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- we have included an audio version and it in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.


As the third chapter of the New Women's Order begins. You find yourself in a dark room. Tied down to a chair. And there is a shadowy figure standing over you. She is working on a tablet and completely ignoring.

This is your deep learning session. You will be subjected to them for hours every day, and Doctor Robin Starbird will be overseeing your progress. While Dr. Starbird is very pleasant and much kinder than the rest of the staff you have met. She is not what you would call, nice.

She simply sees you as some sort of infant or animal. Something she must train to be useful. Because as a male in the New Women's Order, you must be useful or you will not fair well.

She is going to run two separate training files on you. The first will help you to let go of certain needs that the patriarchy told you that you had. That you need a woman as a companion or equal. And to embrace your natural needs, to serve women. To have women like you. Those are the needs you were born with. And as a beta male you must now embrace them.

The second file is a little more erotic in nature. It will program your training penis. You will have to watch the file to find out how.


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Deeply Programmed Male Inferiority | NWO CH 3 | Female Domination Stories

In this chapter of the New Women's Order. You find yourself at the mercy of Doctor Robin Starbird. A much more understanding member of the Clinics staff. She is your case manager. And she will be overseeing your deep conditioning sessions. While Doctor Starbird is more progressive about her treatment of males. She is still committed to ensuring that you are ready to follow directions without question, regardless of your pride or physical discomfort. She knows that this is why males exist. And she considers it her personal responsibility to ensure that you will one day be ready to join the new order. This type of training is highly invasive and completely effective at wiping out a male's false ego. In the Clinic the sessions can go on for hours wearing away at the male's unconscious resistance and implanting information into the spongy, soft, core at the center of his mind. As the programming begins, you realize this is not some kind of female domination fetish file. But instead, it is a rhythmic and pleasurable reprogramming of your inner idenitity. No more seeing women as objects. Or even as partners and equals. They are gods to you now. And this is just how it should be. No more focusing on self-pleasure, all of your pleasure comes from how women around you feel. You exist to serve them and please them. They are the only reason you are alive. And as your overseer feeds your brain more information, you can feel your ability to think for yourself disappearing. Evaporating. And what will be left is an excited little beta male. Ready to follow the directions of his superiors. Ready to scurry around behind women and ensure that they are happy. While their is a youtube version coming soon to the @FemaleSupremacyUniversity channel. It is not as powerful, long, or as adult-oriented as the Patreon version. So please consider supporting us there now. And get the best versions of all of our files. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Kristal Forever

This felt so real. I feel like I am vibrating.

Lord Epicure

Thank you to the gender superior female to have created this program ! Please bring me back to clinic to receive addional treatment and teaching. I am a pathetic Weak Male, and from now on i firmly think that i found the treatment to cure my Porn Addiction

Lord Epicure

Doctor Starbird has the true power to cure my weak behavior

Lord Epicure

Porn has infested my life, and FSU will cure my pathetic behavior, it will be a hard work, I don't want to relapse into this addiction

Lord Epicure

As a result of my last sessions with FSU 70% of my Porn library have been erased from my PC library and once again i thank my FSU teachers. 1TO of filthy porn have been erased, i am proud of my progress, but i am still far from the end of my full rehab !

Doc Nolan

Most porn is boring since it's fake. Even femdom porn is often fake. Using this training with a woman who truly loves power is far, far better. With the right lady, it makes you a better toy. Or servant. Gold!

Joseph Howard

It (I) pray to the absolute cosmic contextually sized supremacy of GODs I mean Women!!!🙌🌎👸🏻🧬


We know what you mean! :). Keep up the good work. Train hard. Serve women.

Richard Johnson

This chapter was different from the rest but it needed this setting to show how they deeply dive into the patient's head. The story was properly laid out. I liked how the story turned around a bit as Dr. Starbird gives our patient (some) break from sensory programming only to begin another program afterward. I half expected the file to be another hour or 2 of visuals and trance beats to match what the patient experienced, but I'm already very happy with the quality & quantity of files the FSU produces.


these stories get so long we did not do the trance part. but that was an idea we looked at. was just too much to try and fit in.