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One question we get a lot is why we insist on such long periods of chastity. Many males who train with FSU are shocked at how rarely they are allowed to squirt.

They whine and complain that other women let them shoot big loads of crotch snot all the time and they were still pretty submissive even after a good dribblie.

Remember that FSU is not here to make all your wanking fantasies come true. We are not here to make you happy.

This idea that women exist to cater to your penis must be completely shattered if you have any hope of ever really being a Good Boy.

Good Boys only play with themselves when allowed, and only to become more spineless, docile, and easily exploited by the Superior Female. Your sex drive only exists to make you weak and obedient.

The problem is you do not know who you are!

You think that version of you that the world sees is the real you. But that's not you. That's a mask you wear to try and fool people.

No. The real you only begins to shine through after months of uncomfortable chastity. As the horny feelings become more pronounced. More intense. And so overwhelming. The real you burst out as you dress up in frilly outfits and prance around your home. Or you spend the day seeing what household objects will fit in your anus.

Really freaky weird shit!

Because you are.

The weakling.
The coward.
The immature boy.
The pervert.
The creep.
Or the sissy.

These are the real you. This is what you are at your core. A sniveling, limp-wristed, little twirp who is desperate to be kicked in the sack by a really cruel bitch (we can say that).

We love watching as your "fetish" becomes a lifestyle. And we love encouraging you to go further. We know your penis wants it. Needs it. More degrading experiences. More being used and exploited.

And your penis. It gets so hard. So full. And so backed up. Which is why it is in it's cage. So it stays that way.

You beg for permission to squirt. You cry about how you never meant to go this far. That a little release would help you see things more clearly.

But we already see you very clearly. You are so transparent. Because when we say no. Even after you have done everything we want.

Cleaned our home.
Paid our bills.
Ran our errands.
And the whole time you have been a public laughing stock. Because everyone knows what we have done.


Because after weeks of complete denial, you are so obviously a bitch. Every woman's bitch.

So when we say "nope. No squirts. Just because." As you scurry about. Eyes, black saucers of need.

We use you. And take what we want!

But will it ever be enough?

Will we ever take pity on you? Grab that penis. Give it a few quick tugs. And splat. Dribblie cream.

Will women ever want to do that for you?

Nope! :)

Because no one cares about your penis.

And it is so much fun to watch you figure that out. You were born with a dingaling between your legs. And at one time that was a sign of male strength. But now women are figuring out that penises are not strong.

Women are strong. Vaginas are strong. Penises are just little leashes we use to lead men around.

horny stupid men like you.

we get what we want.
And lock it back up.

No squirts!
No "cumming"!

Bottom line.

You can walk around all day and pretend. Your caged little penis hidden away in your pants. But we can tell how thirsty you are. Not for sex. Never again, sex. But to be useful (used by) to women. To be seen. To just be close to us.

You will do anything as long as we keep you locked up and horny. Your poor penis. Poor stupid penis.

Soon will only listen to us. Because we understand what it really needs.

Which is why...

We live to lock it up and watch you transform.

What is your favorite part of long-term chastity?
What is your least favorite?

Do you think we really care? 🤣



Lonely Wolf

Beta males dont get to cum....they become panty wearing sissy cuck servants in chastity to women.


My favorite part? Chastity focuses me. My least favorite part: at times, it can be less than practical (bike riding comes to mind). And as for you caring, yes and no. I want you to care enough to keep me locked up, but not to care about my feelings beyond that.