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Our next training file is nearly finished. So we wanted to get you thinking along the correct lines. And that is how women deserve your money.

This file will show and explain why this is a fact. And it will connect your greatest weakness. That frustrated horny penis. To your financial decisions.

Just like your penis ruled all your other actions. It will now be instrumental in helping you decide how you should spend your money.

"Here piggy!"

This training file is very challenging for some particularly dumb males. They seem to think that the point is to break the male completely. Take all he has and leave him in the street.

A poor homeless boy that no woman would even look at.

But this is not the case with most women. We understand that you are a better earner with some things in your life. You need to be able to live. To eat. And especially to work.

And your crush understands this.

She wants all your extra money. Any luxury, or fun money should be given to her. She will want this to go on for decades. Not a weekend. And she will want to see the amount increase everytime you pay.

So start saving now. This file is almost done.




I am so intensely backed up from being primed, my training penis leaks mostly semen now in it's precum ooze. I want to give the Superior Female anything She wants at this stage.


Thank you FSU I’m well on my way to becoming a mindless atm to my crush. It’s just one of the ways I can be a useful beta to Women


your money and service are the only reasons women ever give you attention