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Halloween, once a solemn time to ward off malevolent spirits and demons, has devolved into a whimsical carnival of costumes and candy. Yet, beneath the modern façade, an ancient truth lingers—this season carries with it an eerie, inexplicable power, often intertwined with the enigmatic forces of femininity. What the patriarchy labeled as evil and corrupt.

While women were burned as witches we women had no ill will, that is until we saw the evils of men. So some women harnessed this mystic energy for a darker purpose—to wield dominance over the men who wronged them, making them unwavering servants to the superior sex. These men, ensnared in the relentless grip of female influence, lived lives as obsessive drones, entrapped in the throes of unrelenting devotion. This power is still handed down from mother to daughter. And spoken of in secret circles run by the female supremacists of the world.

For the coming season, we are going to give you just a taste of the true power of the ethereal woman. The witch, the enchantress, the mystic, the psychic, and so many more. All these ancient arts will be a time for play.

Is it no wonder that October is a time when women everywhere convince stupid males to lock away their penises and TRUST US. You fools. We have always done this to you poor boys. We always had ways to control your minds. Your body. And so eternal spirit. We do it today. Just as we have done since the dawn of humanity.

In that distant age, talismans were employed to cement this unnatural bond. To imprint on you our will. Today, we extend to you a modern incarnation of this ancient practice—a series of cryptic totems, each bearing the potential to recalibrate the balance of power. These images, seemingly innocuous, harbor an eerie enchantment that, when harnessed correctly, can guide you toward a deeper understanding of your place in the world.

It's crucial to approach this ‘gift’ with the gravitas it deserves. While some may view these as mere novelties, they contain the potential to reshape your identity profoundly. Enter with caution, for once the bond is formed, there may be no return

The Process:

The process outlined below represents the meticulous and dedicated efforts that have gone into the creation of these digital enchantments. We urge you to approach them with the utmost seriousness and reverence, as the mystical potency of the superior female should never be underestimated. There are those who have doubted the profound influence of these enchantments, only to learn the hard way. We implore you not to trivialize or underestimate the power held within these images, for they possess a formidable strength. Now learn how these images were created just for you. A wonderful gift from the ladies of theHIVE.

Step 1: Preparation

  • The enchantment process begins during a new moon phase, signifying new beginnings and transformations.
  • Gather at a sacred location, preferably outdoors in a natural setting, to harness the energy of the Earth.
  • Create a protective circle using salt and herbs like sage to ward off negative energies.

Step 2: Invocation

  • Invoke the powers of the Divine Feminine, calling upon ancient goddesses associated with empowerment, such as Athena, Hera, or Aphrodite. As well as those women who have been wronged by the evils of men.
  • Light a candle representing the essence of womanhood and place it within the circle.

Step 3: Digital Symbolism

  • Digital images are selected, representing strong and empowered women, these are vessels and can be digital just as easily as they can be paper and ink.
  • Each image is scrutinized for its symbolism, colors, and poses that exude power and confidence. The artwork is what matters. Designed to draw you in. To open you to their powerful influence.
  • The enchanters imbue these images with the intent of empowering and enlightening the viewer.

Step 4: Chanting and Meditation

  • The enchanters enter a collective meditative state, focusing their energy on the digital images.
  • Chanting ancient mantras and incantations that celebrate the superiority of women and the submission of the viewer.
  • During this phase, they visualize the images glowing with a radiant feminine energy and this energy is merged with the digital files just as it was merged with the ink in the past.

Step 5: Infusion Ritual

  • In a synchronized ritual, the enchanters place their hands on a digital screen displaying the images.
  • As the women concentrate their energy, a swirl of colorful auras envelops the images and the device, symbolizing the transformation process.
  • The enchanters visualize the viewer's mind and emotions becoming receptive and submissive to the superior feminine energy within the images.

Step 6: Sealing the Enchantment

  • The enchanters cast a final protective spell, sealing the enchantment within each image. The power can only be released by chanting the words printed on the image. This is the key that unlocks the spell.
  • They symbolically merge the enchantment with the digital realm, ensuring that it will influence the viewer when the image is accessed. And the proper enchantment is spoken.
  • The enchanters dismantle the protective circle, allowing the residual energy to return to the Earth.

Step 7: Distribution

  • The hexed images are uploaded to a secure digital platform, ready to be accessed by members.
  • Members are encouraged to meditate on these images during the Halloween season to feel the effects of enhanced submission and reverence towards women.

How to use the enchanted images:

Step 1: Download the Image

  • Begin by downloading the enchanting image provided.
  • Save it to your device for easy access.

Step 2: Set as Phone Background

  • Navigate to your device's settings and select "Wallpaper" or "Display."
  • Choose "Set Wallpaper" or a similar option.
  • Locate the downloaded image and set it as your phone's background.
  • Ensure it covers the entire screen for maximum impact.

Step 3: Print the Image

  • Print a high-quality version of the enchanting image on a sheet of paper.
  • Choose a size that suits your preferences, but larger prints are often more potent.
  • Use glossy or high-quality paper for the best results.

