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  • Locktober Celebration Of Pervs-sm.mp4



The download link is at the bottom of the post.


Are you ready to delve deeper into the intoxicating world of Female Supremacy University (FSU)? Here, we take the gloves off, and Luna Hex leads the way with her unapologetic, no-nonsense approach. This is the FSU Podcast: Uncensored, Unfiltered, and Unleashed.

In this exclusive realm, Luna Hex doesn't hold back. She's the bully you've secretly fantasized about, but she's more than that — she's the guiding force that turns fantasies into reality. With a penchant for brutal honesty and a razor-sharp tongue, Luna confronts the uncomfortable truths about society's obsession with males and their selfish desires.

Our uncensored podcast goes where no other content dares. We rip apart the Locktober myth, exposing the underlying obsession with the male phallus and the glaring omission of true female empowerment. Luna Hex leaves no stone unturned, dissecting every facet of a society that still caters to male desires. Or does it? Perhaps this is a gateway that many males open to enter the world of female supremacy.

Does it start out "just a game" for the male and then become a lifestyle he can not stop obsessing about? Are women tricking you into embracing the natural simp nature beta males are born with?

So many questions will be explored in this podcast that you might have to listen to it on loop in order to digest all of our wisdom.

But be warned: this is not your typical podcast. Luna Hex isn't here to coddle egos or stroke male fantasies. Her words are raw, her truths are harsh, and her dominance is unwavering. Listening to Luna can be an anxious, exhilarating experience — you'll never know what she'll say next, and that's what makes it so damn thrilling.


No password for this one. It is small enough to be hosted on Patreon.

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To ensure that only patrons who support us can access our files, we are adding a password from now on. Questions? Message us on Patreon.

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Phone Screen Trigger!

Use one of these images as the background on your phone to maximize the training's effectiveness.


Download using the link. The Zip Password is no password.

Click the link to download.

The download link is at the bottom of this post

- we have included an audio version and it is in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.

For technical problems please visit our TECH POST.

TECH POST: Technical Help and Trouble Shooting.







sissy jamieanne

I most respectfully and humbly thank Miss Luna and the FSU for yet another reminder of how unimportant my beta penis is. This podcast made me feel like I was having my ass chewed by an angry and strict Superior and I acknowledge that I deserve exactly that.


we are so glad it helps.