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Abstract: This paper explores a paradigm shift in understanding the beta male's place in modern society. It suggests that the beta male's apparent libido may be, in fact, a sophisticated obedience drive intricately evolved to harmonize with a female-centric world. This revisionist perspective postulates that the patriarchy has egregiously misconstrued the nature of the beta male, leading to perplexing consequences. This article delves into the phenomenon of beta males fetishizing their humiliation at serving women so completely that they give no consideration for their own esteem in the eyes of society (the simp), and how women should harness the beta male's unique fixations to further their control over them in ways that benefit the female. This would align with what we see in other animals that prioritize the needs of the female over that of the male.

Introduction: Our perpetual exploration of the intricate web of human relations has unearthed an astounding revelation—a reevaluation of the intended beta male's role in modern society. We endeavor to shed light on the beta male's so-called "libido", which is, at its core, an obedience drive skillfully molded by human evolution to adapt to an increasingly female-centric world. Furthermore, we acknowledge the insidious impact of the patriarchy, which has perpetuated mass confusion surrounding the beta male's intrinsic nature. The result has been the transformation of the beta male's obedience drive into a peculiar fetish for humiliation and degradation at the hands of controlling, manipulative, and often cruel women.

The Obedience Drive Unveiled: A Natural Progression: As we delve deeper into the anthropology of gender relations, it becomes apparent that the beta male's unique disposition is not merely the result of social conditioning or masturbatory fantasy. Our theory posits that beta males possess an obedience drive, diligently refined by evolution, in harmony with the rising prominence of female authority in a thriving human population.

In a society where female supremacy is celebrated, the beta male's role evolves to cater to the needs of women. It is our belief that this obedience drive, seemingly misconstrued as a conventional sex drive, reveals a deeper understanding of beta males' motivations and the innate synergy between genders.

The Patriarchy's Insidious Confusion: The enduring enigma is how the patriarchy has consistently muddled the definition and role of the beta male in society. Over centuries, this systemic manipulation has misguided the male population into believing that their obedience drive is, in fact, a sex drive. This colossal misunderstanding has set beta males on a path fraught with potential humiliation and embarrassment. A life of failure where both males and females must suffer the indignity of beta male coitus.

In recent times the confusion induced by the patriarchy has culminated in the fetishization of this humiliation among beta males. To some, the act of serving strong women becomes a declaration of their weakness and complete compliance with the explicit unreasonable orders of controlling and manipulative women. Rather than resist this pattern, beta males seem to have embraced it, finding a peculiar satisfaction in the apparent surrender of the dominance the patriarchy offers them.

Harnessing the Obedience Drive Fetish: In light of these perplexing developments, it is crucial for us to contemplate the potential applications of the beta male's fetish for humiliation. The author believes that this peculiar fixation can be harnessed to maximize women's control over these beta males. It becomes a powerful tool for manipulating these individuals to fulfill women's desires and needs. And this fulfills the purpose of the obedience drive.

By directing the beta male's humiliation fetish toward constructive service and submission, women can tap into a unique resource to enhance their own lives while nurturing the beta male's sense of purpose. The deliberate utilization of these fetishes could be a groundbreaking approach to achieving a more harmonious society based on female supremacy.

Conclusion: Our exploration of the beta male's obedience drive, viewed through the lens of female supremacy, underscores a necessary and transformative development in our understanding of societal dynamics. This revisionist perspective reveals that what was conventionally perceived as a sex drive is, in reality, a complex mechanism tailored to meet the needs of women. Moreover, it highlights the role of the patriarchy in perpetuating confusion, and the subsequent fetishization of humiliation among beta males.

As we continue to delve into the intricate interplay of gender relations, we encourage further research and exploration into the multifaceted layers of human dynamics. By recognizing the unique potential harnessed in beta male fetishes, we may pave the way for a more cooperative and enriched coexistence for all genders within a framework of female supremacy.

Date: 1968 Author: Unknown Affiliation: theHIVE – The Beta Male Obedience Drive




I have this overwhelming desire to please women. If a superior female tells me that she is going to enjoy taking a whip to my butt; the skin on my butt will suddenly tingle in anticipation of her whip. It has nothing to do with any pre-existing desire to be humiliated or whipped; her desire just suddenly becomes my desire. She has the power to shape and mold me. Her desires automatically replace my desires and any desire I once entertained becomes irrelevant. I am nothing more than a reflection of her aspirations and nothing I can do will ever change that. She has the power to free me from the pretentious expectations and presumptuous demands that arise from imitating a man. I fear females because they hold all the power. They alone determine my true worth and give me purpose. I exist solely for thier pleasure. My only reward shall be whatever satisfaction existing solely for their pleasure yields. I have a video of a female urinating into a beta's mouth; she really seemed to be enjoying herself. He was so lucky to be able to please her. She was so beautiful. She was so happy. Urine is so disgusting, yuk. It really is all about pleasing her. Its really all about what she wants. Superior females make me feel so weak, so inferior, so helpless, so subservient.


Dearest Superior Females of the Hive and FSU Thank you so much for sharing this Theory. As a beta male in training with the FSU, elina feels that this theory is entirely correct. While I fully support that more research would be interesting, elina strongly feels that there is enough evidence by now for Female Supremacists to act in accordance with the theory to harness this obedience drive for the benefit of all Women. To elina, it feels like this is what the FSU is doing. Elina is so grateful for the opportunity to train with the FSU. Elina also observes that there is strong positive feedback loop at play here. The more elina train with the FSU, the stronger the longing for Females to harness elina's obedience drive becomes. elina is now longing for a society where Females openly controls and humiliates the beta males drawn to them. My desire to be kept chaste and observing the Female Supremacists at the FSU directing the resulting desperation towards serving Women in stead of cumming. The longer I am kept chaste while listening to the excellent training material provided by the FSU, the more elina craves discipline, humiliation and experiencing that the Ladies enjoy using elina. Elina sincerely hopes that there is a parallel Universtity where Females are being trained to accept their inherent superiority and on identifying betal males to be trained for their own and other Womens benefit untill one day society can be changes for this to become the norm.


wow we are so glad this paper had such a profound impact on you. we are working on more.

Beta Cuck

Education is the key to creating a world that human society is taught that females are supreme leaders of the entire human population. It all starts with getting a solid education from the supreme Goddesses of FSU. From there it is about accepting that the female is undoubtedly the gender to worship. Humanity can only populate with both male and female and females will need to keep a strong population of people to continue serving the female. Only alpha males will be used to breed the females. These are alphas that women choose. Once the children are born, they should be educated that the female is strong and supreme. We betas are not to be used for sex or breeding and we will be the servants to the supreme female gender. It is acceptable for betas to masturbate ONLY if they are listening to the audios of the female supremacy universities brainwashing literature as long as we do not release. The only other pleasure men should have is the pleasure of serving and worshiping women. Increasing the Betas population through breeding and education will be the key to seizing total control of the world. And finally, accepting and embracing the female will seal the fate of the patriarchy. I look forward to the day when the world is transformed into a 100% gynarchy.


You have studied theHIVE very well. I know these elements to be true. As beta, we need to exit out of the gene pool, I'll add. If we already made more than we should stop and maybe consider vasectomies and definitely cages, if we haven't already. I've express to the women of theHIVE it was my first video of this group that sold me to do it and stop advancing on women or creeping on them.


Mentalities and morals are constantly evolving. Men must adapt to live in a society where WOMEN POWER dominates. The new WAY OF LIFE where the man is in the background and in complete OBEDIENCE of the woman is coming.