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Download using the link. The Zip Password is 25lock.

Click the link to download.


- we have included an audio version and it in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.


There is a pdf called "speak the truth" which are sayings you must repeat during the ending meditation. One for each day.

We will be releasing a file on Christmas day that is a sequel to this file.

Happy frustrated penis! That is what you will have upon completion of this challenge. That is because we have combined the frustration of orgasmic denial, with the joys of your crush. You stay denied for her. Because you love her deep in your heart. You can not help it. It is just how your brain is wired.

Mother nature loves women more. So she gave them the ability to control males. To manipulate them. This is because the female is more important to the survival of humanity.

But the patriarchy told you that this is a shameful feeling. That you should stand up to women. That women are here for your entertainment. To be used by disgusting males for sexual pleasure.

This is the complete opposite of what your sexuality is really for. As a beta male. That sex drive only exists to make you crave the approval of women. Your penis is for training your mind. Molding it. And that is exactly what the Female Supremacy University does.

In this file, we remove those icky thoughts of physical sex with women. And rewire that drive to servicing women. Making THEM happy. No longer will you be staring at women with lust in your eyes. No starting now, you crave doing chores for them, and having them take advantage of you. The more they use you and give you nothing in return. The more sexually excited you will be. You will crave her dressing you down, berating you, until you want to crawl under the ground. Because this will establish the correct dynamic. Her bullying you into submission. That is all you want.

No more sex. Unless she wishes it. But you will not care if you never have sex again. Because your sexuality is now all about following her orders. Or simply making women happy. Your orgasms are nothing compared to her approval. And her commands.

That is all you want.

Starting now you will have 25 days of chastity. And you will be grateful for this time, and our files. Because you will soon see. That obedience is your erotica. Suffering for your crush, and all women, is the only thing that will ever get you excited again. And she decides what your service looks like. Not you.


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To ensure that only patrons who support us can access our files, we are adding a password from now on. Questions? Message us on Patreon.

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Christmas Chastity Challenge | TRAILER | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

During the holiday season, women are overwhelmed with so many tasks to complete. This is because the patriarchy has traditionally placed this extra work on the women of the world. They decorate, cook, shop, and even clean up. While the males lay about and watch football. Well, the Female Supremacy University is not going to tolerate such behavior in our followers. We expect males to be attentive little worker bees, and drones, for all the women of the world. Women have to do all the thinking the rest of the year. And the holiday season is a great time for a male to show his appreciation. To show the women he interacts with just how important they are to him. So we are taking away your favorite toy. You waste so much time entertaining yourself, every time you get to take a little holiday, that we are calling all free time off. You will train, and you will serve. And if you can not figure out how to help women in this most stressful of seasons, then you can just train some more. Until you are so silly, so dim-witted. That women will naturally know to boss you around and take advantage of you. So use this file to make sure that your brain stays soft and submissive all month long. It really is what is best for you. IMPORTANT!!! The Patreon file is more powerful and a little racy so if you are not yet committed you can watch the edited youtube file on the Female Supremacy University channel. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ----------- hash tags #femalesupremacy, #chastity, #betamale



i feel so blissfully inferior as i keep meditating. The Woman in the thumbnail, you wouldn't happen to know her name? I'm dying to know more about her.


she just represents your crush. please do not focus on her. Create your own crush.

Dirk Cobblestone

I wasn't sure if I was going to partake in this, as my relationship with my crush is quite different than many in my posistion, but I have been, and it has been awesome. I like the new mantra each day.


Yes. You are a lucky boy. Most males are not in your situation. We recommend you use what fits and be grateful when we say something that does not :).