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Some boys have asked why we don't want males playing with themselves on their days off. They wonder what it could hurt.

Other males think we are stupid and try and point out how much training they could get done over the weekend if the were just able, or allowed, to rub their penis.

We are not that stupid.

Remember that women are smarter than you, and we are smarter than that silly penis.

The easiest answer to all your ridiculous male questions is that we do not need to explain ourselves.

Ponder that this weekend.

Why should a woman ever feel compelled to explain herself to a man.




November 24th will be six months for me squirt free. I have a suspicion that in thanksgiving for her attention to my training she’ll want me to go to Christmas as a gift for her. Then… I fear I am going to have to make a squirt free New Years resolution for the next year. I think I may have seen my last squirt for a very long time. I never thought it would be this final so quickly.


Wow great work to both of you! keep submitting to Her she is really into helping you out to beat your false male ego. She cares for you she knows what you really need! Take care of yourselves!


Yes ma'am, hands off, thank you ma'am.


She said if I made a commitment to her to "hold it in" She would make a commitment to me. She is not cruel. She is kind and loving. She reminded me that it is "a thin line of trust I must maintain" to prove that I am not a toxic male. It is literally a choice... squirting or Her. It is very simple. For giving up squirting I get Her... I can service and pleasure her, touch her... kiss and hug her, and do chores for Her. Be totally focused on Her. Nothing bizzare or fettish. As an adult beta male, I know what i have to do, and the daily training here at FSU has made it easier, for which I am very thankful, because although I am not perfect... I am not as toxic a male as I was before..