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Listen up, all you beta boys out there, because it's time someone tells it to you straight. Sex is like this giant maze of confusion for you, thanks to the ridiculous patriarchal brainwashing you've been handed. They made you believe that your manhood is measured by penis size and how many notches you've got on your bedpost. But let's get real – you're no 'real man,' and you'll never be one. It's completely obvious to most women that you just do not have the confidence to get the sexual job done.

How many times have you been shot down? Or how many times has some poor woman actually spread her legs for you, excited about what is about to happen, only to find you fumbling and awkward around her body? She would smile, maybe give you a hand job to quiet your whimpering so she can make her escape.

This is not what you need. You need someone to be straight with you, and that is why we made this file. It will help you understand the truth. You are sexless and simpish, and that's what you have to offer women.

You see we get it, you're a beta, a follower, a pushover. You're that guy we wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole, sexually speaking. Ick. Let's not kid ourselves – you don't exactly set our hearts racing. Sure, you might have a passable face or even a nice body, but your attitude? Ugh. So bland and unappealing.

So here's the harsh truth, sweety – 'No one wants to fuck you.' Yeah, it stings, doesn't it? But hey, that sting is your false male ego giving up. It is time to let that part go because this training file's your ticket to a reality check. Time to let it sink in, make peace with the fact that you're meant to be every woman's spineless simp. Imagine how freeing it will be to drop that act of being a 'real man.' We know it's been a struggle, a huge weight, pretending to be something you're not just to impress women. To trick us and lie to us. But trust us, we're relieved you're letting go of that charade as well. We get so sick of beta males coming up to us at clubs and acting all big and confident. But as soon as we allow them to take us to their place they turn into mincing little nothings. All awkward and pathetic. Just be honest about who you are. We might let you come over and clean for us. You never know. And how much fun will that be for you? Much better than the anxiety you have with sex.

And it is no wonder you have such anxiety. All the humiliating attempts to get us in the sack, those lame moves. Leave that to the 'real men' who actually know what they're doing. Your sexual energy's better spent making our lives easier – cooking, cleaning, paying our bills. That's the niche you're cut out for, buddy. Lock up your penis and get to work. Your penis is meant to power your submission to all women. "Real men" have real dicks that really are meant for sex.

And don't get your panties in a twist about our choice of words – 'real men,' 'alpha males.' We're using them just to piss off your toxic masculinity. We want to shake that fake ego of yours and make it see the truth using its own words against it. When you are told you are not a real man. Embrace it. When your false male ego tells you to go out and sex up some ladies. Tell it that you are unfuckable because you are a simp who exits to wash dishes and be exploited. It will die a little every time.

But let's get something straight – women are superior. We're the alpha, the queen bees. And males? Well, you're way, way below us. And that is all men. The so-called "Alpha males" just serve women in a different way. So take a breath, absorb reality, and embrace your destiny as a certified beta. It's time to step aside, let the 'real men' take the stage, and accept your place as our helpful platonic friends. Which is really all you can handle when it comes right down to it. You are too frail and weak to really give us sexual pleasure. Stick to what you know. simping and serving. While we fuck other guys.


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Thank you for the insightful read and new training file. Women are superior, and I don't deserve Them.


yes! ...Impress Her! Work for Her! Give to Her! Do for Her! Sacrifice! Impress Her! Work for Her! Give to Her! Do for Her! Sacrifice! Impress Her! Work for Her! Give to Her! Do for Her! Sacrifice!... Around and around empty-headed piggy goes. An endless downward spiral of surrender and servitude.


I accept that none wants to fuck me, and I am built for service, not sex. Thank you FSU for understanding beta males so well and helping us reach our full potential as sexless simps to be exploited by predatory women


all beta males should accept these facts as it would highly improve the lives of women.


Yes Ma'am, Thank You Ma'am...Impress Her! Work for Her! Give to Her! Do for Her! Sacrifice! Impress Her! Work for Her! Give to Her! Do for Her! Sacrifice! Impress Her! Work for Her! Give to Her! Do for Her! Sacrifice!...


Why would I want to have sex? The most important is to adore and serve superior women to make very happy: the rest is irrelevant 🥰🥰🥰


thats a perfect video i have to bring date money over to my crush then scurry back and drive away so she can fuck her real man so embarrassing


Productivity and obedience the new orgasm. My beta nature craves it. Knowing my natural place beneath All Women. A life of silent, mindless and menial service.


I literally had to confess this to a Female friend last week. She’s very attractive and said she wanted to have sex with me. I Told her, I think She’s Awesome and I’m humbled , however I’m not worthy , it would be disrespectful for me waste Her time because I know I wouldn’t be able to please Her in that way ! I’m only here to Serve and Adore Her. Sex is off limits for me . She hugged me and said, that’s admirable to be that respectful and courageous and tell a Woman you have to remain Sexless because you can’t Sexually satisfy Her ! She said she still wants to be friends !


Thank You Superior Women of the UFS for impressing this message on me. I listened to this with my sissy-clitty locked in its steel chastity cage, pinkt sissy panties and wearing black female stockings and trainer 3 inch-heel shoes to get closer to my real beta sissy-maid self. It makes me feel weak to all Ladies but in particular to my Wife. I have not cum since I joined the UFS three weeks ago. Whenever I feel like I need it, I now recognize this is very egoistic of me and not acceptable and try to turn my urges into a need to serve my Wife. Since then I am putting in more and more time to work around the house thinking of how I can please my Superior Wife who has not allowed me any sex for several years now. I now understands that this is because She is a superior Female and I need to increase my servitude to Her, but not expect anything in return. Listening to this and other wonderful training materials at the UFS is so helpful but I struggle now because it feels really bad to take the time which I should have devoted to serving my Wife. But maybe I just need to look at this training as absolutely necessary so that whatever time I put in here will later be returned to the Superior Dominant Ladies with interest?


I love listening to this all night as part of my nightly training playlist.



slave beast

thank you Hive yes this is so correct and true. it does take some getting used to to understand that as a beta male and a virgin i neither deserve sex or will get any and it is why i am unfuckable and no lady in her right mind would want me for sex. i shall remain a virgin and a beta for my life in servitude to all women


Women's orgasms and beautiful and sacred. Beta male squirts are vile and shameful.