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- we have included an audio version and it in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.


The way women have treated you in the past used to make you so angry.

That girl who stood you up for the big dance...

The woman who gave you a fake phone number...

The lady who told you to "fuck off" when you kept hitting on her...

and the crush who always rejected you, ignored you, and only talked to you if she needed something.

All these women used to fill you with sorrow and rage.

but now that you understand that you are beta, it is time to let these feelings go. They were just telling you what you needed to know.

that your place was sucking up to women like them. Serving, cleaning, running errands, paying for things, and just being an obedient little tool.

That is why you exist.

And these women who rejected you, cheated on you, stood you up, made fun of you, bullied and picked on you. You should feel gratitude for what they did. Because it helped you understand your place.

It brought you here. No longer looking for a girlfriend, or a date. No. they helped awaken that beta male in you who only wants to be used, humiliated, and controlled.

And this file will help you accept that, and feel such gratitude for what those women did, that you may find yourself reaching out and thanking them. Telling them how you turned out. And that if it wasn't for them you may not have been the loser you are today.

And wouldn't that be sad?


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Thank HER for the REJECTION | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

You muster up all the courage your little beta male brain has, and walk right up to your biggest crush. She can tell exactly how terrified you are of her as you approach. She crosses her arms and glares at you with judgemental eyes. And through shaking teeth, and stuttering words, you somehow manage to ask her out. She lets your words hang in the air unanswered as you panic. You suddenly realize where you are. And that everyone is staring at you. You wish you could take it all back. But you are an arrogant male. Lied to by the patriarchy. You are way out of your league. Because your body, your genetics, knows the truth. She is better than you. The woman is obviously insulted, but what woman wouldn't be when they are propositioned by a beta male. And now you have to stand before her and wait until she is good and ready to crush you under her power. To publicly destroy you. Which she does! Because she is teaching you a lesson. This has happened to so many beta male boys we know. And the funny thing is that they all carried resentment towards the woman who mercilessly shot them down. But we taught them to be grateful. That these women were just telling them the truth and trying to put the beta male back in his place. You need to understand that when a beta male asks out a woman, it is actually insulting to her. It is telling her that you think you are worthy of her companionship. WHICH YOU ARE NOT! She is female, and you are beta. You are lucky if she takes advantage of you and turns you into her little simp. That is the very most you should dare to dream of. And this training will help you understand why you should be grateful to all the women who "treated you unfairly". They were just showing you who you really are. And now that you know, you might want to send them a little tribute, a symbol of your appreciation for what they did. It helped you understand what you really are. ----------- IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is more powerful and a little racy so it is only attended for adults. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ----------- hash tags #betamaletraining, #femalesupremacy, #femdom



Oink also called her Ma'am.


Watched this for the second time, it certainly shows rejection for what it truly is; something to be learned from. So, for all those slap downs, insults, disappointments, & heartbreaks, thank all of you so very much, i believe i am finally learning.