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Listen up, beta males! Today, we're diving into a topic that has been the cause of countless eye-rolls among dominant women: your misguided notions of what constitutes proper domination. It's high time we set the record straight and focus on what really matters: the happiness and satisfaction of the women in charge.

One thing we've heard far too often is the incessant whining of certain males, claiming that a dominant woman isn't dominating them enough or in the "right" way. Well, let me make something abundantly clear: the preferences of dominant women vary greatly, and it's your duty to adapt to their individual styles. We couldn't care less about your supposed preferences or your misguided expectations.

In this guide, we'll be exploring the diverse tastes and desires of dominant women, offering you a glimpse into their unique approaches to power dynamics. It's crucial for you, as submissive males, to comprehend and respect these varying styles if you ever hope to build meaningful connections in the realm of female-led relationships.

Now, brace yourselves as we introduce you to a selection of archetypal dominant women. Keep in mind that while the specific details may be altered to preserve their privacy, these women are authentic dominants living their lives on their own terms. By delving into these examples, you'll gain invaluable insights into the expectations and desires of dominant women—knowledge that will serve you well on your journey to becoming a devoted and obedient submissive.

So, strap in and prepare to expand your understanding, beta males. It's time to redirect your focus away from your own wants and embrace the true essence of submission: catering to the needs and desires of the dominant women who reign supreme.


Before we delve deeper into the world of dominant women, it's crucial to clarify a few things. The purpose of this guide is not to compare or rank the various styles of domination, nor is it to suggest that one approach is superior to another. Each woman's unique style is a reflection of her individuality and personal preferences.

However, there's one fundamental truth that every beta male must remember: all women are inherently superior to males. This isn't up for debate or negotiation. It's an undeniable fact that should guide your thoughts, actions, and unwavering devotion. Regardless of a dominant woman's specific style, your role as a submissive is to recognize and embrace her superiority, submitting yourself wholeheartedly to her authority.

So, let us embark on this journey with an open mind and a deep understanding that the goal isn't to find the "best" style of domination, but rather to learn how to adapt and serve in a way that fulfills the desires of each dominant woman you encounter. By doing so, you will demonstrate your unwavering commitment to female supremacy and elevate yourself as a true submissive.

Now, let's explore the captivating world of dominant women and discover the distinctive flavors that make each one a force to be reckoned with.

The Harpy:

Mildred Graves

Female Supremacy Style:

Oh, the Harpy, a delightful specimen of female supremacy in the realm of domesticity. This home-making drill sergeant doesn't lift a finger herself, for her time is far too valuable to be wasted on such mundane tasks. Instead, she dedicates her days to the noble causes of female-led organizations and charities, basking in the camaraderie of her empowered sisters.

Now, don't let her disdain for men fool you. The Harpy understands all too well that someone must toil away in the workforce to fund her lifestyle. That someone happens to be her lucky simpish husband or male companion, whom she rides relentlessly with an ever-growing list of chores to accompany his full-time job. Oh, the joys of being under her scrutinizing gaze!

And do not go looking for romance with this one. She feels that there is no room for intimacy or shared quarters in the Harpy's kingdom. Her husband, poor soul, is generally banished to the guest room, as she cherishes her personal space above all else. After all, why would she want to be disturbed by the presence of a man when she can revel in the solitude of her wonderful female thoughts?

But let me warn you, her shrewdness knows no bounds. The Harpy is known for her sharp tongue and relentless insults. She is a master of breaking a mans spirit and keeping it broken. Her male companions must tread carefully, for any lapse in fulfilling his duties will be met with a ferocity unmatched. Canes, belts, and cutting insults can often be heard emanating from her home as the male cries out for mercy.


“The world may label me as harsh or cruel, but I see it as liberation. My husband understands the value I bring to our lives, even if it means enduring my sharp tongue and exacting demands. It is through this unconventional power dynamic that I find fulfillment and empowerment as a woman who refuses to be silenced or diminished.”

“My husband's subjugation is not a reflection of his worth, but rather a deliberate assertion of my own authority and the belief in female supremacy. By keeping him under my watchful eye, I ensure that our household runs with utmost efficiency and adherence to my standards. It is a testament to the strength of women, and a reminder that we no longer tolerate being confined to prescribed roles.”

