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One of the most difficult aspects of beta males that must be eradicated is their piss poor attitude when serving. This is because most beta males have been so privileged that they expect the world, and especially women, to give them whatever they want.

Most are not educated in the natural order of female supremacy. That males have evolved to serve females, and for beta males that means cleaning, working, shopping and sometimes paying.

This is your purpose in life. To be a good servant to the superior woman. To adore her and do whatever she asks. Without question or hesitation.

This all sounds fine to most beta males until they are locked in chastity for six months with no release in sight. When they must scrub a woman's house all weekend instead of playing video games or watching movies.

It soon becomes very real. And that is when the male's attitude is going to be tested. Does he really see serving women as his purpose in life? Or is he a game player? A faker?

You need this training to help reprogram that idiot boy brain to listen and obey with a smile.


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Women hate whiners.zip


- we have included an audio version and it is in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.

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Women Hate Whiners | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

One of the biggest problems that women have with beta males is that their weakness makes it difficult for them to face challenges. Most beta males have been so coddled by the time they try to serve a superior female that they can not help but complain about how they are being treated. Get it through your thick head that this only serves to irritate the superior female and make her angry. The types of women you are attracted to now will not tolerate you whining and complaining at all. If she decides to dress you in shoes that are two sizes too small. You wear them and thank her. And with every painful step, you will be reminded of who is in charge of your body. She is. This training will help you feel guilty whenever you are thinking whiny little thoughts. It will teach you to stay quiet and smile. She does not care if you are unhappy. Your happiness should come from serving her. IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is more powerful and a little racy so it is only intended for adults. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by, theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ----------- hash tags ?????? #betamale, #femalesupremacy, #femdom


women's accessory

Btw, when the file talks of the breaking point of the beta male and it's "mini tantrum", I relate 100%. I've been there sometimes by self imposed frustration (days in chastity + full edging day) and by imagining scenarios of a demanding entitled woman carelessly denying me and piling it up with humiliation, even more chores and/or the standard spanking or caning. Then I feel an inner energy in my body converting me into a negative IQ blubbering clown idiot who only thinks of groveling desperate obedience and to provide impecable service at any cost. She is so beautiful, strong willed and indefferent to me!!! It's so overwhelming that shamefully I almost always squirt while patheticaly screaming "WOMEN POWER" or simply "WOMEN" in my mind... (No woman gets any benefit out of it though and that should be the end goal of all this) I wonder how deep a real life experience would take me. Scary. Very scary. But also wishing it to happen so so bad. I promise I will train hard and be a selfless "invisible" drone that will respect women's space despite my need. I will convert it to service and only that.

women's accessory

Extra: I loved when the voice said "that's how women like me see beta simps like you" after the toaster analogy. It got a stern tone to it and my tiny pencil twitched. Felt very wimpish then. Extra2: I like that my penis is invisible to women and my sexuality is ignored. I by extention feel demoted to "less than" and strive to work for those that by comparison are "more than", which are women (...and real men by proxy 🤢🤢).

slave beast

thank you hive as a weak inferior beta male i do feel if the hive could set up some place where beta males could enroll themselves for a fee to be taught the finer things of female servitude and service to the female. taught by strict ladies on how to clean a ladies toilet, clean her house properly and whilst being taught perhaps be fitted with an audio/film system where we are forced to intake female supremacy ideals and exactly what a beta male is useful for or not.


This lesson did me so good. i kept complaining about being kept in chastity, but this was a slap in the face of the reality of the Superior Female. it makes me want to endure chastity as a fundamental state for a beta male. It is changing my life for the better. Thank You so much FSU.


