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(Stacy Labs is a fictional multidisciplined research lab founded by Dr. Stacy Smith. It, unfortunately, only exists in the New Women's Order Universe. But if every male keeps training, it may be the future.)

We created an audio file so dumb boys don't have to read all of this technologically complicated text.


In the New Women's Order technology to control the behavior of males will become increasingly important. Males who were raised under the patriarchy will find this new society difficult to accept.

Because of this, Stacy Smith Laboratories, the creator of the No-Go virus,  will be at the forefront of toxically masculine behavior suppression technology. This tech will be instrumental in modifying unwanted male behavior to help make the males in this female-led society more obedient, docile, and controllable.

Certain enhancements in materials have made this tech extremely effective. Here we will show you some of the tech that Stacy Labs has created and some of the foundational technologies that have enabled these advancements in this field.

Foundational Technologies.

Fluid Metals:

Fluid metal is often used in the production of public goods such as cars, plumbing, and medical equipment. Fluid metal exhibits shape-shifting properties, seamlessly transitioning between different forms while maintaining its remarkable structural integrity. This advanced material boasts near-indestructibility in its solid state.

Additionally, fluid metal is often combined with sophisticated software that enables users to alter its shape and properties according to their needs and preferences, within the safety constraints established by the manufacturers of the hardware and software. This allows for a high degree of customization and adaptability, making it an ideal material for a wide range of applications.

For instance, when used in a chastity device fluid metal can change the shape and structure of the device to achieve optimal compatibility with the male's anatomy.

Nano Neuro-Integrated Mesh (NNI Mesh):

This technology allows for the seamless integration of metal with human skin and nerves. This integration is made possible through the use of advanced nanotechnology that enables the Nano-Mesh to bond with the skin and central nervous system creating seamless Neuro-Integration. This allows for the device to draw energy directly from the body's central nervous system to power its functions, a process known as Neuro-Energy Extraction, creating a truly symbiotic relationship between technology and the human body. No longer do women need to recharge their male's devices, as the energy required is simply pulled directly from the wearer's body.

Neuro-Integrated Control and Communication System (NICCS):

The NICCS system, created by Stacy Labs is a fully autonomous AI system that integrates with the wearer's central nervous system using the Nano Neuro-Intergrated Mesh to monitor and control behavior, as well as communicate with other devices and systems. The integrated personality subroutines allow it to bond emotionally with the subject, creating a sense of loyalty and obedience to the device's AI subroutine. The device is also capable of receiving input from a female end user to set goals and priorities for the wearer, while still maintaining full control over the male's actions and behaviors. Overall, NICCS is a powerful and sophisticated technology that serves as the brains of this integrated male control system.

The NICCS system is fully self-governing providing significant advantages to the female end user. By being fully self-governing, the AI system eliminates the need for direct Female oversight. This frees up the end-user to focus on other activities such as pleasure or the pursuit of intellectual and creative endeavors while still ensuring that the required tasks are completed efficiently. The system's personality subroutines often become a kind of pseudo-crush for the male, making it easier for the system to administer punishments and rewards to ensure compliance. Additionally, the system can control actions and communicate with the person wearing the device, as well as communicate with other devices and appliances. This allows for superior women to control multiple males simultaneously, which would not be feasible if direct supervision was required. Overall, this "auto-pilot" AI system provides women with a reliable, efficient, and autonomous means of controlling their male workers with little to know personal oversight by the end-user.

Electromagnetic Levitation and Positioning (ELP+):

The ELP+ technology utilizes advanced electromagnetic fields to create a precise and dynamic system of repulsion and attraction between two or more devices on a person's body. This allows for the precise positioning and orientation of the devices relative to each other, which can in turn control the posture and position of the person wearing them. This technology is especially useful in situations where precise control of a person's movement and positioning is required, such as obedience training or objectification.

ELP+ technology allows for the precise positioning of the devices on a person's body, enabling the wearer to maintain specific postures for extended periods of time. This feature is particularly useful for tasks that require prolonged standing, holding heavy objects, or being furniture for extended periods. The technology's electromagnetic repulsion and attraction properties enable the user to move and hold objects without the ability to stop, ensuring that the male will remain in such a position until released by a female or the NIICS. This technology is an important development in the field of human augmentation, making physically demanding tasks easier to control and enabling males to perform tasks that were previously impossible.

Neuro-Magnetic Sensory Fusion (N-M SF):

This technology utilizes a combination of magnetic fields, neurology, and other advanced technologies to create highly immersive and vivid experiences in the brain. This technology can be integrated into various devices such as glasses, headphones, and even latex suits, allowing users to experience a range of sensory inputs beyond just seeing, hearing, and feeling.

Through the use of advanced algorithms and neural interfaces, this technology can also be customized to individual preferences and can even simulate entirely new sensations, while this tech is often used by women for entertainment it is also very effective in training males and conditioning them to be better servants for the superior female.

Life Guardian with Xyfora (LG /X):

The Life Guardian with Xyfora (LG/X) is a cutting-edge monitoring and communication system designed to prevent the loss of valuable male life. It is a preventative solution for costly medical procedures or long-term mental health treatments. By monitoring the human's vital signs, neurological responses, and behavioral patterns, LG/X can detect any potential risks or health issues before they escalate, allowing for early intervention and treatment.

