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  • Patreon - Virtues And Vices Of Simps And Sissies-sm.mp4



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Greetings, simps, sissies, and beta dorks! Luna Hex here, the unapologetic voice of your Female Supremacy University Podcast. Hold on to your fragile egos because we're about to unravel the secrets that will make or break you in the world of domineering and controlling women.

In this scintillating episode, I lay bare the virtues and vices that every beta must learn to navigate. It's not for the faint-hearted, as this may go against everything the stupid patriarchy has taught you.

Are you ready to absorb the harsh truths and unlock the path to serving a superior woman correctly? This episode is your ticket to mastering the skills that will attract the stern and domineering lady of your dreams into your life. If you ingrain this education into your daily life you will be certain to not fuck up your next chance to become completely twisted up over a wonderfully exploitative woman. It will help you put her needs and desires above your own in everything you do, and anything you think.

So please give it a listen and then be sure to keep these teachings on your mind at all times.

Remember to listen often for best results.

Quick Reference

🔥 Discover the Virtues:

  • Compliance: Learn the art of unwavering obedience and why it's the cornerstone of your liberation.
  • Neatness: Embrace impeccable tidiness and orderliness for a harmonious environment pleasing to superior women.
  • Sweetness: Uncover the power of a pleasant, kind, and approachable attitude that benefits the women around you.

⚠️ Beware the Vices:

  • Desire: Understand the dangers of selfish actions and neglecting women's needs, paving the way for true submission.
  • Individualism: Explore the pitfalls of pursuing personal goals over female collective needs, reshaping your mindset.
  • Pride: Delve into the offensive nature of pride in a female supremacy world and learn why humility is your key to true happiness.


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I will also say the Hive being an organization of women female supremacists with a goal of dumbing up and training the beta males to serve women correctly. That I have a goal to work until I die doing all I can to help that become a reality in every day life for us as a soldier for the matriarchy that must be Martyred for the cause.


I just love Luna so much! She has a way of speaking to my brain that I could never deny anything she told me! She could rewrite my entire brain to be the dumbest, prancing sissy simp cuck on the market and I would have not a thing I could do I fear her so much! I need to offer my schedule for women to be able to adjust my time as most suits them as it will much better me! To any of the divine females of the Hive & FSU please feel free to modify my living or training schedules to best suit you or women anywhere especially Luna! While I'm training at the FSU my time is your time and the more of it gets used the more I'll learn, cause I really do have a lot of free time yet I'm definitely no good at managing it


There is so much wonderful info in all these back files that I could spend a few years going over just what you have here!


Thank you I'm embracing my new life style