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Milquetoast is mainly an American term, coming from an American cartoon drawn by Harold T Webster in the 1920s through the 1950s called The Timid Soul. The cartoon revolved around a character called Caspar Milquetoast.

While we were looking for wonderfully accurate insults to call beta males we were reminded of this little-used term. We had always assumed it was spelled Milk Toast but it is not and comes from this wonderful cartoon apparently trying to educate beta males on how to act.

We have known so many males that are just like this. Especially if a woman is around. They turn into such doormats it is truly bizarre to watch, but we guess you guys cant help yourselves. It is in your nature. 

Enjoy a cartoon made just for you.

ok, we probably need to explain this one a little since most beta males know nothing about sports. In Golf it is customary for a large party to allow a single to go past them because a single player moves more quickly. But Milquetoast is such a simp that he lets a large group of players in front of him. Also, notice they are talking about how bad they are at the game meaning they will likely move very slowly.

Milquetoast is so cowardly that he lets them ruin his entire day just to avoid having to stand up for himself.

When a woman sees this kind of behavior she knows exactly what Milguetoast is. So remember. The woman will likely lose all respect for you. But that's all part of being a beta male. She will know that you are there to be used. And that you will not backtalk or say no. 




I feel a bit anxious at the thought of letting both women and men walk all over me, but I also feel very excited at the masochistic pleasure it will bring; like watching a trainwreck I could stop but am choosing not to.


This is so embarrassing, but yes, I sure do identify with Mr Milquetoast