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One of our writers really liked this idea. A high ranking member of theHIVE decides to open a women's shoe store. She wants the women who shop there to feel like gods. Every desire catered to.

Free Champaign for all women. Fancy comfortable leather chairs. And a desperate staff of simpering beta males who are so sexually backed, so needy for female approval, they will crawl over broken glass to make women smile.

These men are generally house husbands to powerfully predatory women. Females who want to ensure that their husbands are kept docile and sexually frustrated all the time.

The requirements to be employed at Chastity's is:

1) accept your inferior status as a male.

Each applicant must submit a ten page essay on why all women are "better" than them. They will be asked to defend their opinions if they are granted an interview.

2) must complete six months of chastity prior to an interview.

Each applicant must have an approved key holder who will verify that the male has not ejaculated (squirted) in the previous six months leading up to an interview.

3) three thousand hours of deep training using Chastity's Ladies Shoes, video training.

Our store requires hours of deep learning to magnify your submissive nature toward women's feet.

4) payment must go to a woman.

We are not interested in giving males money. So each applicant must be sponsored by a Female Supremacist to whom we can directly deposit your salary.

A few things that we are still thinking about.

1. Sniffing shoes without permission is a serious problem.
How could we curb this behavior?

2. What other rules should the owner of Chastity's consider?

3. Why would you work here?



Lonely Wolf

Never mind the sniffing...my problem is id want to lick their heels.


please hire me!!!