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When Jeff got caught screwing around on his wife Ashley he had no idea how drastically his life would change. She always suspected that Jeff was constantly fucking his secretary, that was to be expected. Jeff was a man's man, attractive, strong, powerful. Ashley loved that Jeff was this way. Because she hated weak men.

All her life, Ashley had been approached by little sputtering wimps. Pathetically spineless men who were drawn to her domineering and controlling personality. How those little simps would wiggle and squirm with delight while she walked all over them. She often said that being around a weak man was like dealing with a stupid child. It was as if their penis just ran the show.

How grateful she was to meet Jeff. So sexy and strong. Not muscular, more athletic. His body slim and tight. And his personality was so bossy, even arrogant. She had finally found a "real man".

So Ashley talked her mother into making Jeff the CEO of the family business. A huge corporation that did billions of dollars in business every year. The salary was sizable and the benefits never seemed to end. Ashley felt it was the least a real man like Jeff deserved.

Because Ashley knew how rare "real men" were. Most men in the world today were so soft and weak. Why Ashley had often wondered if women were somehow genetically superior to men. Males really just seemed so soft and docile. Even most "alpha males" turned into little babies when they were alone with Ashley. They would whine for what they wanted instead of being a "man" and taking it. Sure, consent is important. But even after she gave it to them, they still acted like a nerdy little boy trying to fuck the head cheerleader.

Awkward. Fumbling. Apologetic. And worst of all. Submissive.

Such a waste!

Then she met Jeff. While he still had trouble in the bedroom, the rest of the time he was so bossy. She figured he was just getting his sex somewhere else. Fucking women to mind blowing orgasms. Again, she thought, just part of being married to a real "alpha male".

But Ashley's world was shattered when she saw the videos.

She had been cleaning her husband's computer one night when she realized it was still logged in. She wondered what kind of porn she would find on there. Having always dated soft, weak little men she was ready to see something that dripped of male power.

But what she found made her so angry. Videos of Jeff being dominated by professionals. She could tell from the women that they were expensive. And as she watched in horror, the women completely emasculated her husband.

They would treat him like trash. Dress him up like a little girl and parade him around to the laughter of other women. His butt wiggling about lewdly like a cheap prostitute, his penis erect and twitching as they called him little nicknames like, sissy britches, or dumb dumb.

They spanked his bottom and caned his penis. It was no wonder she had not seen him naked in months. His body must be covered with welts and bruises.

She was already furious when she discovered a folder called FINDOM. The first few videos were just of Jeff meekly taking the ladies on expensive shopping trips. Going to high end stores, Jeff stood silently as the women went searching for the most expensive items.

They would joke at how Jeff's frustrated penis was so generous. It was just to bad it was attached to such a little whiney bitch. How he would complain that his wife would notice the money missing. How she would be so mad if she found out how pathetic he really was.

But they didn't care.

The shopping trips turned into cars, houses, boats, and expensive vacations. They were cleaning him out. And laughing about it to his face. They would joke that he made so much money that it was a true challenge to try and spend it all.

But the last file she saw took the cake. It was long and consisted mostly of the women teasing his penis and making him say terrible things about his wife. How dumb she was for believing he was a real man. That it was obvious how weak and docile he was.

They ended it by making him remove his wedding ring, place it on the floor, squat down and urinate on it.

As she watched his chastised twitching penis pee on the symbol of their commitment she snapped.


And this is why poor Jeff got a new assistant. While Ashley made sure his home life was full of frustration and torture, she did not like the idea of him escaping to work all day. She spoke with his old assistant but she just did not have the right mentality so Ashley wanted went looking for a real man hater. Sexy, dominant, and completely ruthless.

She began visiting local strip clubs looking for the most disgruntled women she could find. So many women in that industry hated men. They hated how dumb and easily fooled they were. They wondered how these penis having people ever functioned in the world since their penis often did most of their thinking.

A few had even worked as Dominatrices before, but the said it was mostly just more fantasy fulfillment for males. They were just playing a part in the man's sexual fantasy.

