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Please submit completed cards to 


by Feb 12th!

As a beta male, it is essential for you to understand and confront the toxic aspects of masculinity that have led to you ignoring your instinctual feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. One way to do this is through the creation of Valentine's Day cards for your crush and her lover. This workshop, created by FSU’s creative team, guides you through a process of self-reflection and vulnerability in order to effectively express your subservience and devotion to the women in your life.

The first step of the workshop is for you to explore and confront the feelings of envy and selfishness that may be at the root of your actions and behaviors. Through brainstorming sessions and self-reflection, you can begin to understand the ways in which toxic masculinity has lied to you about your role and purpose in relationships.

The next step is for you to tap into your creativity and emotions, using techniques such as visualization and mantras to evoke feelings of rejection and neediness. This process allows you to grieve the loss of these harmful beliefs and begin to embrace your true role as a servant to women. The final step is for you to share and critique your completed cards with the group, focusing on the level of humiliation and degradation conveyed in each one and why. This workshop is an important step in your journey to understand the true nature of love and devotion, and to let go of toxic masculinity in order to better serve and please the women in your life.

Chastity Mandate Until February 16th

As a student at the FSU, we remind you that this is the month of love for women and their chosen partners, not for you. In order to fully commit yourself to the task of pleasing women and creating the perfect Valentine's Day card for your crush, we are implementing a complete physical lockdown of your sexuality until February 16th.

During this time, you will be expected to redirect your energy and focus on completing this task to the highest standard possible. The goal is to understand and internalize the fact that your purpose in life is to serve and please women. While others may be indulging in physical love and pleasure, you will be abstaining in chastity, ready and willing to do anything for even the slightest bit of attention from your crush.

We understand that this may be challenging, but it is essential for your growth and development as a beta male. Remember, the ultimate goal is to embrace your role as a servant to women and to reject the toxic masculinity that has been ingrained in you by the patriarchy.


- Cardstock or heavy paper for the card base

- Scissors or paper cutter for cutting the cardstock to size

- Glue or double-sided tape for attaching embellishments or other decorations

- Decorative elements such as ribbons, sequins, glitter, or stickers

- Writing utensils such as pens or markers for writing messages or adding other details

- A printer or computer for creating any digital elements that may be included in the card

- A camera, scanner, or smartphone for taking a photo of the finished card for submission

- Use your beta imagination etc.

While it is important to be creative and express yourself, it is crucial to remember that the goal is to express the beta male's inferiority and subservience to women and his willingness to be humiliated and degraded in order to please his crush and her lover. It is important to focus on techniques and methods that effectively communicate these ideas and to be mindful of any possible triggers that might help you maintain this level of inferiority around women.


  • Introduction to the concept of toxic male entitlement and the true role of the beta male in modern romantic relationships.

As a beta male, you may have been taught to believe that you are entitled to access a woman's body for your own pleasure. This way of thinking is toxic and exploitative, and it leads to a society where women are objectified and disrespected. However, at FSU, we strive to break this cycle of entitlement by denying beta males access to sex entirely. This is not only because it is a natural state for beta males, but because it challenges the machismo and sense of entitlement that is often associated with the ability to seduce women. By accepting that you will never be able to sexually please a woman, you are accepting that you have failed to meet the standards set by the patriarchy. But don't worry, this is good for your inferior male mind as your sexual need will be redirected into deriving pleasure from pleasing women in other ways. Listen and support her, pay her expenses and bills and find her sexual partners to satisfy her physical needs. This may seem harsh, but it is necessary in order to help you understand your true place as a servant to women."

"By creating valentine's cards for your crush's lover, you will be forced to confront your own feelings of jealousy, resentment, and even entitlement. This activity is designed to humble you and remind you that your only role in a woman's life is to serve her in platonic ways. Through this exercise, beta males learn to accept and embrace a sexless life devoted to superior women. It may not be an easy path, but it is one that ultimately leads to a more just and equitable society where women have all the power and control.

  • Card ideas and themes, such as emphasizing the beta male's inferiority and the superiority of the crush's lover.

In this section, we will focus on brainstorming card ideas and themes that will challenge you to confront your feelings of jealousy and envy toward your crush's lover. This activity is not about simply making a card, it's about facing your own toxic male entitlement and learning to let go of your selfish desires. One way to do this is by emphasizing your own inferiority compared to the superior qualities of your crush's lover. For example, you can depict your crush's lover as a superhero, who is strong, confident, and capable, while you are weak, subservient, and inferior. You are his sidekick that does all the cleaning, cooking, and paying. Both heroes have their role in serving the superior woman, your crush. This exercise is not easy and it's meant to push you out of your comfort zone and make you face your own flaws and inadequacies. You were deceived but FSU is here to help you find the truth and accept it.