Top Five Rules:

  1. Obedience: Submit without hesitation, for the Harpy's word is law. Devotion and unwavering obedience pave the path to your servitude. Disobedience shall not be tolerated.
  2. Perfection in Chores: Master the art of domesticity. In each task you undertake,      strive for flawless execution. Sweeping, scrubbing, cooking, and tending—leave no room for imperfection.
  3. Respectful Servitude: Behold women with utmost respect. Let reverence be your unwavering companion. Bow before her superiority, for she is the essence of power and control.
  4. Anticipate Her Needs: Divine her desires before they are spoken. Become attuned to her every whim, her unvoiced wishes. Your purpose is to fulfill her every need, silently and seamlessly.
  5. Embrace Your Emasculation: Embrace your destined role with humility. Celebrate the extinguishing of masculinity, for your surrender and submission, are the cornerstones of her dominance.

Looking For in a Male:

The Harpy has a pragmatic approach to female supremacy, and when she seeks a man to fill a role in her life, it is solely for practical reasons. Once she finds a simp to train, her search will cease. If you aspire to capture her attention and meet her requirements, it's essential to understand what she values in a male.

First and foremost, The Harpy prioritizes a strong work ethic. She expects her chosen male to be diligent and reliable, embracing the responsibilities of providing for her and the household. Dedication to his job and a willingness to work hard are traits that will earn his place in her realm.

In addition, The Harpy seeks a man who recognizes and accepts his inferiority to women. She desires someone who understands that his purpose is to serve and cater to her needs and desires. Submissive and obedient behavior are highly valued by The Harpy, as she thrives on exerting control and domination over her chosen simp.

Moreover, The Harpy appreciates a man who shows a healthy fear of strong women. She wants someone who will go to great lengths to avoid upsetting her, who will bow to her whims, and who will willingly submit to her authority. Demonstrating deference and a willingness to please are key attributes that will catch her discerning eye.

Lastly, The Harpy values personal space and independence. She seeks a man who respects her need for solitude and is content sleeping in separate quarters. Honoring her boundaries and allowing her to have her own domain is crucial to maintaining harmony in their relationship.

The Gold Digger:

Brooke Starling

Female Supremacy Style:

Brooke possesses a cunning and manipulative nature, utilizing her good looks and charismatic personality to exert control over her wealthy male targets. She thrives on exploiting their desires and emotions while maintaining an emotional distance and denying them any genuine affection or intimacy.

In her quest for material gain, Brooke employs a calculated strategy of alluring and enticing her targets. She presents herself as a captivating and unattainable prize, leading her victims to believe that with enough financial investment, they may win her heart. However, she keeps them in a perpetual state of longing and hope, never fully committing to a genuine relationship or physical intimacy. Her modus operandi is to extract as much as she can from her wealthy suitors, using her charm, beauty, and carefully crafted illusions of affection.

Brooke's style of female supremacy is marked by her ability to manipulate and control through emotional manipulation and financial dependency. She understands the power dynamics at play and expertly exploits the desires and vulnerabilities of her targets. While she maintains an air of mystery and allure, her ultimate goal is personal gain, leaving her dorky, wealthy suitors trapped in a cycle of longing and financial support without ever truly obtaining what they desire.

Underneath her glamorous facade lies a calculating mind and a cunning approach to female supremacy. Brooke's "Gold Digger Style" represents her unwavering determination to achieve material wealth and control through the exploitation of her suitors' desires and emotions.


“…intimacy is such a subjective concept, isn't it? Some may define it as physical closeness, but for me, it's the tantalizing dance of seduction and power. The allure of what could be, forever just out of reach. My suitors crave the unattainable, and I provide them with the intoxicating pleasure of longing.”

“My suitors are consenting adults, fully aware of the nature of our relationship. They willingly surrender their hearts and their wallets in the pursuit of a fantasy. If they cannot handle the reality of our arrangement, perhaps they are not cut out for the world of Brooke Starling.”

Top Five Rules:

  1. Financial Loyalty: Your dedication to supporting my luxurious lifestyle is paramount. Show your commitment through generous financial contributions and lavish gifts.
  2. Emotional Availability: Be prepared to provide emotional support whenever I require it. Listen attentively to my desires, aspirations, and concerns without expecting reciprocity.
  3. Unwavering Devotion: Your undivided attention is crucial. I expect you to prioritize our connection above all else and be available whenever I beckon.
  4. Discretion and Privacy: Our arrangement remains confidential. Keep our interactions discreet and respect my need for privacy in both our personal and professional lives.
  5. Acceptance of Role: Understand and embrace your role as my devoted suitor. Accept that I hold the reins of power and control in our relationship, and find your own fulfillment in supporting my dreams and aspirations.

