement in a prominent location, ensuring the highlighted dates remain visible.

5. Regular Review and Renewal:

  • Schedule routine reviews of the agreement, considering whether to renew the contract for another term.
  • Reflect on your experiences during the engagement period.

Stay committed, and may this process serve as a continuous reminder of your dedication to the principles outlined in the Abstinence Engagement Compact.

Abstinence Engagement Compact

This Abstinence Engagement Compact ("Compact") is entered into by the undersigned individual ("Participant") on this [date], establishing the terms as follows.

I. Engagement Period:

This Abstinence Engagement Compact shall be effective from [start date] to [end date], hereinafter referred to as the "Engagement Period," during which the Participant voluntarily consents to the behavioral guidelines set forth herein.

II. Behavioral Commitments:

Abstinence from Coital Activities: The Participant irrevocably commits to abstain from all forms of coital activities during the Engagement Period, inclusive of coitus, oral-genital contact, and any acts involving female genitalia.

Cessation of Sexual Pursuits: The Participant pledges to unequivocally cease the pursuit of any sexual activities with women throughout the duration of this Compact. Such abstention encompasses flirtation, dating, and engagement in any activities suggesting the Participant's sexual availability.

Visual Restrictions: The Participant shall refrain from the intentional seeking or viewing of uncensored depictions of nude or partially clothed females in any media, inclusive of but not limited to pornography and artistic magazines, as well as refraining from in-person exposure in settings such as strip clubs and fetish shows.

III. Allowable Activities: During the Engagement Period, the Participant is permitted to engage in the following activities, deemed acceptable by the Compact:

Simping for Women: Simping is defined within the context of a platonic friendzone relationship, characterized by genuine admiration and support for women without the expectation of romantic involvement.

Training with Female Supremacy Content: The Participant may actively engage in training with content provided by the Female Supremacy University (FSU) and theHIVE to enhance their understanding and commitment to the principles outlined in this Compact.

Obsessing and Adoring Certain Women: The Participant may obsess and adore certain women in a respectful way, demonstrating admiration without pursuing romantic relationships.

IV. Jealousy and Desires: By initialing this section, the Participant acknowledges and agrees to actively cultivate a respectful form of jealousy and desire toward women. This involves nonverbal expressions and actions that demonstrate adoration and respect, without seeking romantic relationships.

V. Consequences of Violation: In the event of a material breach of this Compact, the Participant obligates themselves to remit financial restitution, equivalent to no less than 1/10th of the Participant's weekly remuneration, to a charitable organization supporting women in business and university-level education. The Parties expressly refrain from endorsing any specific charities for legal considerations.

VI. Termination Procedures: Upon the termination of the Abstinence Engagement Compact, the Participant shall deliberate on their experiences and determine the advisability of entering into subsequent contractual engagements.

By affixing their signature below, the Participant acknowledges a comprehensive understanding and voluntary acceptance of the principles and obligations delineated in this legally binding Abstinence Engagement Compact.

Participant's Signature: _______________________
Date: _______________________

This agreement is binding with theHIVE, FSU and all women.

thehive.center | obeywomen.pink | patreon.com/obeywomen




Was #pussyfree2023 now #pussynomore2024

Matthew Pilarski

I'm so glad I can now make it official. When asked I can simply pull out the paperwork. Thank you all and Happy New Year. A new year. A new me

James Gilbert

Hi,I kinda was for over 18 months now, but since joining this,I have found a calling.I will try copy this down,like Matthew said and have the paperwork,Happy New Year.


My mind crush tinkered with my brain and PC set-up just now to add a "-Vagina" to all search results ever. Bye 2023 memories and Happy New Year of FSU 🎆🚫

Anonymous Human

If I am not wrong, one of the conditions of contract is that oink is not allowed to look at nude/seminude(women in laungerie or less clothes) willingly.

Anonymous Human

So oink will have to unfollow all models who show skin on Instagram.. and a lot of times while listening to training audios oink scrolls Instagram to stimulate oink..