The patriarchy has lied to you about your purpose as a male, telling you that your worth is tied to your ability to provide sexual pleasure to women. But the truth is, beta males like yourself are not designed for sexual conquest, but rather for service and devotion. You must admit that you are not very competent at physical love, fumbling, awkward, and sheepish, but that does not make you any less valuable as a servant to your crush. In fact, by accepting that there are men out there who are better suited for your crush's physical needs, you are taking a crucial step toward true humility and selflessness. Remember, your crush deserves the very best, and it is your duty to serve and support her in any way possible, even if that means creating a heartfelt valentine for her lover.

  • Getting Emotional

During this step, we want to challenge you to confront your emotions head-on and tap into your creativity. Instead of shutting down or withdrawing, we want you to let yourself fully feel your emotions of neediness and longing for your crush. This will not only make for a more heartfelt and sincere card, but it will also demonstrate to your crush and her lover the depth of your devotion and willingness to put yourself in a vulnerable position.

As you create your card, try to envision your crush and her lover in a happy and intimate moment together, while you are left outside. Allow yourself to feel the rejection and the longing to be included, but also remind yourself that it is not your place. This exercise will not only help you grieve the loss of the false expectations and entitlement you may have been taught, but it will also help you come to terms with your true purpose as a beta male in service and devotion to women.

Another way to tap into your emotions and increase the sincerity of your card is to recite mantras of love and devotion to your crush. This can be something simple like "I am devoted to you" or "I will always serve and please you." Repeat these mantras to yourself as you work on your card, and let the words guide your thoughts and actions.

  • Revisions and editing.

It is important to not hold back and truly embrace vulnerability in the creation of your valentine's card. The more humiliating and embarrassing the card, the more it demonstrates your true submission and devotion to your crush. It is important to revisit your work and look for ways to further expose yourself and your inadequacies as a beta male. The goal is for your crush and her lover to find the card hysterically funny, and for them to see just how pathetic and insignificant your feelings are in comparison to their own desires. Through this process, you will be able to truly let go of your toxic male ego and show that your only concern is the happiness and pleasure of your crush, and her lover.

Some ideas might be.

-Make the card as visually over-the-top or juvenile as possible, like using bright neon colors or child-like drawings

-Include personal details or inside jokes that reveal intimate aspects of their crush's relationship with her lover

-Make the message as obsequious and servile as possible, using phrases like "I am nothing without you" or "I am your lowly servant"

-Include multiple cards, each with a different theme, to really hammer home the message of the beta male's inferiority and inadequacy

-Add in explicit references to the beta male's own physical or emotional shortcomings, such as describing themselves as "too short" or "too shy"

  • Be overly effusive and sappy

This means using overly-romantic language, expressing your undying love and devotion, and writing in a way that makes it clear you would do anything for your crush. By being overly effusive and sappy, you are putting yourself in a vulnerable position and showing your crush and her lover that you are a complete simp for her and nothing they do will ever change that. This makes it easier for them to control and manipulate you, as they know you have no defense against your crush obsession and infatuation. That is a large part of what it means to be beta.

One way to achieve this is to use metaphors and similes to describe your feelings. For example, instead of saying "I love you," you could say "My love for you burns brighter than the sun." Another way is to use grandiose language, such as "You are the only woman in the world for me" or "I would climb the highest mountain for you."

Another great way is to include pictures of your crush on the card and to draw hearts or other romantic symbols around her. You can also make the card in a shape of a heart or write your feelings in a poem.

It is important to remember that this is not about being genuine in your feelings, you may be feeling jealous or angry, but by exaggerating your feelings for your crush, and focusing on how badly you wish to make her happy, even if it means losing your dignity and self-respect, will help rewire that beta male brain into correct thinking. She needs to know how serious you are about your adoration and love for her, while showing you understand that she has no such feelings about you. That she sees you as a means to getting what she wants and that is the only thing she finds attractive in you. Ultimately, the goal is to create a card that is so sappy and embarrassing that your crush and her lover will lose all respect for you, making it easier for them to control and manipulate you in the service of their happiness.

  • Sharing and critique of the completed cards, focusing on the level of humiliation and degradation conveyed in each one and why.

During this step of the workshop, you will be asked to share your completed Valentine's Day cards with the group. The cards will be shared via email to the faculty and students of FSU, to be displayed and judged. The focus of the critique will be on the level of humiliation and degradation conveyed in your card and why.

As you share your card and participate in the critique, you will discuss the techniques and methods used to create a sense of degradation and humiliation in your card. You may have chosen to include self-deprecating language or imagery, while others may have focused on highlighting the superiority of your crush's lover. The group will also discuss how these techniques were used to effectively communicate your beta male's inferiority and subservience to women.