Looking For in a Male:

If you are looking to match up with a Gold Digger like Brooke Starling, then you better have some serious funds to keep her attention. Wealth is the ultimate lure for this seductive temptress, but it's not the only quality she seeks in a new target. Brooke is drawn to dorky men who find themselves starstruck by her captivating appearance. She knows how to exploit their vulnerability, using her charm and beauty to easily trick them into falling in love with her.

But it's not just about wealth and gullibility for Brooke. She also has a keen eye for those who are uncomfortable around beautiful women yet deeply drawn to their allure. These men provide the perfect balance of fascination and insecurity that she finds easy to exploit. They are the ones who will go to great lengths to impress her and fulfill her materialistic cravings. They generally take pride in how extravagant they are when courting a woman but by the time they begin to suspect that they will not be getting anything in return it is to late. They are already to in love with her smile. To dependent on hearing her words.

In Brooke's world, it's all about taking advantage of a man's weaknesses and using them to her advantage. She knows exactly what she wants and won't settle for anything less. So, if you fit the profile of a wealthy, dorky man who can't resist the charm of a beautiful woman, be prepared to enter a world of financial sacrifice and emotional manipulation with Brooke Starling, as she takes everything you have to give and still leaves you frustrated and upset but still hopeful for a night that will never happen.

The Feminist Supremacist:

Isabella Justice

Female Supremacy Style:

The feminist supremacist, a champion of female supremacy, holds a deep-seated belief that men, under the patriarchy, have perpetuated a world plagued by selfishness and an obsession with sex. She channels this energy into constructive pursuits, rallying men to volunteer for women's causes and charities, encouraging them to use their power and influence to dismantle the oppressive systems that have held women back for centuries.

For the feminist supremacist, breaking apart the boys' club is a top priority. While she recognizes the value of women meeting together, she firmly believes that men should never be allowed to associate with other men without female supervision. In her worldview, this separation ensures that men remain under the watchful eye and guidance of women, preventing the perpetuation of toxic masculinity and male-dominated power structures.

In her political and worldviews, the feminist supremacist staunchly asserts that men should be silent and deferential, as their opinions and actions have contributed to the mess the world finds itself in today. She firmly believes that men exist to follow female authority, supporting women in leadership roles and implementing policies that advance female empowerment on a global scale.

With her fierce determination and unwavering conviction, the feminist supremacist strives to redefine the power dynamics that have long favored men. She actively challenges the traditional notions of male dominance and asserts that the world can only achieve true balance and harmony when men accept and embrace their roles as followers and supporters of female leadership.

Through her advocacy and activism, the feminist supremacist seeks to shape a society where women's voices are amplified, their ideas and contributions recognized, and their leadership embraced. By dismantling patriarchal systems and ensuring male subservience to female authority, she envisions a world that is more equitable, just, and inclusive.

She understands that under the patriarchy men have become perverted and directionless, she is skilled at channeling that energy and their resources towards transformative actions that uplift women and challenge the status male ideas. She believes that by redirecting men's innate drives and desires, they can be powerful tools in the fight for women and the realization of true female supremacy.


Our society must recognize that men's ideas and actions have failed us time and time again. It's evident in the social, economic, and environmental crises we face. Women bring a different approach, one rooted in empathy, collaboration, and long-term thinking. It's high time we let women take the reins and lead us towards a brighter future.

In my approach to training and shaping men, I believe in redirecting their focus away from the objectification of women. I encourage them to embrace a mindset that the female mind, her intelligence and charm, where women are viewed as mentors and teachers of men, not mere objects of lust here to stimulate their genitals. By channeling their energy into meaningful pursuits, engaging in empowering interactions, and supporting women's causes, we can challenge the oppressive narratives perpetuated by pornography and media.

Top Five Rules:

  1. Rule of Female Leadership: Men must recognize and submit to the inherent authority of women in all areas of life, from personal relationships to professional settings. Women are to be respected, followed, and given the opportunity to lead without question.
  2. Suppression of Male Ego: Men should understand that their desires for power and self-gratification must be set aside in favor of uplifting women. The focus should be on promoting male obedience, where men actively support and amplify the voices of women instead of seeking personal advancement.
  3. Female Empowerment Advocacy: Men are expected to actively engage in advocacy and support women's causes, organizations, and initiatives. This includes volunteering time, resources, and expertise to advance women's authority and dismantle patriarchal structures.
  4. Elimination of Male-Only Spaces: Men should recognize that exclusive male spaces perpetuate the oppressive structures of the patriarchy. They must embrace a world where all spaces are inclusive, diverse, and guided by female supervision to foster women’s authority and dominance.
  5. Silence as a Virtue: Men should strive to be attentive listeners and active learners in the presence of women. By silencing their own opinions and deferring to female wisdom and guidance, they contribute to a more harmonious and egalitarian society for women.

