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Imagine for a moment. You are sitting at the bar with your crush. She wanted to meet you because she is really having a difficult time making ends meet. Her rent is about due. Her bills are stacking up. Her apartment is a mess.

She asks if you might be able to help out. She always respects how smart you are. How kind.

As you ponder what to say. You know that you have money put away for a wonderful trip to Europe. Something you have always wanted to do. You tell her that you just don't know what you can do. Until she leans in. Places her hand on your thigh. And she stares you right in the eye. Slowly she moves her hand around as she tells you how much you mean to her.

Soon you have completely cleaned out your bank accounts. And agreed to come by twice a week to scrub her apartment.

The funny thing is she has plenty of money. Women are more responsible than men. She just was playing one of our games. We love to see how dumb and docile we can make our little "fanboys". We can tell when you are just so obsessed with us. How you think about us all the time. Your crush knows how messed up you are.

And why should you get to have all the fun? So women have their own little games. We don't care about you. Most of the time we don't even like our little suck-ups. But it is fun to crawl into their heads and get them all twisted up.

Will you cry? Or get angry. Will you beg us to stop?

For you. The fact that your crush cleaned you out, and continues to use you is serious. Heartbreaking and exhilarating. For us. We were just bored.

Women are just fucking with you. Try not to cry too much. We won't be able to keep from laughing. God, boys are dumb.


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- we have included an audio version and it is in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.

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Women are JUST SCREWING with YOU! | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

Males are so stupid. And that stupidity is only magnified when they become turned on. It is that little thing between your legs releases idiot chemicals whenever you are around women. But one of the things you may not know. Is a secret we will share with you. Something you are really wanting to hear. You will have to be in the proper mindset in order to hear this information. To properly understand its full ramifications on your life. You need to get really dumb. Your brain needs to feel like bacon frying in the pan. Yummy bacon. Sizzling. How you love for your poor little mind to crack in pop on the skillet. Covered in butter and saturated with flavor. Ready to be gobbled up and put to work by predatory women. And all you can do after using this file is to love them. Need them. And trust them. Because it is your nature................. IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is more powerful and a little racy so it is only attended for adults. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED #femalesupremacy, #betamale, #femdom, #dominatrix



meeky, I can see myself in this predicament. I imagine that my Crush dresses me in a little girls dress. The hem stops at my tummy. I’m wearing stay-up stockings and high heels that are difficult to walk in. My beta penis is stiff and dripping due to the Viagra I was force-fed before the event. Beautiful women are in the audience pointing and laughing. My wrists are secured at my side to keep me from covering myself. My face is scarlet from embarrassment and tears fill my eyes.


I don’t have any other powerful women in my life so I wouldn’t know. My Crush doesn’t allow me to orally service her rear area either, but I would be honored to do so. It would stiffen me without fail.

Dirk Cobblestone

Wow the music, and the new voice in this file are incredible!