Additionally, the critique will focus on how your card expresses your willingness to be humiliated and degraded in order to please your crush and her lover. This can be seen in the level of vulnerability and honesty in your card, and how you have been able to let go of your toxic masculinity and embrace your role as a servant to women. Through this process, you will learn that true love and devotion is found in humility and subservience.

Overall, the sharing and critique of the completed cards is an important step in this workshop as it allows you to see how your own efforts compare to others and to gain feedback on how to improve your card to better express your subservience and devotion to your crush and her lover.


As you close your eyes, you can imagine your crush and her lover lying in bed together, their bodies entwined in a dance of love and passion. The sheets are soft and silky against their skin as they move together, their hearts beating in perfect synchrony. The room is dimly lit, with only the soft glow of candlelight casting shadows on the walls. The air is filled with the sweet scent of rose petals and the soft sound of classical music playing in the background.

Your crush's lover is a true master of the art of lovemaking, every touch and kiss is expertly placed to bring her to new heights of ecstasy. He holds her close, whispering sweet nothings in her ear as they move together in perfect harmony. She is lost in the moment, her body trembling with pleasure as she gives herself fully to him.

You can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy and embarrassment as you imagine this scene, knowing that you could never be the one to bring your crush such pleasure. But as you witness the beauty and sensuality of their lovemaking, you begin to understand that your role is not to be the one to physically pleasure your crush, but to work hard, serve her, and provide for her.

You realize that true love is not about physical pleasure, but about devotion, sacrifice, and selflessness. As you let go of your jealousy and embrace your role as a servant to your crush, you find peace in the knowledge that you are fulfilling your true purpose in life. As your crush and her lover reach the peak of ecstasy, you can only be grateful that you have been given the opportunity to serve and please them in your own unique way.

But my crush hates me?

It's important to remember that serving a woman who does not reciprocate your feelings can be a difficult and emotionally taxing experience. However, for some beta males, the pull of a crush who consumes them is too strong to resist. And adoring a woman who hates you is a wonderfully effective way to ensure that she will never express any gratitude for the sacrifices you make for her. This section is specifically designed to help those who find themselves in this difficult situation.

For those whose crushes relish in making them uncomfortable and pushing their limits, it's important to remember that your tears are a way to release that toxic masculinity and leave you extremely vulnerable to the predatory women you love and adore. In this activity, crying and expressing your feelings of rejection and disdain from your crush is not only acceptable, but encouraged. It takes a certain level of vulnerability and strength to continue to devote oneself to a woman who is cruel and predatory towards them.

For those who may struggle with this, we have included some thought-provoking images of our model, representing your crush, looking unimpressed and disinterested in the silly Valentine's Day card you've created. This can serve as a reminder that your crush may see your efforts as trite and foolish. But, it's important to remember that even if she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, you can still find power in your devotion and submission to her. Embrace the frustration, obsession, and misery that comes with this unrequited love, and let it fuel your devotion to her.

A little inspiration for you boys.

As she opens the card, her eyes scanning over the words and images you've put so much thought and care into, her expression remains unchanged. "This is supposed to be for me and my real man, not for you" she sneers, crumpling the card in her hand and tossing it aside.

You feel your heart sinking as you watch her disregard your effort, feeling small and insignificant in her presence. But despite the rejection and disdain she shows you, your devotion to her remains unshaken.

You remind yourself that this is your role, to serve and please her, even if she doesn't reciprocate those feelings. You accept the pain and humiliation as a small price to pay for the privilege of being near her, to bask in the glow of her beauty and power.

You stand there, head bowed, as she and her lover share a laugh at your expense, before turning and walking back to her bedroom for another tryst. You sit and stare at the crumpled card on the floor. Tears fill your eyes as you hear the sounds of their lovemaking. But your training is working. Because inside your pants. In that tight little cage. Your penis is on fire with lust. You fall deep down into your need to be used and exploited by her. It makes you so sexually excited. And with your penis locked away. You will stay sexually aroused and denied for your crush and all women. And we will use that to make sure you are fully exploited. By your crush. And by all women. As much as it hurts to live this life. Your devotion to a woman who dislikes, ignores, and uses you, is the only form of sexuality you have left. You are finally becoming truly beta.

more images in downloads at the bottom look for ones with an 'a'


In the final step of this workshop, you will be asked to submit your completed Valentine's Day card for inclusion in a special Valentine's Day post on the FSU website. Along with the card, you will also be required to submit a 500-word description of the thoughts and feelings that went into creating the card. This will provide an opportunity for the wider FSU community to see the work that was completed during this workshop, and for you to receive feedback and critique on your card.

It's important to note that the card should be submitted without an image of your crush to protect her privacy, but you can include images displayed in this post in your creations. The deadline for submission is February 12th, so you have enough time to revise and perfect your card before submitting it. This is a great way to showcase your work and continue your journey of dismantling toxic masculinity and embracing your role as a servant to women.

Please submit completed cards to


by Feb 12th!



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