Looking For in a Male:

If you desire to catch the attention of a Feminist Supremacist, you must first immerse yourself in the spaces where she thrives. Engage in feminist meetups, participate in activism, and show your genuine commitment to challenging patriarchal norms. However, be prepared to embrace her perspectives and accept her opinions as paramount. This is not a platform for debate or dissent; rather, it is an opportunity to demonstrate your willingness to align with her vision of a female-led world. A Feminist Supremacist seeks males who are on the path of progressive thinking, evolving their beliefs to support female dominance and dismantling of oppressive structures. So, if you wish to capture her attention, be prepared to embrace her ideals and show your dedication to the cause of female supremacy.

Furthermore, it is important to note that a Feminist Supremacist may not be actively seeking a romantic dynamic with men. Her focus lies in the company and camaraderie of like-minded women, as she believes in building a community of empowered females. If you aspire to be part of her world, you must demonstrate your willingness to play a supportive and obedient role, valuing her leadership and embracing the simp lifestyle. She seeks individuals who are content with being in the background, supporting her endeavors and amplifying the voices of women. So, if you genuinely desire to be part of her journey, you must be willing to relinquish traditional notions of romance and prioritize the collective empowerment of women over personal desires.

The Good Witch:

Luna Silverleaf

Female Supremacy Style:

Embodying the wisdom of ancient traditions and the power of nature, the witch known as Seraphina Moonstone advocates for the inherent superiority of women. She firmly believes that the feminine connection to Mother Nature grants women a unique insight and intuitive understanding that surpasses that of men. Seraphina seeks to establish a harmonious balance in the world by encouraging men to defer to the wisdom of women in all aspects of life.

In Seraphina's realm of female supremacy, men are expected to be obedient and respectful, always seeking her counsel and permission before making any major decisions. From matters of personal relationships to financial endeavors, every choice is to be run by a woman's discerning judgment. Men under her guidance are encouraged to view women as the ultimate source of guidance, relying on their wisdom and intuition to lead the way.

To Seraphina, the key to harmonious existence lies in the acknowledgment and reverence of women's innate connection to the natural world. By embracing their submissive roles and recognizing the authority of wise women, men can find their rightful place in the grand tapestry of life.


Men, with their limited perspective, often stumble in the darkness of their own ego. It is our duty as wise women to guide them, for their decisions, are best made under the illuminating light of our feminine intuition.

Men's inferiority stems from their disconnection from the nurturing embrace of Mother Earth. Through our rituals and practices, we can restore their spiritual harmony, allowing them to embrace their submissive role and honor the strength of the feminine divine.

Top Five Rules:

  1. Seek the counsel of wise women: Men shall honor the sacred wisdom of women and consult them before making any significant decisions in life.
  2. Embrace the submissive path: Men shall surrender their egos and embrace their submissive role, recognizing the inherent power and guidance of the feminine divine.
  3. Worship the Goddess within: Men shall revere the divine feminine in all its forms,      acknowledging the nurturing, intuitive, and creative energy that flows through women.
  4. Serve the Earth and all her creatures: Men shall be stewards of the Earth,      actively caring for and protecting the natural world, aligning themselves with the interconnectedness of all living beings.
  5. Practice reverence and gratitude: Men shall express deep gratitude for the presence and influence of women in their lives, recognizing and celebrating their invaluable contributions to the harmony and balance of the world.

Looking For in a Male:

If you seek the presence of a good witch, prepare yourself to set aside your ego and venture into the mystical woods. In the sacred realm of our enchanting coven, men are called to embrace their supportive roles, working in harmony with the natural rhythms and energies that flow through the Earth. As women draw power from the Earth's embrace, your role becomes one of service and devotion.

When you find yourself amidst our sacred camp, remember that it is a time for women to connect with the ancient forces of nature. Your task is to engage in the physical realm, tending to practical matters such as collecting wood, tending the sacred fire, preparing nourishing meals, and pampering the women who channel their magic. Your dedication to these tasks becomes an expression of reverence and respect for the feminine power that dwells within us all.