Anonymous Human

Also has one question, the fsu patreon page itself have images of women nude or semi nude . So what to do in this case?

Sissy Jenny

As a sissy I’ve always been pussyfree never have had sex with a woman. I knew better with having a clitty. Now it being permanently locked away I never could. I’ve only ever been fucked by actual men and some of my lady friends have used a strap on. But the rule about not even looking at pussy. Is one I haven’t really thought about but since you brought it to my attention is absolutely necessary same with not looking at her boobs either


We see breasts different. Since the patriarchy forces women to cover their breasts. We encourage women to expose their breasts as a form of liberation and betas just need to see them as a symbol of female power and authority


Imagine how truly happy and satisfied would women be if the so called beta males would have normal sexual and romantic connection with women!! Just trust that the gentle men are able to offer you true happiness! And not separate the Knight archetype aka beta male from the Warrior archetype aka "real man"Diminishing their qualities making them so dumb and controllable so not to hurt you again. I understand you had awful experiences with stupid immature men both "beta and alpha" but is a shame you can't see and allow manifest the possibilities of the Magician man or the King man. Standing by your side even in a lower position with you above our Witch our Queen. Happy New Year with more wisdom

slave beast

thank you hive yes i am pussyfree and shall reamain so until my death


my emoji is my crush and her bestie having a threesome with a real man. She gave to me as the only image or visual i. will ever have of her in a state of undress. she said she wants me to know what i do not deserve


Dear Superior Ladies of the FSU, I fully accept and endorse making a commitment to be pussy-free and so enjoyed your rationale for why this is necessary and correct. My major struggle as a a married male is that I will never sign anything that would limit my Superior Wifes ability to use me for anyhting that suited Her. I could not find any statement in the ABstinence Engagement Compact that alluded to that. Please will it be permissible to sign this as it is, but inserting one statement explicitly stating that nothing in this agreement shall prevent me from obeying any order from my Superior Wife.


Apparently you did not read the article. I guess we could have made an exception in the agreement but we do mention it in the article.


This submissive did redd the article, which is why I could not understand why this was not inluded in the agreement we are instructed to sign.


Your superior Female Highnesses, Dearest staff at the FSU and HIVE elina today followed instructions and made a handwritten version of the Abstinence Engagement Compact, with start date today 2nd January and end date 31st of December 2024. Given that the title of this article is "Pussy no more in 2024", elina felt that making the commitment for a full year was the appropriate thing to do in attempt to Obey the Superior Females Here. For elina, this marks a new level of commitment to Obey Women and focus only on their needs. elina's sissy clitty was twitching in its cage as elina studied the text in depth and later while writing out the handwritten agreement and signing it. Thank you so much for making elina make this commitment, I truly believe and hope it will have a significant impact on my attitude towards women and stimulate my future learning Here at the FSU. Given the dialogue above, elina did take the liberty to add the following clause at the end of Section III allowable Activities: "Nothing in this compact shall be interpreted as imposing any limitations for the Participant with respect to obeying every and all orders issued by the WIfe of the Participant or other Female Supremacists". elina hopes that You will agree that this imposes no contradictions to the Compact as originally written and is within the spirit of article as published by the FSU. Stating this explicitly feels very important to this beta male.


As an inferior beta I applaud the sincere display of respect elina shows to FSU instructors. It sets a good example for us all.


Thank you Severin for noticing that, it was very sweet of you. And thank You Superior Ladies of the FSU for liking Severin's comment, that means a lot to elina


I really think I need to do this as I believe out of respect for the women here I must do every activity put forward I came here to learn and to get this male ego brainwashed out of me so follow orders I shall do Quick question if I may since I'm new here I'm wondering is there an order I should follow or since there is tons of back wonderful lessons should I just go through till I've completed them all interacting with each one so you know I did it and keep up with the new stuff as well of coarse. Right now I work at home so i have lots time to put forth so I ask You Fine Ladies to use me all you desire & please be as aggressive as extreme in me getting caught up as You would like. I do have my heart in it but being a loser beta as I am I tend to try to skate out the easy way allot, though I'm quite sure You won't let me get away with that


So right its our fault and duty to learn respect so women can be as free as they choose


we suggest starting with the newer files and selecting files that speak to you. they will have the most impact.


