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Read part one first

As Julie stood in the closet doorway, she could see that poor stupid dipshit was all upset. He was shaking and crying hunched over in front of her.

Again she demanded to see the shoe that he had so quickly hid from view. And unable to resist her. He slowly turned around.

The first thing Julie noticed was that dipshit's penis was in quite a state.

Now she knew that it didn't take much to get the poor frustrated things penis stiff and quivering. She kept dipshit on a strict orgasm diet that was generally limited to a few light milkings a year. And to prepare for today she had skipped his last two scheduled milking sessions to spend time with her "real man" boyfriend.

Not to mention that for the last two weeks she had only worn the most erotic of outfits around Dipshit. Julie knew exactly what triggered him and had chosen her clothing to make him insane with sexual frustration.

So as he worked. She would brush against him in a pair of short bluejean cut-offs and a tank top that showed plenty of cleavage from the side. After he finished his chores and he was rubbing her feet, she would position her legs so he had a clear shot up the leg hole to get a perfect view of her white cotton panties.

Poor little dipshit would just stare for hours as his testicles pulled inside him. And fluid ran down the head of his penis. And Julie knew exactly how miserable he was. Bexause she would peak around the book she was holding and spy his penis from time to time.

She didn't find it particularly disgusting. In fact it often made her laugh. It was small, and when fully erect it pressed right against his belly, even when he was standing or walking around. And she would laugh at him while he walked because with each step it slapped his chubby belly. All day long she would hear a slap slap slap as he hurried about to complete his chores.

But not now.

It was shrinking. Deflating. And Julie quickly figured out what had happened.

This time she angrily and forcefully demanded the shoe. As she glared at him and held our her hand. And dipshit knew that tone in her voice. He had been taught to respond to this particular tone without thinking. Almost as if she had a direct line into his brain.

Which she really did, thanks to the FSU type training Dipshit had done. Now her voice triggered his instant obedience if she commanded him in a particular way, or used certain trigger words.

So he had no choice, as he spun around and held the shoe out to her with pleading eyes. Begging her forgiveness.

But as the light from the bedroom radiated down onto the shoe, dipshit realized that it was not one of Julie's. And dipshit knew each pair of her shoes very well. Because Julie wanted him to have a shoe fetish so badly she had restricted his edging media for months to only pictures of her shoes. And so he had spent hundreds of hours training with them. And each one excited him greatly.

So Dupshit knew this particular shoe did not belong to his crush.

In fact it appeared to be a very expensive pair of men's penny loafers. And with this realization Dipshit let out an audible gasp.

But the worst was yet to sink in as dipshit saw his accident. An enormous glob of his semen was sliding and jiggling on the soft leather of the shoe. Perminantly staining and completely destroying the unprotected material.

And Julie? Well she just smiled. Because her plan had worked perfectly.

You see, like most women, Julie was much smarter than any male. So she had set this in motion as soon as she knew she was serious about this new lover.

She had created a strong shoe fetish in Dipshit. One that he could not ignore. And then she had to make sure he was uncomfortably backed up and stupid. And boy was he both. He was so uncomfortable with his level of frustration that he had begun to whine to himself about how unfair it all was. Something he knew was forbidden to do. But try as he might he couldn't help but let out a whimper and a moan while Julie crossed and uncrossed her legs during her extended foot rubs.

And all this work, the planning. And her manipulative genius had all come together to make this happen.

She had even removed all her shoes from the closet and left her lovers out where they could be easily found.

But she never imagined he would ejaculate all over them. She hoped his days of accidents was over. She might not have done this had she known, because the shoes were her lovers favorite pair, and they cost thousands of dollars to be handcrafted to his feet

But worst of all was that her lover was not to swift either. Because he had not yet weather proofed them to fluids. And she knew that the thirsty leather would soak up any liquid it came in contact with.

So she expect some presquirt dribbles out of Dipsgit, that could be fixed. But not a shot glass sized pool of beta semen, eating away at the shoes finish.

They were ruined! And was going to be pissed!

But she didn't really care, so with a shrug Julie wondered how bad this was going to be for poor dipshit.

But at the very least she knew it would be entertaining.

So as dipshit looked at her in horror, Julie looked over her shoulder and called out to her lover to come see this crazy thing she found in the closet.

As poor dipshit began to wet all over the soft carpet floor of the closet.

They both knew that what was about to happen to poor cowardly Dipshit would forever change him. And Julie was very excited to see how.

- end

If you would like to post in the comments what you think would happen next, if you were stupid little Dipshit, we would love to hear it.

Because this is where we want to leave this story. Let your imaginations run wild.

we are allowing you to be dirty but please limit to when we allow it. like on this thread.




I would expect Julie's lover to be both angry and humored at the same time, but Julie should be able to calm him down by kissing and caressing him at the same time while telling him that obviously they need to discuss how to punish her little servant and cuckold. They will conclude and in addition to Julies cuckold having to pay for a new pair of similar shoes, he will have to accept tp serve Julie as before and also to accept Her Real Man lover around whenever it pleases Julie, learning to obey and serve both of them. I would also hope that Julie orders a custom fit steel chastity cage and allows Her Real Man lover to hold the key and to decide when dipshit will be milked.


if dipshit wants to hump shoes like a dog, then he will become the family dog, and Julie and Her Lover will become dipshit's Owners.