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It's the big day for some of you. You have waited so long and trained so hard for today.

But what are the rules to squirting and who qualifies.

Well let's discuss this.


Who Qualifies.

A few days ago we released a poll asking if the boys should release at the "end" of Summertime Chastity.

There were three options that could be boiled down to.

No squirts.
Yes please.
No comment.

Or you did not vote.

So the first qualifier is that you voted for squirting.
If you voted for squirting then you can.

The next question is if any other woman controls your penis. If so, she must agree to anything you do with it. Our instructions NEVER circumvent another woman's rules.

The only other requirement is that after you release you come here and describe the experience, not in disgusting words, but how good it felt and how wonderful the after glow is. This will allow our other supporters who are not allowed to release today a feeling of 'being a part of it" and "being happy for you" as they sit in chastity.

This will help them become less selfish and jealous and celebrate the decisions of women. And the good fortune of others. This goes against the selfish makes toxic ego and will help him confront it.

Wankless Weekends

We also want to remind you that if you did not work today you are not allowed to touch yourself. That's just a general rule for FSU to prevent boys from a waisting time

This Squirt is only for today.

You must release on September 2nd 2022 in your location. No exceptions!

And You Must Squirt!
If you read this and you qualify. You must squirt today. It is not a choice for you.

Guilt Free Squirts
These are guilt free squirts. You are being ordered to enjoy it and to come back and thank FSU for being so generous.

Please really do enjoy yourself and enjoy your wonderful release. We are doing this to reward you. And our training requires that you feel good about what we let you do.

What are the steps to Squirt?

1) make sure you qualify
2) train with our content until you are extremely primed.
3) pay a woman. Or an organization that supports women.
4) purchase our file "Dribblie Squirts" on our website obeywomen.pink
5) use the file and follow the directions.

But Why?

So the biggest thing we want to address is why we are doing this.

Short answer.
None of your concern.

Longer Answer
Because we want to "fuck with your head". This is an actually training strategy. We don't just do it because it is fun. Although it is. But we need to keep the male questioning his place. We need to keep him confused and uncomfortable. Because a confused mind stays teachable. An uncomfortable boy seeks comfort. A confused boy is a better listener. Because he really wants to understand. He fears his confusion will lead to women being angry with him. And NO BETA wants that.

And this is good for women.

That is all that matters. And that is the main reason we do any of this. Not for dumb boys.




I just wanted to say that the dribblie squirts file is genius! I wasn't sure if squirting for beta boys is a good idea, but after going through the experience, I am ecstatic and in beta loser bliss. The squirt was as frustrating as can be (which is what I deserved) and it only came after a very strong dose female supremacy training on my weak and feeble mind. Not to mention over $1,000 in gifts sent to a woman who knew exactly how to use a beta loser for her benefits, before she provided permission. Thanks to you and all women for the file and the instructions.


it is very effective, if you must squirt dribblie squirts is an effective way to do it.