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The other day we spoke to a woman who said she loved kicking a beta male's ass. But she said the male must agree to be treated that way... Let's let her explain.


I actually find beta males extremely annoying. I know I should be more tolerant of them but I was raised in the deep south, where men are men, hot sexy strong men. And then I came to college and started meeting these little simps running around campus.

It is so disgusting to watch these "males" sniff around my ass trying to get that sweet biscuit. It's Fucking gross.

So to keep them away I would scream at them and insult them. I got a really bad reputation for making beta boys cry, until I found the Female Supremacy club. Now everyone says I am a Domme and I can bully any male I want because I guess the little twirps who talk to me like it.

Can you believe that? They like to get treated like crap. How messed is that.

There is something wrong with them. But fuck if I care.

I punched one dick job in the face for saying something about my ass, and after he ran off and sulked, he came crawling back begging to be my friend. Like what woman would want that. But he agreed to do whatever I said if we could be friends, after i punched him in the face he came crawling back begging to be friends, that's really insane yah know. So now he does a long list of chores for me every day, or i told him he could get bent. Like i said, i don''t like wimpy guys, but i also don't like doing chores, like laundry, and cleaning my room. HE EVEN PAYS FOR MY SHIT! Like expensive stuff, and i still treat him like shit, fucking mental. So, he does however have these weird fucked up sex fantasies that make me sick. Like eating ass, or sucking on toes, and no before you ask he gets nothing. But knowing his prick is twitching whenever he is around me, makes me want to punch him even more. Such a pervert.

Eventually, I did notice he would disappear from time to time and he admitted that when he "squirted", what he calls it... freak, he went back to trying to be a "real man" which made me laugh. So he told me that most dominant women used chastity to stop males from playing with themselves. He was actually crying he was so humiliated to admit he had no self-control. Now he is locked up all the time. And can you believe he is even more pathetic the longer he is forced to abstain from orgasms?

That was years ago, wimpy boys who get bullied don't get pleasure. yah know. And he really fell apart. Had to drop out of school. I tried to force him to study and take care of himself, i mean what good is a fuck up who cant even make it to class.

He has some shit job now, that he hates. I had to block him on social media because he was so obsessed. I mean he is harmless, completely harmless, but he had to move away after he flunked out so what reason do I have to talk to him. Broke, can't do shit for me. Sorry beta but that's when you get kicked out of my life.

Him fucking up his life really pissed me off, I used to really love caning him in my dorm room. All the girls on the wing knew exactly what was going on, as his screams filled the air. And i dragged him down the hallway by his ear. Tears in his eyes. Sobbing.

What a little cry 🍼.




I would definitely be down. If it helped her release some stress. I love being a tool for women. I want to be entertaining


I would cherish a woman like this. As a spineless and gross little simp, it's a woman's prerogative to pummel a beta's bitch face whenever she feels like it. What an honor and privilege it is to receive a woman's affection!