Also Your Highness would I post my paper in here as well? or just post about it on twitter


I will go detail read the whole thing again but there is no chance I won't do this as no matter what you instruct me I am fully to submit to like it or not I'll learn


Or since things are in order i wonder if I should start at the beginning and work this way till caught up


Ok well I finished this task I posted my compact to Twitter & I am proudly displaying it in a frame next to my bed! These compacts /contracts are good on me it helps me stay on task if I know there are consequences for not. I will gladly sign any contracts/compacts that the FSU would like me to that will strengthen your hold on me while I'm in training which probably will be forever cause as long as you put content out I'm to be absorbing it. I'm ready to give this my total all in no restrictions only following orders it's just I tend to have male arrogance at times so I need a harsh hand here and there and a watchful eye. I would really love if there was a curriculum to follow, tests to make sure we're following orders and learning with and harsh discipline if we don't. I do have such a fear of your power over me that it would just help keep me in line.


I think you need to do more training. The goddesses at FSU have always told us breasts are not to be covered to rebuke the patriarchy. It is the patriarchy that made breasts sexual when they are instead a symbol of power and freedom


Boy I tell ya, the chastity thing is no problem to keep from masturbating. The part I'm having the most trouble is not looking upon women naked body's as sexual, I didn't realize how bad I was and objectifying women everyday! And even though it's a sin my dumb beta brain wants to look upon women sexually and objectify them, so I just need to get deep on the brainwashing and reprogramming my dumb beta brain. It may want to but I haven't let it I'm still good since signing the compact and I plan on staying good throughout. It's a challenge though as so much lifestyle change had to immediately take place so I'm not going online or off anywhere that I could see women unclothed I have no right!

Beta Cuck

I am pleased to be a part of FSU and I thirst for more education to help me to become a better servant to my wife the superior leader. I want my wife to be fully happy as I do everything for her. We had sex when we first got married and I was not good at it at all. I can't hold it when I penetrate and I ejaculate just as soon as I insert my penis in her. She has told me that I am not built for sex and she has decided to keep me around for me to serve her. She has also expressed a desire to have sex with men who were more worthy and she has chosen an alpha to take care of her needs. Wanting her happiness, I have learned to accept her desires as he services her on a frequent basis. "In life, we all have a place, and I have found that sex is not for me. My wife runs the family and makes all the decisions. Its a good feeling to serve her and I feel privileged to have her in my life.


My wife did this technique which I think really helped me. She says women should be free and naked, and the fact that I am not allowed to see her should not stop her from being free. So as a result she is naked or in lingerie as much as she likes, I am not a sexual object to her in any case, but the onus is on me to make her not feel disgusted and not to look at her naked. So if I need to leave the room I should, or if I need to be blindfolded I should. Something that she helped me through is to look either at her feet or at her eyes. It helps. I do not want to see naked women anymore as I don't deserve them but they can be as naked as they want and if I ask them to cover up because of my sick fetishes and desires I am reinforcing the patriarchy that I've worked so hard to overcome


well said. yes. she should never have to cover herself. those days are over

sissy jamieanne

As a beta, simp and sissy I understand I am to be pussy free in all ways. I am not even to view the likenesses of nude Females in media as this is an affront to all Superior Women. Thank You for this reminder…I will hand write the compact, sign it and post it in the appropriate social media.

Sandro D.

Thanks for this great post. I embrace that as a beta I will never try to see or feel pussy anymore.


Developing intense desire never to be fulfilled is the lot of the simp. I believe this is why FSU and theHIVE don’t believe in castration. The fact that we can keep our balls not only allows us to develop incredible desire, but in chastity, gives women full and swollen targets to punish. It’s a blessing for us in that it gives us the attention we crave.