It also has the ability to communicate with medical professionals and emergency services in real-time, providing them with vital information about the male's condition and location.

LG/X or some similar stopgap mechanism is now mandated under the Male Protection and Care Act, a bill proposed and endorsed by the FJC, a minority party of women who advocate for the fundamental right to life for all beings, irrespective of their origins. With LG/X, valuable male life is protected and preserved, ensuring their continued productivity and well-being.


The integration of these technologies is what makes our solutions superior for training and controlling males. By combining the ELP+ system for precise positioning with the Life Guardian with Xyfora monitoring system, we can ensure that males are kept safe while being trained for maximum productivity. The addition of the sensory manipulation technology takes this to the next level, allowing for vivid and immersive training experiences. Our smart AI system ties everything together, allowing for complete control and communication between devices, as well as with other connected devices and appliances. With this integration, we can offer a comprehensive solution for female end-users who need to train and control males for various tasks and purposes.

Male Behavior Modification Devices.

The following is a sampling of the male behavior modification devices Stacy Labs has to offer. These are just a few samples of things we are working on or that are available today. We are sure you will find solutions to meet all your male training needs.

Erection Eliminator 45:

The Erection Eliminator 45 is designed to empower women to maintain total control over male sexual behavior. The device utilizes state-of-the-art technology to detect erections and immediately shut them down, thus eliminating the possibility of unwanted sexual activities. The device features a variety of different levels of regulation and operation, allowing women to customize the male's movements and behaviors, and to choose the degree of influence they want to exert at any given moment.

The Erection Eliminator does more than just control erections. Using its integrated punishment and pleasure capabilities it can stimulate the penis using electric pulses to specific neural clusters in the head of the penis. This device is pierced into place over the head of the penis and can not be removed unless deactivated.

With its integrated AI the supervising woman does not even need to monitor the male. She can simply set limits on the amount of allowed penis excitement before punishment protocols are engaged.

The supervising woman can also set the minimum level of male arousal keeping him in a constant state of sexual need for extended periods of time while punishing the male if he becomes too aroused for the woman's liking. This is a wonderful way to ensure that the male is always kept at a minimal level of arousal ensuring his inability to think independently or resist the commands of the superior female.

Thimble of Control:

Great for very small males. This device uses microtechnology to fuse with the head of the male's penis. The base ring is then connected to the "thimble" using electromagnetism ensuring that the available space for the penis is as small as the end user desires.

If you enjoy keeping a male's penis feeling cramped and trapped in its device, this little number is perfect for your needs. It will be a great source of pleasure for you to watch the male attempt to get comfortable in the device as it continues to grow smaller and smaller further restricting the space the penis has available to grow or move. Please be aware that more recent research has shown that the male's body may adapt to this device by shrinking the penis over time but as the device is created using fluid metal the "thimble" will always feel tight and restrictive regardless of how small the male's shaft attempts to shrink.

Also please remember that all of our devices have the ability to stimulate the penis with both pleasure and pain. Many women use the diminutive size of this device combined with pleasurable stimulation to keep the male aroused but still unable to achieve even the smallest of erections.

The Little Prince:

Another device that is surgically attached for absolute security. The small LCD display will give anyone a quick indication of how obedient the male is by showing numerical values referenced on many of the male obedience scales we use today.

As with all of our devices if the unit is left open women may interface with the device to find the entire history of the male in great detail. Frequency of attempted erections, stimulus the male best responds to, and many other data sets can be perused by anyone with access to the device's AI.

At Stacy Labs, we believe that males should have no secrets from women so all of our devices have the ability to transmit all data about the male to any woman who is allowed access. Most women choose to keep their devices wide open so all women can quickly get a thorough obedience history and perversion profile about the male whenever they choose.

Chastity 123:

Want to go retro? One of our first designs was created on the schematic drawing done by Stacy Smith herself many years ago. While she was doing her third doctorate degree she designed this for a fellow classmate to help him focus more on her happiness and not his own selfish male desires.

She quickly discovered a real passion for controlling male behavior through neurosexual technology.

In its original form, it was a pleasure/pain trainer combined with a  rigid chastity cage that needed the woman to interact with through a smartphone or other network-enabled device. Of course that would be of little use today so rest assured it has been given the Stacy Labs upgrade allowing it to easily be controlled through our worldwide network, female voice command, and it is of course in full compliance with regulations and laws in all female-led countries.

Sleepless Squirms:

This chastity device was created to solve one problem many women face today. Males who have learned to suppress the sexual need that makes them so weak around women. This is unacceptable and undermines female superiority by removing the woman's greatest tool in controlling inferior males. His desperate need for sexual interaction when in the presence of a woman, or merely when thinking about his crush or other significant females in his environment.

We all know that mother nature gave women all the advantages, but this is by far the greatest. And yet males still try to toxically defy nature's plan for them by suppressing their sexual need undermining this advantage we superior women were gifted.

