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One of the most difficult challenges a beta male will face is interacting with his crushes boyfriend. Males are taught to "fight for the woman they want" but with weak little beta males, they are just too cowardly for any of that nonsense.

Besides they would just get beaten up.

So when a woman we know met a nice "alpha" male, she had a problem. How to get these two males to interact in a way that worked for her.

You see her friendzoned little bitch was always at her place, cooking and cleaning and just doing whatever she said. You know shuffling around silently and doing his chores. He was just so in love with his crush that being in the same room with her made him excited, terrified, but extremely horny. And like most beta males, they can not resist doing what their silly pecker wants.

And his crush. Let's call her Julie (not real name), well she was very smart and she kept her beta boyfriend in honor-bound chastity (that's cageless) for months.

This brings us to the incident that you can all learn from.

Julie knew that these two "men" in her life were going to have to meet eventually and she wanted to make sure it went well...


One day while the male was cleaning her apartment, completely nude as always. She ran up to him, upset, and began frantically telling him he needed to hide.

And she used the name.

He so loved her little pet name she gifted him. "Dip shit". Whenever she wanted to make his head spin she used it. It was such a mind breaker because she always said it like she was calling him "sweety" or "darlin" with layers of affection. But he knew she really did think of him as kind of a dumb ass. Partly due to months of chastity. And constantly triggered by his crush. Poor dipshit really had become one of the stupidest people you would meet.

And Julie, well she was brilliant. A chemistry professor at the local University, and a published textbook author. She was extremely successful and well respected. And her friends were no slouches either. All of them at least carrying a master's degree under their belt.

But dipshit barely managed to receive a four-year degree in general studies. And now was the assistant manager at a run-down taco shack. But he didn't care. He serves his crush. Nothing else mattered.

So when she told him his new name. Dipshit. She explained to him that it was because he was possibly the dimmest person she knew. Isn't that adorable.

And little dipshit loved it. His penis had turned his brain off years ago. Through his hours of self-edging and denial in college, his poor brain would never be the same. And with chastity in play. His brain swam in serotonin constantly.

So when she said closet. He listened and obeyed.

And sat on the ground in the dark little room and waited.

And he waited.

Hours passed as he sat in the dark. His ears straining to hear her voice. Anything. And eventually, he heard the two of them in the bedroom. She had allowed him to wait in the walk-in closet because, she said, it was bigger and she didn't want him to be cramped.

And poor dumb dipshit believed her. But Julie really wanted him to hear everything. She had never let him see her naked, and she wanted to rub it in his face what her new man got to do with her.

And it was not only the sounds of sex that filled the closet. But she was very descriptive with her dirty talk as well.

"Do you like it when I run my tongue around the head?"

"I shaved a little different this time, so the hair shouldn't bother your lips so much"

"You want me to turn around so you can see my ass, I know how much you like it"

And poor little dipshit heard it all. A life he would never know. His penis stiffened of course, as he pictured what was happening on the other side of the door. And even though he knew he was not allowed to touch it in her home, unless he asked, he was filled with jealousy and frustration and decided he would show her.

So in the dark closet, he began to search along the ground for one of her shoes. He wanted a nice sexy heel to rub against his frustrated penis, but eventually settled on a pair of what felt like flat dress shoes.

The leather was soft and cool and felt so good against his hot little penis as he rubbed himself.

He knew she would be livid if she knew but like most of his rebellions, he was going to keep this a secret. It wasn't like he was going to actually squirt. Just edge.

And that is what he did. And he was an expert. Julie had helped him learn to get really close and then stay there. She loved how drunk on her he got after hours of teasing himself to her pictures.

He would profess his love for her constantly. And shower her with compliments. As he went blank with devotion. An emptied his mind. Right on the edge. It had been over six months since she had milked him and his prostate felt like a tennis ball. He needed to empty himself so badly.

And that was what he was thinking about when the door burst open.

To be continued...

Read Part 2




Love this story, hope there's more stories like this!

Mark Fennell

I love this Julie. When you said that she is a "Chemistry Professor at the University", she became an instant crush for me. And when you said she had published a textbook, I became fully enamored with her. // This is because myself I have a Masters Degree in Chemistry. I have written several science books. So I can be instantly in love with this woman. // It is also one of my Real Desires to be write science books, with HER NAME on it. I do the work, she gets the credit. Yet it is realistic, because she has the basic credentials on her own for her to pass it off as her work. // However, I will not "willingly" do this....she must "force me" to give her authorship of my work. (Use your imagination!)


Sounds great. Or she does some of the work but you edit and do the grueling tedious work.