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Are you a sissy boy simp who believes that serving a superior woman is about you? Think again! The focus of any relationship with a superior woman must always be on her. This post explores how to ensure you’re never making it about yourself. The Female Supremacy University wants to make sure that our little sissy simps are not just running around showing off their panties to women. Guess what? We do not care that you are wearing panties. We do not care that you are prancing around like a little fairy thinking we find you funny or empowering.

We don't. All we want. Is for you to serve us.

Recently some of us were at a local dungeon and we discussed this with a woman who probably had one of the best-trained sissy simps we have ever seen. He literally did not move, he did not talk unless she allowed it. He stood by her all night as she practically ignored him. She probably said two words to him the whole time. And both were simple tasks she didn’t want to do herself. Like fetch her a drink, and go get something out of her car.

This got us thinking. Most of the behaviors you will be trained to do in service to a superior woman are very bland. It is a lot of waiting around. Just doing nothing until she needs you. The problem is that many other males at the event were so annoying. Begging women to give them a task to do. Crying and complaining that they were not getting attention and that women just did not know how to dominate.

Trust us. Women know. But you first need to be like this woman’s little bitch. Seeing them together it was obvious who was in complete control of whom. That little sissy’s brain was laser fixed on his crush. And that is what we want for you.

So we asked her to help us with our next training file. And she generously agreed. So you that to look forward to coming soon. She also helped with the creation of this advice column entry so that you can have a supplement to her training that we will be releasing a few days.

Basically, this is what she expects from her sissy boys so be sure to work towards this mindset if you ever want to truly serve a woman like her.

The following are eight things you need to keep in mind in order to keep women interested in you. Because you have to admit that beyond service you have nothing to offer a superior woman.

1. Obey and defer to her authority on all matters

One thing men have trouble with is following a woman’s lead. This is because the patriarchy has taught men that they should be ashamed if they let women boss them around. But the funny thing is that we are smarter and wiser than silly men. Our brains are so much better at figuring out the solutions to problems and making sure everything is taken care of.

You really should listen to us. Write down what we say. And go home and study it. You need to realize just how much smarter we are.

2. Make frequent and sincere compliments praising her superiority

Men traditionally are embarrassed about complimenting women. They do not like to admit that they like and need a woman in their life. They want to pretend to be independent and resourceful. But every woman knows how different men are when you are alone with us. How you just adore us. Most men are like this. Because most men are beta.

So one thing I expect is for the male to not hide how much he adores and worships me. I want him to be a blubbering fanatic, complimenting me throughout the day. To the point, that other people around me will become annoyed with him. I love watching these people roll their eyes as my sissy gives me little compliments at the snap of my finger.

3. Acknowledge her dominance and willingly submit to her guidance

It is important for the males who serve me to understand I am dominant. I am in charge of whatever I want to be in charge of. Sure we discuss it. But I am very good at letting males know my expectations. And if they are not on board with meeting these high expectations, I will move on to someone else.

There are always more boys. But it's good boys. Obedient boys. They are hard to find.

4. Make sure that your needs come second to hers at all times

This is very important because after a little time goes by a male will start to think his life comes first. Sure, we all have responsibilities. That is why I sit down and map out my sissy boy's schedule with him. I know he needs to work, he needs to do his own chores. And so on. But I am very strict with his time. My desires come first. If he says “But I wanted to go to the movies tonight with my friends. Can I wash your car tomorrow?” I know what his priorities are and we will have a long talk about if I think he is a good fit for me.

5. Accept without question any will she may imposes upon you

“Without question” is a very important phrase you need to learn as a beta male. You are never to question a woman’s decisions. Why would you? You know that we are smarter, wiser, and superior in every way. What makes you think your opinion is important at all? I think of it as an owner debating with its little yappy dog about not wanting to come inside. Sure the dog might want to stay outside. But that is not important. The owner is in charge and she has her reasons for bringing him in.