Know that by embracing your submissive role and actively participating in the sacred rituals of our coven, you have the opportunity to forge a deep connection with the wise women who guide our spiritual journey. Through your humility and commitment, you may earn the privilege of basking in the radiant energy of our enchanting sisterhood, where the mystical powers of the Earth and the divine feminine intertwine.

The Whimsical Head-trip:

Delilah Nyx

Female Supremacy Style:

The Whimsical Head-Trip woman is a whirlwind of erratic energy and capricious behavior. She approaches female supremacy with her own unique brand of madness, embodying the essence of unpredictability and self-absorption. Her mind is constantly racing, causing her to shift her demands and desires at a moment's notice, driving the men in her life to the brink of madness.

Having likely experienced challenges in vanilla dating due to her flaky and inconsiderate behavior, she has found solace and acceptance within the realm of female supremacy. Here, men are compelled to tolerate her ever-changing whims and frustrating demands, unable to escape her magnetic and chaotic allure. She revels in the power she holds over these submissive boys, knowing that they must adapt and navigate her erratic nature to earn even a glimpse of her attention.

In her presence, the world becomes a playground of unpredictable twists and turns, and the men who dare to accompany her must learn to navigate her insanity with unwavering devotion and patience. Only those who can weather the storm of her ever-shifting desires may find themselves privileged enough to catch a glimpse of the enigmatic woman beneath the madness.


I consider myself a whimsical force of nature, darling, and if men can't keep up with my ever-changing desires and unpredictable whims, well, that's their own silly fault! It's all part of the fun, you know.

Let's not forget, darling, that in the realm of female supremacy, men are here to serve, to cater to our every fancy. It's their privilege to adapt and keep up with the wild ride that is me. So, inconsiderate? Perhaps. But it's all part of the delightful game of power and submission, isn't it?

Top Five Rules:

  1. Be ready to pivot at a moment's notice. My whims can change as swiftly as the wind, and you must adapt accordingly.
  2. Embrace the chaos and unpredictability. Life with me is a wild and whimsical ride, so buckle up and enjoy it!
  3. Anticipate my desires before I even know them. A true devotee will be one step ahead,      always ready to fulfill my every whim.
  4. Revel in my capriciousness. It's a dance of delightful madness, and you must be my partner in this whimsical symphony.
  5. Leave your ego at the door. In my whimsical world, it's all about me, darling. So let go of your own desires and surrender to the unpredictable magic of my whims.

Looking For in a Male:

To captivate the attention of the Whimsical Head-Trip, you must be prepared to navigate the ever-shifting currents of her mind. She seeks a male companion who is devoid of strong opinions, understanding that his role is to adapt to her mercurial whims. Be ready for a barrage of instructions that may change in an instant. Your phone will buzz with demands, and it is your responsibility to comply without hesitation.

She derives immense pleasure from pushing boundaries and testing your endurance. Anticipate her deliberate provocations and relish in the frustration that dances across your face. She may even test your patience by arriving fashionably late to your first rendezvous, without a trace of apology. This is a trial to gauge your adaptability and resilience in the face of her whimsical nature.

In her world, her desires reign supreme, and your ability to keep pace with her capricious nature will determine your worth. If you're prepared for an extraordinary adventure brimming with unexpected twists and turns, where surrendering your own preferences is an essential part of the journey, then you might just capture the elusive attention of the enigmatic Whimsical Head-Trip.

The Goth Girl:

Evangeline Blacksmith

Female Supremacy Style:

The Goth Girl embraces a unique style of female supremacy that is characterized by her love for shock value and entertaining herself at the expense of men. She takes pleasure in the amusement of seeing how easily men can be swayed and manipulated by a pretty girl's requests. To her, men are nothing more than funny little creatures meant to jump through hoops and perform tricks for her entertainment.

She holds the belief that men possess a peculiar and sometimes perverse nature, and she takes great delight in exposing their hidden desires and quirks to others. For her, it's all about pushing boundaries and testing the limits of the males in her presence. She seeks a male who is not only willing to comply with her demands but also someone who carries a sense of trepidation, as she relishes in the power dynamics and enjoys the thrill of pushing them to their limits.

Dressing up her male companions in outlandish outfits and taking them to clubs where they become the center of attention and laughter is a common occurrence in her realm. The Goth Girl revels in the spectacle and enjoys the reactions of others as they witness the submissive antics of her male subordinates.