The solution we found to this terrible problem was using certain bioelectric waves to stimulate the male's testicles to overproduce sperm at an incredible rate. This build-up of sperm puts the male's body in crisis to release which of course is completely controlled by his female supervisor. While this may give the male many a sleepless night as his swollen testicles cry out with a need to be emptied. Rest assured that no release will ever take place so the male will be forced to rechannel his sexual need into obedience and service to the superior female.

Screaming Snow Globe:

Another great device for little males. Place the globe of this device over the male's penis head, connect the ring around the base of the penis, and let the fun begin. This device was created with more neural connections than any other system available today, giving you absolute control over what he is feeling in his most sensitive area. He will surely pay close attention to everything you instruct him to do if he doesn't want a very sad penis indeed.

The millions of neural connections that the device uses to bond with the male's penis head will allow the supervising woman to give the male sensations he has never experienced. Be them pleasurable or painful his brain will have trouble defining what they are and what is happening so all the male will know to do is please all women if he wishes to be rewarded and not punished. Because of the intensity of the sensations, males will have no ability to suppress these feelings and will not have the ability to self-regulate. This is what will lead to his complete obedience to women in general, just as nature intended.

REd Rocket:

While this device does come out of the box very large. Remember that with our fluid metal technology, it will form to fit even the smallest of penises perfectly. the extra bulk allows us to include several layers of microfiber mesh that bonds deeply with the penis allowing for a direct line to the male's neuro-sexual pleasure center.

This is a great device for the woman who loves that mindless drone stare that is only possible if a male is kept sexually excited for weeks on end. Want a little throb zombie that has no brain? This is the device for you.

REd Head:

Similar to the REd Rocket in most respects, its one main difference is that this device has external sensors and can learn from the male's environment. While the geolocation of our devices can report a male's location down to the centimeter, this device will give you a better idea of what is going on around the male at any given moment and gauge how he is responding to it.

Do you often lend your male out to friends but fear he is having disgusting thoughts when he sees them? Well, this little tattle tale will tell you everything you need to know. With the integrated AI it can also make very intelligent conclusions about why the male is reacting in a certain way toward his environment and take appropriate action to regulate his responses.

But maybe your male is actually not responding in a positive or erotic manner to behaviors you want to sexualize for him. Maybe he finds cleaning toilets or washing clothes tedious and dull. Just program the REd head to give him a little pleasant stimulation only while he is doing these activities and watch as he looks forward to chores he once despised. The male mind is easily sexually trained and molded and with the REd Head and its optic censors, the male can be better trained to respond to his environment correctly.

Dingle Dongle:

Nope, it is not one of those old car door openers. It is another pierced on chastity device. This is for a grower, not a show-er. When his little noodle is all soft and floppy you can sandwich it into this chastity device for maximum control. The liquid metal will make sure his little member is squished flat at all times while allowing a little chasm for the urethra to flow. This device is perfect if you find the idea of your male having even the slightest erection disgusting.

Comes in a variety of colors and styles. With or without the piercing.


NDJB or No Dick Just Balls. Is designed for women who love that aesthetic. If you like your males with just a pair of tiny dangling balls ready to be kicked or fondled depending on your mood, this is your device.

It uses nanotechnology to bond to the penis shaft via the included stimulation sheath and then magnetic wave lengths force the separate pieces close together while not restricting blood flow. Like all of our devices, this one can be worn indefinitely without removal.

It will eventually ensure that the male is completely incapable of having any form of erection as his body and mind adapt to the device. Please be sure that this is what you want because it can not be undone. After prolonged wear, the male will no longer be able to have any erections even if the device is removed.

KT 20K:

This is a modern take on a classic device. This upgrade to the Kalis Teeth design which was so popular many years ago, now uses liquid metal to allow for the creation of many forms of punishers in the ring. They can also be restricted as to not cause any damage to the male's penis including calluses that may impede the effectiveness of the devices. This device will continually change where the separate teeth appear ensuring that the male's body can not adapt to the punishing pins regardless of how long they dig into the soft sensitive skin of his penis.

Waring. This is only for extreme training so please use responsibly.

Thank you.

At this time we can not go into every device we are working on but below you can find some product shots of what will be coming to our solution centers in the near future. We love controlling men and making sure that women are getting the best service a male can possibly give so rest assured the people at Stacy Labs are always hard at work for the women of the New Order.

Please be advised that items in production are only assigned lot numbers that you can find above the pictures below.

Thank you for your interest in Stacy Lab's solutions and please come back regularly to hear about all of the new advancements we are making in the field of male training and control.

Lot anna15983

Lot dana87645

Lot faye29561

Lot reya71420

Lot pia98236

Lot jena42759

Lot kira73590

Lot gina39821

Lot tara97263

Lot macy15347

Lot cara59876

Lot rhea20854

Lot luna64980

Lot zoe52134

Lot tina43789

Lot nina98754

Lot sara67218

Lot rita27645

Lot lila49378

Lot ava31590

Lot mia84972




Sold. I obey to Female Supremacy University. Where can this male buy these?


Great designs. The future of male submission and Female control! Beautiful.