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Poor little beta male. It's the holidays, and you have no superior woman to serve. No woman to spoil. And probably, no woman to even talk to. Well, fear not little beta. Because FSU and the Temple of HER are dedicating this holiday season to all your silly little beta male crushes. We know you love these women just as much as you fear them. In fact, you fear them more, and you should. You are terrified to talk to them, look at them, or just exist in the same universe as them. And they exist, really, only in your mind. They rule your inferior fantasies. They laugh at you, pick on you, and reject you. When in the real world, they never even think about you. But you think about them, don't you, all the time. You dream of doing chores for them, or running errands. You basically dream of having every moment of your life dedicated to them. To their happiness.

Well, we think that is just great. As a beta male it helps to have a woman you can focus on, someone to inspire you to be more docile and submissive, as long as you do not forget that you serve all women. Female Supremacy may not mean Crush Supremacy, but you do need to start somewhere. And having you obsess about a particular woman, especially if she is way out of your league, keeps you from harassing the women who might confuse you for a real man. Date you. Only to discover it was a huge waste of time. No one wants that. We imagine, not even you. So here is how we are going to help.

But it's Christmas, won't you please be nice to us?

Let us make this perfectly clear. First, we are nice to you. Everything we do is to help you accept who and what you really are. An inferior beta male. We are teaching you to let go of the patriarchal lies that are holding you back from fulfilling your real purpose. To serve all women. Without us, you would be lost in your selfish life. And guess who suffers then. You yes. but also women. And Christmas time is the worst for us. Most women have so much to do, because our culture has laid most of the holiday work at the feet of the female. Cooking, decorating, cleaning. Were all considered women's work for centuries, and it still hasn't changed much. It breaks our hearts, thinking of all those superior women, working all day over a hot stove, just to make a wonderful meal for their lazy husbands. Men who plop down in front of the television and watch sports all day. It is so infuriating.

So no. We are not going to be nice to you. In fact. We will probably be a little more abrasive than usual, so be prepared. We intend to educate you on what you should be feeling. Overwhelmed. Overworked. And extremely frustrated. Desperate to please the superior female. Hyper focussed on making women happy.

Welcome to hell month. Because holidays are for celebrating women, not encouraging lazy males, and you will have to do double the workload to ensure that women can fully enjoy their time off. So let us begin!

Christmas Chastity (Purity) Crush Challenge

Nothing gets the male mind focused faster than chastity. For many males, it only takes him knowing that he is unable to release to get his attention focused on his superiors. And that is what we will be doing this Christmas. Starting December 1st, and ending on Christmas day, we would like every male to abstain from orgasmic release. This is not only to ensure that you are miserable during the holiday season. But we also want you to obsess about your crush the whole time. She is out having fun, meeting "real men", while you train to serve and obey the superior female. You need to learn to abstain from things that give you pleasure, and to only seek pleasure through serving the female.

As the hours tick past, and your need grows. You can watch this file over and again. As we imprint thoughts of your crush in your mind.

But I don't have a crush?

This file will also help with that. Many males are afraid to fantasize about "real women" when it comes to female supremacy. Because they know that this is a powerful tool to turn their fantasies into reality. When you begin to replace your fantasy dominatrix with a woman you work with, this all gets very real.

But do not worry. We will cover everything in this file. We do not want you thinking for yourself. That is when you get into trouble.

Isn't Your Obsession Embarrassing? (Drone file)

This humiliation file will have you feeling very self-conscious about what a little simp you are for your crush. How much you love her, even though she treats you like garbage. Remember that these gender roles are all about the patriarchy. That this shame is a lie that the patriarchy instilled in you to keep you from collapsing into your inferiority around women. It is intended to make you feel mortified, humiliated, and pathetic. You want her to treat you like a slave, a wimp, and her personal errand boy. Because you can stop pretending to be something you are not. So as your obsession grows stronger throughout the month, you will also keep wondering if she knows how obsessed you are. Does everyone know? Yes, they do. Because it is written all over your face. And they think it is childish and hysterical. They laugh about it. The silly little beta boy has a crush. But that just makes you love her more. Obsess over her constantly. Your genitals tingle at the thought of her exposing how much of a little bitch you are for her. She can never respect you. And that is why she is so attractive.

