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Just a little reminder that on the weekend. Or whenever you have your days off. You are not to play with yourself in any way.

The reason for this is that untrained beta males have their little egos wrapped up in their chronic masturbation habit. Their life revolves around their penis.

This can go on for a lifetime if not addressed. The beta male will just continue to fall deeper into their disgusting activities.

So what we need to do is replace your obsession with self abuse with and equally strong need to please women. To serve us and make us happy.

Pleasing the women of the world should be all you think about. And in our experience, whenever something is placed in between you and your favorite toy you will obsesses about it.

So this weekend. When your mind drifts to diddles, dribbles, and squirts. Remember that your life is not about self pleasure. You tried that and found it empty.


Your true fulfilment and joy can only be found in the approval of every woman you interact with. Every day.

So think or say out loud when your hand drifts to your crotch.

"My hands are for pleasing the superior woman, not myself!"



Late for hypnosis

Looking forward to the weekend more than ever! Wanking kept me from serving. Not anymore! Thanks FSU!

slave beast

Thank you hive since all my time is now pussy free my wankless days are spent appreciating women instead of my past forgotten masturbatory habits. I find being pussy free has freed my perverted mind into being more focussed