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All FSU students must refrain from diddling on their days off. Unless they are instructed to do so by a Female Supremacy Advocate.

This means no touching. No stroking. And no teasing.

There are previous posts that cover this more thoroughly but it's still in effect. It will always be in effect.

So now we are going to head to the beach. It has been a long week and we are feeling a little "stressed".

Wish us luck!

Enjoy not touching OR squirting boys!



James B Hansford

Hello Ladies, as a new student drone at FSU i would like to respectfully ask for guidance. Being in the retail industry i work on weekends and am off from work every Monday and Thursday instead. How would the law of wankless weekends thus apply to me? Mondays and Thursdays instead of weekends or in addition to them?


the better phrase is "hands off on your days off" but we thought wanless weekends was more fun


Would it be possible to have the FSU do a special day of absolutely no touch training and good boy behavior to honor Serena Williams ?