Don't worry, everyone knows that your adoration is docile, meek, and completely harmless. Like a little fanboy, you adore this everyday woman like she is some huge celebrity. She will never date you. She might never even like you. But that does not matter. Your body craves to be around her, but you will respect her space. Your mind craves to talk to her, but you know her time is too valuable, so you leave her alone. So you pine for her. And it is just so euphoric. You are hooked on this feeling, and most of the time she has no idea you exist.

You want her to be happy. So you will do nothing to make her uncomfortable. But in your mind, she rules you. As an internal crush. A construct that shapes your mind over time. Your crush lives inside you. Where she judges everything you do. Everything you say. And even everything you think. And everyone can tell, and they think you are so pathetic. But you can not stop. And it is so funny to watch.

A Very Sissy Christmas Eve *NWO* (audio only)

Listen as Jackie Ivory tells a story from her childhood. As she returned home from college, her pathetic little sissy in toe, to spend time with her mother, and her sissified husband. A short little tale, told over the radio, as she sits in the oval office, surrounded by dozens of slaves, sissies, and everything in between. This story will bring the Silly Sissy Storytime narrative properly into the New Women's Order universe, because some listeners have yet to realize they are in fact connected.

So snuggle in bed, sissy or not, close your eyes, and imagine a world where women rule and the President, a woman, discusses her training of males to the world.

Chastity Crush Challenge, Her Decision (worker bee +, Patreon only)

After 24 days of chastity. You are a mess. You can not stop thinking about your crush, wanting to be close to her. But you have channeled that need into serving all women. Your crush does not even know you exist.

But she shows up at your home to discuss your masturbation issue, and to decide if you should get to make a dribblie squirt. Or just stay locked. This file is for Patreon members only, because we will be using some descriptive language throughout. So please keep this in mind if your ears, and your mind, are just too weak to handle that kind of stimulation.

Goddess Crush (Goddess Crush, Temple of HER, FREE FILE)

Our first release was a huge success. So we are releasing another file this month to the Temple of HER YouTube account. In this file, we will be exploring the White Queen. The benevolent side of your internal crush. As with all our files for the Temple, this will be a positive, adoring, and worshipful deep learning trainer. Something that will fill your heart with joy as you think about the woman you adore. She is perfection. And you live to please her. And during this file, you will be able to float in that feeling for as long as you wish.

Meme's and More

You can expect to see the same level of extra content on here as the month goes on. While it is a busy month, we love to keep males engaged and learning instead of them running off to other types of online content. but it IS a very busy month for us. We actually have to work harder to help you from undoing all our hard work with the extra free time you will have. We know what boys do when they have idle hands.

We will do what we can to keep that beta mind from wandering off and engaging in behaviors that are not good for you. If you have used our files. You know exactly what we are talking about.

While it is a great deal of work. It is also rewarding. We know that beta males are particularly lonely this time of year. The patriarchy has corrupted you to the point that companionship is difficult to find and maintain. Your false male ego is just so troublesome. But just keep training. At FSU and the Temple of HER (TOH). And you should be just fine. And be good to yourself. We do not want sad little beta faces shuffling around the street making us depressed when you are out and about. A nice smile. A friendly hello. Is generally acceptable if done with respect. So if you see your crush. Tell her she looks nice. And wish her happy holidays. She might just smile back, before she runs off to enjoy her superior life. And you can imagine how wonderful it must be. And train to someday be able to serve all women like her, so that they can all live a joyous life. 

This is why you exist. 

And why you train. 

See you next month, for our next file releasing December first.

Don't forget to leave feedback on what you are looking forward to most!



David Komarnisky

Miss i forgot to mention, i am really looking forward to the meme's too. i find them extremely helpful too

Dirk Cobblestone

i am looking to the Temple of Her training the most!


it is a new channel so we are releasing content when we can. we have a video scheduled this month. thank you for the support we are loving that channel already.