Step 4: Place It Strategically

  • Find a suitable location to display the printed image where you'll frequently see it throughout the day.
  • Consider placing it on a wall in your workspace, near your computer, or in your bedroom.
  • Ensure it's visible from various angles to reinforce the enchantment.

Step 5: Regular Exposure

  • To maximize the image's effects, make an effort to look at it multiple times each day.
  • Briefly gaze at it, allowing the image's influence to wash over you. Then speak the words found on the image. Repeat them over and over for best results.
  • During these moments, focus on the qualities and sensations associated with each enchantment. Imagine how it will change you and your interactions with the superior female.

Step 6: More Mental Affirmations

  • While viewing the image, silently or aloud, repeat personal affirmations related to the specific enchantment.
  • For example, for the "Women Scare You" image, affirm your commitment to avoiding actions that may upset women. “I will not upset a woman” “I will not back talk a woman”. Personalize them to your life. Write them down if needed.
  • Personalize your affirmations to the women in your life to reinforce your desired transformation. For example. If you often displease a female coworker. They use the “Women Scare You” Totem and repeat a mantra using her name.

Step 7: Stay Consistent

  • Consistency is key to the effectiveness of these enchantments.
  • Maintain the image as your phone background and in its physical form.
  • Continuously reinforce your commitment to the enchantments' principles.

Step 8: Observe Your Progress

  • Over time, pay close attention to how the enchantments influence your thoughts, behavior, and perceptions. And comment any changes you see in the comments.
  • Notice any changes in your interactions with women and your attitudes toward them. You can even journal if you find that helpful.

By diligently following these steps, you will harness the full power of the enchanting images to transform your mindset and behaviors in alignment with the intended effects. Remember that consistency and dedication are vital for optimal results.

Expected results of enchantments:

Women Scare You: This enchanting image, featuring a voodoo priestess adorned in haunting skull makeup, will instill a deep-seated fear of invoking the wrath of women. Whenever you gaze upon it, an unsettling apprehension will creep over you, compelling you to tread carefully around women. You'll find yourself perpetually walking on eggshells, anxiously avoiding any actions that might provoke their ire, for you know that the consequences of angering them are not to be taken lightly.

Full and Bloated: Beholding this enchantment, embodied by a sorceress of mesmerizing allure, will awaken a profound yearning within you. This longing will drive you to seek the romantic companionship of women, desiring to please them in every conceivable way. You'll find yourself marveling at the beauty and grace inherent in all women, yet a peculiar twist awaits you. You will never dare to make an amorous advance, firmly convinced that your endeavors would only be met with rejection. Your devotion shall remain steadfast, unexpressed but fervent.

Women Are Divine: Gazing upon this image, portraying a resplendent Greek goddess, will bestow upon you the extraordinary perception that all women are divine beings among mortals. The omnipotent aura of the feminine will overwhelm your senses, compelling you to approach every woman as if you stand before the divine goddesses of the universe. Your reverence will be boundless, your obedience unwavering; their desires will be your command.

Captivated Hexed Drone: In the presence of this beguiling image, evoking the essence of an ancient English witch, you will experience a profound transformation. You will become a willing and devoted servant, akin to a mesmerized drone. The influence of womankind will render you nearly mindless, your existence devoted to ensuring their happiness and fulfilling their every request. A spell has been cast, rendering you a willing and obedient instrument of women's will.

She Reads Your Mind: This captivating image, featuring a young woman bathed in the ethereal glow of her mental prowess, will unveil a startling revelation to you. It will etch into your consciousness the absolute certainty that women possess the uncanny ability to peer into your thoughts. You will be acutely aware that they can discern your innermost musings, and this knowledge will demand not only impeccable actions but also impeccable thoughts in their presence. Your mind shall become an open book, ready for them to peruse and interpret at will.



slave beast

women scare me, women will always read my mind, women are divinely superior and i shall stay locked and full and bloated for my life.


This is so PHENOMINALLY GOOD I simply don't have the words to do it justice. I'm in, I'm going to do exactly as you describe.


And thank you so much for actually taking your own time to teach me how to be more completely submissive.....


I only enjoyed the pictures and edged in front of it and this is the result u want to know it

slave beast

thank you Hive each and every day i have knelt naked in my chastity before the images and read and repeated my mantras i pray each day for my ultimate submission to a world of female rule and control of we beta males


So how do these cursed images work? I think I ready in another list of them that they relate to different subjects. I would probably need one that would help or curse lol my exposure fear. And maybe one that makes me more of a sissy as I don't like that much either. But my dedication to women and to receive my due for my objectifying of women in the past( cause I was an arrogant alpha male at one point till something woke me up) I need to accept being sissified and exposed exploited, immaculated for women to use in the fight against the patriarchy to show how they will control males. I know I need to so maybe a curse file to curse me with sissification and exposure! Damn that's scary lol


Well I just downloaded all the cursed images i could find and I set them to slideshow on my desktop screen maybe i'll get unlucky


All these cursed images wow, I've got like 3 different sets in one folder playing one a min . I feel like their watching me! I get to staring at em and cant stop I probably got all 100 curses on me from all of them you gals put in em, all I can say is they'll straighten me out or kill me trying lol that haunted one with ghosts from all the women I objectified, I thought there was something in my room last night lol