Sure, eventually you might come across a male so dumb he would think he had a chance to move from client to boyfriend. Those were fun because they would really try to make the women happy. That was real power. You could keep guys like this on the line for years. Stringing them along. Whenever they moaned about a session or a tribute you just threatened to stop seeing them. Making some statement about how you thought they were serious but you can see now that they are just playing games.

They would quickly recommit and try harder.

Ashley was told that her husband sounded like a real idiot. That the women were likely keeping him in chastity for extremely long periods of time. This would make him obsessed with them. Infatuated. Soon he would be in a constant state of adoration. Every time he would see them, his brain would fill with horny chemicals.

He was is dumb dumb love 😘. They said. A real cash cow.

Yes. Ashley learned a great deal from these women

And one day one of the dancers she was talking to told her about Karen.

Karen was not her real name. But a name given to her by the customers because she was so unpleasant. She was obnoxious, bossy, and lazy. She was...

A Karen.

And as soon as she heard that she had been labeled this way, she laughed and made it her stage name.

The thing about Karen was that she was stunning. One of the most attractive women you would ever meet. Men came for hundreds of miles to see this stunning creature.

But they always left frustrated and unsatisfied. Because Karen didn't strip. She didn't even flirt. She would search the club for the weakest men she could find and then sit down with them for a nice long talk.

She would explain to these men how weak they were. And how they needed her control in their life. That when they walked into the club they looked like lost little boys who were doing something they knew was wrong.

These males always left the club with a look of defeat on their face and Karen's number in their pocket. Karen knew that the next day her phone would blow up with pleas for her wisdom. She would wait until the male sounded extremely desperate and then offer to coach them.

But Karen also hated weak men. And she loved squishing them into the ground. The funny thing was these dumb dumbs would pay her for it.

Her rules for the men were simple.

1 no dating
2 no orgasms
3 female supremacy trance training every day
4 women are always right

Ashley loved her. And quickly took down her info.

And that is how Jeff got his new personal assistant.


She strolls into the office at noon, by that time Jeff has already been there for ten hours. And she tries to find ways to make Jeff miserable. She feeds her cruelest suggestions to Ashley because she likes hearing Jeff complain about his wife's latest instructions.

Jeff would complain to Karen for hours about something his wife did, never knowing that Karen had suggested it. And this was his greatest undoing. Because he began to trust Karen completely. Tell her everything.

And this really helped both women get into his head and mess around.

When he told Karen that his greatest fear and hottest fantasy was permanent chastity, the ladies quickly hired an engineering student from UCLA to design something. The student was paid enough to cover all her student loans but it was worth it.

She had been studying medical devices for years and hoped to do her second doctorate on sexual technology at John Hopkins University. A degree she created and had been working with the administration to make official.

The device was flawless.

And Jeffy... A name he had confessed to Karen he hated because growing up the kids had called him that to humiliate him. Each time he heard that name stung terribly. But it also made his penis throb in it's cage. And Jeffy had not orgasmed in months.

No. Poor Jeffy sat in his new office. Actually converted from the closet of his old office. He sat and worked, his office was cramped, hot, and windowless. The walls were covered with sexy pictures of Karen. She had told him they would help motivate him. Each picture had a negative word printed on it. Like wimp, sissy, bitch, and coward.

So whenever he looked up from his desk, she said he would be motivated to get back to work. Of course that was not the intention at all. And the more Jeffy sat in his office, the smaller he felt.

After a long 15 hour day he usually felt devistated.

Karen now occupied his old office. A huge room with large windows overseeing the city below. It was her job to come up with new ways to make poor Jeffy miserable. A job she loved.

She would stand looking out the window of her office and smile as she heard Jeffy having another complete meltdown over the amount of work he was sent. Busy work. He often wondered what this all had to do with him being the CEO. These mindless tasks.

But what Jeffy didn't know. What the women were saving for the right time. Was that he no longer worked for the company.

But that is a story for another time.



slave beast

superb story and exactly true to life it is high time we as beta males were shown for what we really are