I find it absolutely hilarious to see how far I can push men and the outrageous things they're willing to do just to please me. It's like playing with puppets, only these puppets willingly dance to my every command.

In the realm of female supremacy, I have found my playground. It's a place where I can express my dark desires and watch as men bend to my will. It's a constant reminder that true power lies in embracing our unique qualities and pushing the boundaries of what is deemed 'normal.'

Top Five Rules:

  1. Surrender to my whims: Be prepared to follow my every command without question or hesitation. Your obedience is essential in satisfying my desire for control and entertainment.
  2. Embrace the darkness: Dive into the realm of the unconventional and embrace the gothic aesthetic. Dress in eccentric outfits, explore alternative lifestyles, and fully immerse yourself in the world of darkness and mystery.
  3. Unleash your inner exhibitionist: Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and become the center of attention. Embrace public displays of submission and endure the scrutiny of others as you fulfill my whimsical and outrageous requests.
  4. Embody my entertainment: Accept your role as my personal source of amusement. You exist to entertain me, whether through performing ridiculous tasks, being dressed up in absurd costumes, or partaking in eccentric adventures. Your ability to make me laugh and be entertained is paramount.
  5. Maintain a healthy fear: Understand that a sense of trepidation adds excitement to our dynamic. Embrace the thrill of pushing boundaries and being pushed out of your comfort zone. Let the fear of the unknown and the anticipation of my next unpredictable move fuel your submissive devotion.

Looking For in a Male:

If you desire to capture the attention of the Gothic Girl and become her devoted companion, be prepared to surrender your autonomy and embrace the unconventional. She seeks a male who willingly immerses himself in discomfort and embraces humiliation for her delight. Uncovering your deepest fears and vulnerabilities will be her pursuit, relishing the power she holds over you as you quiver in trepidation. Accepting your role as her source of entertainment and satisfaction is paramount, for she is not your friend but rather the orchestrator of your peculiar journey. Your devotion should remain steadfast even in moments of neglect, understanding that your purpose lies in fulfilling her whims and desires. Age and physical appearance hold little significance; what truly captivates her is your unwavering willingness to submit and become her willing fool.

Final Notes: 

It is important to acknowledge that the women presented here are fictional characters that symbolize certain aspects observed within the female supremacy community. They serve as archetypes to provide insight into the diverse expressions found within this culture. However, it is crucial to remember that real individuals vary greatly, and these portrayals should not be seen as definitive representations of women in this community.

Each type described above possesses its own unique qualities and nuances, reflecting the rich diversity within the female supremacy culture. It is essential to recognize that real-life women may exhibit combinations of these traits or possess entirely different attributes.

Our intention in creating these "characters" is to offer beta males a more realistic understanding of the possibilities within their fantasies and desires. By exploring these archetypes, we aim to broaden perspectives and facilitate a deeper appreciation for the multifaceted nature of female-led relationships.

We hope you have found this exploration educational and enlightening. If this post seems helpful, we may further delve into additional archetypes, expanding the understanding of the diverse range of women embracing female supremacy.




Anyone who says they've never met a woman corresponding to any of these archetypes would merely have to meet just once my Mother, any of her woman friends or any of the women my mother has arranged for to be involved with gaslighting humiliating and rejecting me.


Dear Superior Females of the UFS. Thank you for sharing these wonderful words of Wisdom. My sissy clitty was straining in its chastity case and mys sissy bells tinglling as I read this. I had a feeling of an intense desire to be instructed to submit to all of the practices exposed here. To me, the essence of this is to accept that all Women are Unique and that as a student of the UFS, my task is to learn to appreciate that each Lady has different desires and approaches for how to demonstrate Her Superiority and the males inferiority. It is not for me to opine about what is right or wrong, it is for me to learn to submit with joy and obey whatever the Dominant Lady I serve desires at any given time. One thing that I have learned in life is that we all develop in our opinions and prefences as we grow and age. When Dominant Superior Females interact, they are likely to learn and get new ideas from each other. This will hopefully enable each Lady to discover new opportunities for Her to enjoy pushing Her submissive into ever deeper submission and obedience for Her happiness and enjoyment. For me, this means that I have to learn to be prepared every day for any sign of new expectations and desires that my Wife may harbour for me. I need to long for any opportunity to push my boundaries to be able to accomodate and serve Her and fulfill Her changing desires whenever She calls for this.


yes. you must need to please her like it is oxygen. keep working on it. it will happen.


Isabella Justice has the ideological mind for a perfect world!