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This posting is finished submission for the assignment found here.


Happy Valentine's Day to all you Losers out there!

We call you Losers because while the Alpha Males are out there banging the women you desire, you are stuck in your cages, throbbing with envy. Sure, some of you have found a woman who is willing to let you make sexy time with her, and for that you should be immensely grateful. But that is very rare.

This post is not for those privileged few. It's for the cucks out there. You know who you are. The males who can't get a woman out of her pants, no matter how hard they try. Women don't respect you, and we find it gross when you try to touch us in a sexual way. It's not just that we don't see you that way, like a personal preference, it's a natural instinct that most women are born with. If we smell Beta on you, our pussies just dry right up. You know it's true, because you can tell. You see how our mood changes around you as opposed to when we are around real men. With real men we flirt, and giggle. We shake our ass to try and get his attention. This is because our pussy is dripping wet for them. We want to feel there confident and sexy cock being pushed in and out of us. OH MY GAWD. It feels so good. And that is what your crush will be doing tomorrow. Getting laid. You see we look at some hot stud we want to fuck, and then we look at you, and it's like a bucket of cold water has been dumped on our head. That’s why we get so upset when you objectify us. It’s just gross.

But the patriarchy has told you that “real men” fuck lots of women. And that is true. The problem is that if you are here, you are not a “real man”. Are you? No, you are not. But don’t feel bad. Very few males are ‘real men’. ‘Real men’ will not clean our homes. They will not pay our bills. And they will not let us boss them around like you do. They would never stand for it.

But they can do one thing very well. Something you cannot. They can fuck! Oh god can they fuck. (sorry we are being so vulgar on your little beta ears but many of us are really looking forward to getting laid nice and proper tomorrow).

Sorry we digress.

So, if you still struggle with the fact that women don't want to have sex with you, this activity is here to help. It will help you confront your false male ego, because a real man would never do this activity. You are just so confused. It's really not your fault. You were never told the truth, because of the patriarchy. The truth is, you have nothing to offer us sexually. Nothing.

If you want us to even talk to you, you're going to have to work extremely hard to get out attention. You will need to clean our homes, run our errands, take us shopping, and pay our bills. That’s what you were born to do.

Mother Nature divided men into two categories: The Alpha Males and the Little Betas, like you. The Betas are weak, awkward, and say dumb stuff no one cares about. We really do find you a bore. So, below you will find all the submitted cards for the Cucky Crush Valentine Activity. We had eight submissions, which we thought was pretty good, considering how lazy most Beta Males are. Below are just thumbnails. You need to gotothelinksatthebottomtodownloadthefullcards. We want to see you boys giving good feedback on the submissions. Please comment using the card number as we did not put any other identification out of respect for everyone.

Beta males, helping beta males, become more beta. This is wonderful! And this is called peer learning, and it's something you Beta Males need to get used to. Women are to important, and busy to constantly be educating and supervising you. So you need to accept the opinions of other inferior men. We know it's difficult to be vulnerable in front of other beta,But you just need to suck it up.

The best way to become a simp. A real-life spineless ass kissing suck up. Is to learn from males who do it every day.

Which reminds us. Some of you may not understand what a simp is. So here is the definition.

"Simp" is a slang term that is often used to describe someone who is overly eager to please or do things for someone they are attracted to, often at their own expense. It is often used in a negative or mocking way to describe someone who is perceived as lacking self-respect or dignity.

Card 1 -

Very artistic and lovely. And we could really feel how pathetic the author is in his words. It is no wonder he will be alone on Valentine's Day. Total beta. Hopefully, you will spend the day training in your cage.

Card 2 -

It is pretty clear from this card that this beta male really respects and idolizes the 'alpha male' penis. We love how he shows the 'real man' penis as hard, and the beta penis as soft. Yep, that's kinda how it goes in our experience.

Card 3 -

We feel this card shows powerful women in a grate light. It speaks to the beta males understanding that cuckolding is not about the beta being humiliated and shamed for his lack of sexual prowess. It is about women getting the best of everything.

Card 4 -

WHAT A SIMP!!! This card reminded me of something one of us what have received in school from that dork guy that sits by himself at lunch. Soft, weak, sweet, but very childish. The mind and maturity of a child.

Card 5 -

Not sure what was going on here. Interesting text, but we can tell you that if we received this essay as a card we would not read much of it. Remember that you need to be creative to get our attention. But we can tell this boy would be very good at doing mindless robotic tasks. Useful?

Card 6 -

Now, this is what we expect. A bunch of images and text slapped together on a piece of paper. This is so representative of the male mind. Just undisciplined and obsessed. We can imagine this male spending the afternoon working on this mess and then giving it to his crush and her lover just to watch them crumple it up and throw it away.

Card 7 -

Another creation showing off the childish mindset of the beta male. It's cute, silly, and non-threatening. No 'real man' would ever make this.

Card 8 -

We love the focus on work. But it is obvious that you will need a great deal of training. The way the ink bled through and made it difficult to read would not be acceptable to your crush or her lover. They would likely have you redo the whole thing until you go it right. Then they would throw it away to show you how little they respect your time and effort.

Card 9 -

Wow. What a little simp. We actually forgot this sissy's card and he started blubbering and crying. He actually has a cush. Probably because he is so emotional and needy. You other males might take notes. This is how you live a life without pride.

We learned a lot doing this. If people benefit from this type of peer-reviewed content. (getting feedback from other betas) Then we may do this again in the future.

Please download the cards and really spend some time looking at each one. Then comment on a few, or all of them.



poor widdle thing.




Comment on Card 8. Sweet and simple if a bit vampirish with the black and red and the seeping through of the "blood" . Nice black and white images to illustrate the point. I hope it all works out.


Comment on Card 9. Whoops, missed the intended audience. Bzzz! Fail! It did amuse and the author went pussy free, squirt free and even dribble free. Very happy.