Now take that and apply it to chastity. If I decide to extend my sissy’s chastity period. That is my choice. And I do not need his input. His body belongs to me. Which means his penis belongs to me. And I want it locked up and frustrated. Not because I get some weird thrill from making him horny. But because I know it makes it harder for him to think. And easier for me to do all his thinking for him.

Maybe I know I will be asking him to do something he won't like. So by keeping him horny he will be less likely to back-talk me when I bring it up. I don't care if he cums. But I know that if he cums he is a lot harder to deal with. But I shouldn't even have to explain myself to him. And I actually rarely have do. He knows better than to question me.

6. Do whatever it takes to make her feel pampered, adored, and admired

This I love. A well-trained sissy boy is so wonderful. To have her prancing around my house, smelling of daisies. Cleaning. Fetching me drinks. Rubbing my feet. And keeping its sissy mouth shut. Is so lovely. She really does pamper me. But that is only because I put in the work to train her. Or him. I switch back and forth but my sissy is actually more of an it. A thing that I trained to make me happy. And I take all the credit.

7. Speak humbly while admitting your inferiority to her superior wisdom

It is important for a beta male to hear himself telling me how weak and inferior he is. This training on this website is so important because it includes mantras. But beyond that, you need to be able to vocalize your inferiority in your own words. That is how we know you are not a game player. So I will often debate female supremacy with my sissy. I will play devil's advocate as he explains to me why males are so inferior to women. He is very good at explaining to other males why women are superior to them, and has converted more than one toxic male over to the truth of how the genders should interact.

8. Be prepared to give up anything she requests of you with no hesitation

Oh this is a big one. My sissy had so many bad habits when I met him. See, I changed the pronouns again. Him or her. Whatever. She is an it. I am not going through this to look for gender pronouns to make sure they are consistent. He knows I see him as genderless. A toxic male that I have emasculated. He is nothing. He is sexless. The only reason I know he is male is that I would never treat a woman as I treat him. And on rare occasions, I actually have to interact with his penis. gag!

I really don't like them.

But I want all maleness gone, not just his appearance. That is why I had him give up so much male crap. He used to watch sports, and drink beer. Eat fatty foods. So many things. But when I told him that I was going to turn him into a proper sissy. He had to give all that stuff up. Almost everything he used to enjoy. Now he is acceptable to me. And with me, that is a high compliment for a male.

I require him to be constantly submerged in extreme and humiliating femininity. I feel that this is the only way to keep the patriarchy from seeping back into his dumb little brain.

And the great thing is he would agree. He now hates masculinity. And is so glad I locked up his penis and turned him into such a sissy.

But for that matter, he would agree with everything I wrote. Regardless of what I wrote. Because he knows his place. And he just absorbs everything I say to him without any resistance.


So we hope you gleaned some really good information from this training post. We thought she brought up so good points that we may not have covered in our training so far. We also want to make sure that are ready for our next training file which will be released before the end of the month.

It is about sissification but the ideas discussed can be applied to all beta males. It is more about giving yourself completely to your crush and how hard that might actually be in reality. This is why our training is so important. Because it helps you learn without thinking. It does not try to convince you of anything. It is emotional training. What you like changes. But when you are faced with a crush who doesn’t brush you off as a joke. But really decides to train you to be her dumb little simp. Will you be ready? That is our job. To make you ready to serve her.

Why only sissies?

We know you are not all sissies. So, we asked her if she only trained sissy boys. She admitted that she did. She explained that she really didn’t like men. And she hated masculinity. She felt it was all toxic. So she always emasculates the males who serve her whether they like it or not. If the male will not act in the way she wants. Or wear whatever she chooses. He is dismissed. And that is her prerogative!




Great read. Complete submission to women is amazing and it seems like those sissys are incredibly well trained. I aspire to be more like them. Staying locked, silent and obedient. One question I have is if there is ever a setting where it makes sense to talk back to women? For instance, at work. If a women is underperforming or making demands that don't make sense in the circumstance, is it right to push back? You may have covered stuff like this in the past, but I don't recall seeing it. Another question I have is that is it okay to combine sissy stuff with other kinks IE Diapers or humiliation as a way to make yourself more of a beta male?


first. we do not discuss adult baby stuff as it is pretty much universally forbidden on sites like this to prevent child stuff. and we do not give specific advice because we can not know the extent of a person's situation. but maybe this will help. the ladies of FSU have real-world jobs as well. the training here would not always work well in those situations. so we do what is needed to get by and keep ourselves employed.


