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We just want to address the idea that men need sex to be happy and healthy people. This is only true for "real men".

Noticed we used quotes because we are using terms of the patriarchy that can be misleading.

We will not discuss "real men" here because there is very little chance a "real man" would ever read this. So if you are reading this please accept that you are not a "real man" and it is none of your business what they are allowed to do.

But let's clarify one thing!

Sex is only for whomever SHE decides it is for.

That said. Most beta males will likely discover pretty quickly that sex is not in the cards for them. Some are virgins their whole life. Others have gone a long time without intercourse.

Many beta males will eventually admit that sex never felt right. That as much as they wanted it, when it came time to perform they were just so awkward and uncomfortable doing it.

The woman may have also voiced dissatisfaction with their sexual skill or been obviously unmoved by anything the male attempted to do to please her.

Does this sound familiar?

This is because you have evolved to serve women platonically. To adore women to the point of obsessive devotion. Not to have sex with them. Not to even see them naked.

But these are things you will pine for, you will think about, and you will feel shame over, if you continue to train. Your training will take this desire and use it to mold your mind into the perfect subservient little simp.

So we just wanted to leave a quick note on sex.

If she wants it, you do your best to please her, you will likely fail miserably, but that is a learning moment for you and her both.

But more importantly, beta males certainly don't need sex. We have known men who are virgins their whole life and they make wonderful little drones to boss around. They are so in awe of women, so immature and ignorant, it's wonderful to watch.

That is what we want for you. To serve women completely, as they bully, manipulate, and control you using your sexual energy to make you dumb and docile.

Your crush is out of your league. She does not even see you as a sexual being. But she knows you lust after her. And she will use your lust, your need, to get what she wants. Then she will discard you until she wants to use you again.

She has needs, and wants. And your only desire is to be able to fulfill her needs and wants and get nothing in return.

Please learn to accept this proven fact. Trust us. One day scrubbing a woman's floor or paying her rent will be the most arousing thing you can think of doing with a woman.

And that's perfect!!!

Does that make sense?




where is the link


no link. not everything is a video. most videos are indexed under videos in the search area.