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Coming Attractions for March 2022

As the days become warmer the beta male will begin to be exposed to more women than he may be able to handle. Not to mention that the warmer weather will cause women to want to wear more revealing clothing.

This can be a terrible trigger for the poor simple, and innocent beta male. He will likely feel lost, and frustrated, as the lies of the patriarchy have told him to look for women to be romantic with.

Unfortunately, most beta males have discovered that this was a lie. And that they are not designed for the playful interactions women have with people they are attracted to physically. No. As a beta male, mother nature made you just so unappealing in that way. But lucky for you, your crush may need some help with spring cleaning. At least in service, you will get to interact with her.

That is how all women see you. So leave them alone, and train to our files. It will help you attract the predatory, and manipulative woman, you need in your life.

1) Good Boys Don't... SQUIRT!

We know that so many beta males still think it is ok to rub themselves between the legs and produce a gross little blob of crotch snot. We have told you time and again that this is not at all acceptable behavior for a properly trained beta male. But you whine and complain and then eventually do what you want anyway.

But we also know you want to be a good boy. You want women to see a well-behaved submissive beta male when they look at you. Well, good boys do not SQUIRT! At least not without permission from a female supremacist.

This file will remind you that you are not allowed to squirt. That women will think you are disobedient if you squirt. And you WILL feel guilty before you release. Hopefully, this will prevent all the squirting we have been hearing about.

2) Beta's must completely change to please women.

The sad thing is that the personality you developed in the patriarchy is not going to work when women take over. It is certainly not going to fly with female supremacists you might wish to serve.

This is because your toxic masculinity is too powerful to control. It must be destroyed. Everything you are must be flushed out like an enema, and you must be ready to change yourself in any way a superior female wishes. There is no room for your silly male ego in service.

This file will help you accept that your ego must die, so you can live obediently in the shadow of much more capable women.

3) She Already Knows you're Beta

So many males worry about what women will think of them if they act like the beta male they are. If they are just simpering little nothings, fluttering about desperate for the approval of the superior female.

Well, guess what. We already know. We can tell. It's just that most women were raised to not tell you how silly you look pretending to be a real man.

We can tell you are a failure as a "real man" and it frustrates us that you pretend to be something you are not. And this file will convince you deep down that every woman secretly knows how pathetic you are. And they think it is hysterical!

?) Female Foot Trigger - Possibly in April

So many males are in desperate need of this file. We know that beta boys love women's feet. Because they never are able to be intimate with a woman they see the foot as the only interaction they may be allowed as a  beta.

We are looking at releasing this in April. We hope that it will help our students cope with all of the wonderful sandals and bare feet, that they will be exposed to as the weather becomes warmer.

?) Thought Implant - "Women are Perfection" (New Channel)

Now that the new channel is up we can hopefully get back to releasing new training files to Temple to the Superior Female.

We are going to continue the thought implantations with one of our favorites. A deep programming that will implant this one truth. Women are perfection. Every woman. This will repeat in your head whenever you interact with, serve, or even just look at a woman. Your mind will open up as you stare at the flawless woman.

?) Pussy Free Pledge - Obey Women Website Only  (Working on)

We are getting close to releasing this file.

We are still working on this new release for our parent site. The intention of this file is to make beta males extremely uncomfortable for even thinking about female genitals. Unlike "real men" who want to penetrate the pussy. Beta males should fear and respect a woman's genitalia, so much so that just looking at one, or even thinking about a pussy, causes you tremendous anxiety.

Please remember that this is a work in progress and will only be available on our site.

And Perhaps more.

We are trying to work longer on each file so that they are as effective as possible in training your mind to serve and obey women. But we still try and offer as much content as we can each month.

But as always please let us know what files you are most looking forward to. That helps us decide on new content and sometimes the order the files are released.




ok cool. Yeah, I figured, I checked that site out. Would totally be willing to pay extra for that file, as well as a few others that are currently available there. I definitely feel myself diving deeper and deeper into the beta male mindset even after just signing up a few hours ago, the content is SOOOO amazing. Productivity is diminshed, but happiness and purpose well make up for it! THANK YOU!!!!!


productivity drops because your brain is toxic masculinity is fighting the training. it will calm down and give up with enough exposure to our files.


I love and worship my crush’s feet. When she permits, I suck on her toes. I very much look forward to any files that highlight and promote the love of women’s feet.