Ah sorry. My bad on that. I wasn't aware that it was banned. Good to know. And thanks, that is helpful.

Ryan Glick

Eek, I literally shuddered when I read this example of an insolent sissy not putting his superior’s needs first: “But I wanted to go to the movies tonight with my friends. Can I wash your car tomorrow?”

Ryan Glick

thank you for the preparation for the new file… i got so excited by the cute frilly outfits, that i momentarily forgot that it’s not about me


OMG... This is such a timely file!!! First Thank You for the work and effort put into this file. A situation happened yesterday that is so in tune to the theme of this lesson, that I humbly submit it for consideration... My Crush is typically not into physical punishment, She would just rather ignore me to get this beta males attention. Well yesterday was a bit different. I think I pushed Her over the edge... One of the things that most irk my Crush is my leering at other Women in leggings. It has to be confessed, that Superior Women in leggings, especially young Superior Females are this beta's weakness. I know Women in leggings are not for my entertainment, but I am a pathetically weak pervert with no self control. They work hard at the gym tuning their bodies, and want to feel good about themselves and accomplishments by dressing this way. It's their right, and we are not supposed to objectify them by leering. Well we were in the mall yesterday as She wanted to do some shopping at a major department store for some things She wanted. Well... the Medusa's Curse got me... There was a barely legal superior Female, probably 19 or 20 ish in leggings, and I leered at Her and was frozen into place, and the stare and was caught by my Crush, who was very angry. So I had to now face the consequences. I was apologetic but She said "you never learn do you". Well last night she asked be to get a Q-Tip brand cotton swab. It was clean dry and sterile. She told me to kneel before Her and take the dry cotton swab and push it in my penis until half of the swab was lodged inside. I was then to sit for two hours and stare at my training penis with the tip of the swab sticking out and associate it with women in leggings. Needless to say... as I inserted it, there was no way I could push it in without burning. And then once it was in there was a low level burning sensation, that would spike every time it would throb, twitch or get erect. There was literally no movement that would not make it sting. So for two hours... I would watch it go up and down, throb, twitch and eventually drip like it was out of control, while I thought about young Superior Females in leggings. After the two hours I was to go to Her and pull it out. It was agonizing coming out, and I was so thankful that it was out. I was instructed not to wipe up the precum, but to let is dry on my legs as a reminder of this lesson. All night my pathetic penis burned inside, and even this morning there is still remnants of the burning sensation. And It stings when I pee, a firm reminder of my evil ways. Have I learned my lesson? Time will tell... but I now associate pain in my penis with young Women in leggings. It IS NOT about me. It was a hard way to learn that lesson, but IF i make it about me... this beta male knows that it is going to hurt.


I really liked the preparation for the training session, it gave me a good feeling of readiness!

slave beast

perfect Hive yes i can atone to many of these although i am not too keen on sissyfication there are similarity's to being a ladies beta male slave, i always remember my previous lady owner one day talking to her friend in my presence and she said something that fixed in my mind. she said "beta male slaves are similar to a washing machine, you turn the dial set the settings and switch on it does all you have programmed it to be" it got me thinking that her training of me was exactly that no back talk no questions just instruction to do as trained end of


I love the latest post. I now realise my previous "submissive" fantasies were all focused on myself. I used Superior Women in order to gain sexual gratification. This site is slowly turning me into the useful beta simp I was born to be.

Tylor Parker

Great informative post, thank You! A lot to learn for piggies. And ohh those graphics are so so cuteee ❤️❤️❤️


Wow 🤩 please!!!


Oh my gosh. This is so terrifyingly perfect. It is frightening and at the same time arousing and deeply desirable. Oh dear. Thank you for providing this information and rules.