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One of the strangest behaviors we see in beta males is that they seem to find rejection sexually arousing. The worse it was the more excited they get.

We had one male who was literally slapped by his crush when he asked her out and now he can't get her out of his head and diddles to her several times a week.

All she ever did was use him and treat him like trash and he is completely devoted to her and says he is staying celebrate for the rest of his life to honor her!

Does this sound familiar to you guys?

And what is the best way to reject a beta male but keep him obsessed and devoted?

Asking for a friend 🤣.

Just wondering what you dumb dumbs think. If you can think.




Years ago my wife went out with girlfriends on a Friday night but did not come home until next morning. I was worried that something was wrong but went about the weekly washing anyway. I was hanging out the washing when she walked up behind me and hugged me from behind. I angrily demanded "Who have you been screwing" and she responded "I can screw anybody I want" and stormed off. We both eventually cooled down but by letting the whole issue blow over I suppose I placed myself in the beta category and eventually became an accepting cuckold.


my crush forced me to ask her out to our highschool prom 10 years ago this summer actually and then when it was time to dance I mustered up the courage to ask her and she laughed in my face and said no. I walked away in shame. Ive never got over her.


Well she can do whatever she wants it is your job to fully support her regardless of your silly male ego.