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Critical Announcement: Urgent Summertime Chastity Update

Attention to All Participants:

Please be advised that a vital announcement concerning Summertime Chastity has been released, demanding your immediate attention. In the wake of extensive discussions and thoughtful deliberation, a definitive conclusion has been reached, expressly detailed within the provided audio file.

It is of utmost importance that you listen to the contents of this audio announcement meticulously and without delay. We strongly urge you to devote ample time to repeated listenings, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of the intricacies addressed therein.

This announcement holds the significance of a crucial safety notification, and we implore your commitment to fully comprehend and abide by the directions outlined.

Your prompt attention to this matter is deeply appreciated.

Sincerely, FSU Faculty




She is so harsh and berating...thank you FSU! 🙇‍♂️


She really hammers home how vile betas are, makes me want to train even harder! If only this training was available in my youthful days, I missed so many opportunities to serve and be exploited because I just didn't have my mind right. Live and learn!


and remember that the women you would have served had to do without because of your ego :(


I do, and I will, Ma'am. I am utterly ashamed, filled with regret and striving daily to improve. Thank you FSU.


Oh my, this announcement was just so damning, magnificent, awesome and over powering. Today I was hoping for the ultimate release, but instead I cleaned the bathroom and toilet while my Mistress Crush was at the gym. Then I had time to listen to this recording and I feel overwhelmed. Another month of chastity. Thank you so much, FSU, you are wonderful in the affect you are having on my beta brain.


When You explain it, it makes so much sense, thanks FSU for enlightening us beta males


In this audio, I learned that the beta male needs to pay somoneone to tell him if and when he can masturbate. I found a French Mistress, Déesse Jeanne (www.deessejeanne.com). She accepts to communicate by SMS, WhatsApp, Skype, webcam and email. She speaks and writes English easily, her French accent is lovely. Now, she is not only managing my sexuality, she also takes charge of my life. She is awesome!