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We are so EXCITED to let you know that we have been busy looking at ways to improve the effectiveness of the training we offer.

We can not go into any real detail right now about it because we are elbow deep trying to figure it out. But please know that we are hard at work making sure beta males will have the education they need in this patriarchy they find themselves trapped in.

This is going to help... please be patient while we figure things out.

And yes it does video.... IT DOES VIDEO!!!

Are you fucking shitting us... IT DOES VIDEO!!!

The issue is that while we are learning we are not releasing which costs us exposure and new patrons.

But we would rather do it right than focus on that...

We feel the increase in the effectiveness of our training will more than makeup for the learning curve.

With that said. See what we have learned in the past week.

Can you tell we have been working closely with theHIVE on this?

FYI - It does do photographs but they are still very tricky and they look strange if they do not come out correctly. Even horrific.

So should we release something not as well done soon? Or wait and drop something amazing?

Right now we can not stop playing with this.



James Tremba

I. Find. Breasts. As. Just. Mere. Parts. Of. Women. No. Sexual. Pleasure. I'm. Find. Sexual. Needs. Gets. In. My. Way. To. Serve. Women. Jim 😔


Nice that we get to see breasts now. I mean, there is no better way than constant exposure to something to make it far less exiting.