It’s not about me it’s about her!! I stopped whining and my marriage got better instantly. We always had struggles with the relationship dynamics. Using FSU files as much as possible I learned that’s it’s only about her! Everything is about her. So I stripped myself of all social media, block images, blogs, vlog and all kind of other pleasuring or false muscular stuff. The only reason I use YouTube is for FSU and learning skills my wife benefits from. After a while I didn’t think about sex, latex, leather, chains and whips anymore. That stuff doesn’t turn me n anymore. I life for my wife only. She stopt working. I work fulltime, cook and clean the whole house. Im her chauffeur and arran boy. She takes care of the important stuff and does whatever she wants. And that all because I stopped whining and started working harder.


All I want for Christmas is the voice of Luna Hex. This is some of Her best work. Women hate whiners, sniveling little whiners like you.


elina saw the heads up notice and listened to the cute song published this week (20th May 2024) reminding us beta-males that this years Summer-time chastity is coming up. But this actually reminds elina about an unacceptable failure from last year. elina discovered and joined the FSU as a drone on the 5th August 2023. elina knows deep down that elina is a submissive beta-male. elina has always dreamed about being enslaved, cuckolded and trained to become a submissive sissy-maid for my Superior Wife, my Crush. elina saw the «Notice from FSU: As students of the Female Supremacy University, it is imperative that you fully engage in and embrace the transformative experience of Summertime Chastity 2023. This is not a mere suggestion; it is an authoritative directive that demands your obedience and unwavering commitment.» elina felt grateful to The Superior Females in the FSU for making an effort to train and educate weak beta males like me and felt compelled to follow the directions to obey and embrace the commitment. Elina locked up in my steel chastity cage, downloaded the Summertime-chastity 2024 from the Hive and started studying with the FSU. elina managed to keep chaste and locked up into the beginning of October. Then elina failed the commitment. elina could not sleep, elina was desperate with horniness, and elina was struggling to accept some of the contents from the FSU. In particular elina was struggling to accept the content of this “Women hate whiners” lecture; elina at the time felt this was unfair, elina was making an effort to do as much chores as possible not expecting thanks from Wife. elina did not think of itself as a whiner. elina gave in, removed the cage and masturbated… Then elina felt bad about it, picked up the studies again, and later failed again. Truth is elina has never been able to pass more than 60 days chaste. Seeing the reminder for summertime in Chastity 24 coming up, this reminded elina about the failures to meet this commitment and elina started thinking “why do this when it will only make me fail again?” But at the same time elina also feels that elina has made significant progress from regular studies with the FSU, so elina decided to lock itself up in the cage and now including the sharp punishment spikes that makes it painful when the sissy-penis tries to get stiff, put on the sissy-dress with the high heels, and make an attempt to watch this lesson, the most challenging lessons of all for elina again. And this time, the toxic masculinity inside elina that made elina reject the message and contribute to elina’s decision to break the commitment last year was not strong enough to throw elina off-course. elina felt just submissive and wanting to accept the Wisdom provided by the Wonderful Dominant, Manipulating Goddess from word one and throughout. elina accepts that elina is still a whiner, albeit elina thinks less now than last summer. But elina now understands that elina must take responsibility for eliminating by focusing on simping more for Crush-Wife and stop every negative comment from coming out, get in the habit of accepting every wish from Crush-Wife as an order to be completed immediately. At the end, when the Lecturing Goddess informs us about the need for severe discipline sessions to eliminate all tendencies to whine but to stay focused on worshipping, serving and obeying Crush Wife, elina’s sissy-penis got stiff and was punished by the spikes. It just made Elina feel even more submissive, wishing my Crush-Wife will get to the point of wanting to punish me using the whips She did play with in the past on me again, but with more force and duration to enable me to get to the point of thanking Her for it after the discipline session completes. Now elina really appreciates this training file. Dearest Female Superiors of the Hive and FSU, thank you so much for everything you do to educate and guide us wandering beta-males towards becoming the simping worshipping males we were destined to be. elina can testify, your training works and all of us betas need to accept we will never get everything but through diligent studies at the FSU we all have the ability to gradually become better simps, ready to serve and worship the Superior Females..