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One aspect of being beta many of you might struggle with, is the idea that you could be friends with a superior female.

While some women do enjoy keeping docile and obedient males around. They generally are not friends in the way you might be thinking. She runs the relationship and simply enjoys being adored and obeyed, which is her natural right as a woman.

But most of the friendships between genders we learn about in the patriarchy are based on "mutual respect". Another lie. Women respecting inferior males.

You do not want her to respect you, that will just get in the way of her using you. She may appreciate you. If you are properly trained. She might find your cleaning, or cooking, to be exceptional.

Or perhaps she enjoys how you squirm when she tells people all about how easily she manipulates you. And how obsessed you are over her. That you would do anything she asked. Humiliate yourself. Just to see that wicked, cruel smile cross her face.

But she does not see you as a friend. You are a fool. Someone she only talks to when she needs something. Someone she torments just because she is bored. That is how she sees you. You will never be allowed to socialize with her, or her REAL friends.

And this is great news for you.

Because most beta males are to weak to have a friendship with a woman. They just can not seem to keep it going. And that is because they really want to be under her thumb. They need her control. And her "abuse" and manipulative ways are thrilling and arousing. And they make you weak. Your head spins. You love how mean she is to you when she barks orders or openly criticizes you in public. Screaming at you in the grocery store because you are to stupid to tell which mangos are ripe enough for her. As the customers watch on in shock. That is what you crave.


How could she be friends with a silly little nothing like you?

It's just laughable, isn't it?

Well you may not be laughing. But we know she is. And that's what matters.




She deserves to laugh as I deserve to be laughed at!


Thank You for these pictures! Especially the ones about “Idiot betas thinking that being friendzoned means we are friends..." And: “For trying to stand up to me, you will spend the next months on your knees.” My crush was an ex-coworker who i fell for instantly and who had me work on projects and run errands for HER. The male ego within me genuinely thought I was growing closer to HER as a friend and potential lover by sharing intimately, working and gifting HER. But in reality, i was a misguided beta idiot in service to the Superior Gender: a kneeling animal unknowingly being trained to please HER through servitude. Thank YOU!


it makes us so proud to hear this. we hope to help all males to achieve such a state of mind. Then the world would be perfect for everyone. You are very welcome.