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One of the most interesting conversations we have had was with a married beta male virgin boy. You see after years of doing everything to get in his crush's pants she finally put her foot down and said that he needed to move on or live life as a cuckold. That she liked how obsessed he was with her. How he always spent lots of money on her and did whatever she asked. It really made her feel good. Adored. Worshipped. But he needed to stop trying to date her or even touch her without explicit permission.

But if he could accept the fact that their relationship would always be platonic, she would marry him and they could live in the same home. Different bedrooms of course. And he could real obsess over her and get all twisted as long as he kept his distance.

This male naturally jumped at the chance to spend more time with her, so they became husband and wife. He paid the bills, cleaned the home, did all the cooking, and completely kissed her ass 24 hours a day. And she. Well, she did whatever she wanted and basically ignored him.

So after a few months of this, he reached out and asked for training content to deal with his beta lifestyle. He sad his false male ego had been crawling the walls in jealousy, frustration, and embarrassment. Because every one of her friends knew. He sometimes would hang out with her friends, during which occasions she loved showing off how well trained he was. And how obsessed he was.

But he mainly struggles with one thing. Whenever his crush hangs out with what she calls "real men". He notices while doing the laundry that the panties she wore have a sweet musky scent to them. Only the underwear she wore when hanging out with real men.

So the issue is that he loves how they smell but gets jealous knowing she is having this reaction to other men and never him. It is both extremely exciting and completely devastating at the same time.

She is so playful with these "real men" as she wrestles with them on the furniture. And he must sit in his own jealousy and need while still looking forward to the next morning when he can go digging in his wife's hamper for her underwear to "wash".

He asked us if this was wrong.

Of course, we told him he was being a creepy pervert. That his greatest thrill should be seeing her happy and providing her with clean clothing. Not wasting time with his face buried in a pair of her worn panties. I mean he is objectifying her and that's FUCKED UP!

So aside from telling her and her male friends what he has been up to. And apologizing, we are looking for ways he can make this right.

What training materials would you use to help with this. And is it right to punish panty sniffers or since sniffing women's underwear is their sex life, should we overlook it and feel pity for them.

How do you deal with your crush crushing on a "real man"? What training do you use and is there something you do to cope?




Joe Foster

Trust me she is. I love her and i always will. No matter what she dose to me. I am still in chastity. I don t think i will ever be able to have real sex again. I will never leave my crush. No matter what she dose to me.


The emotions this beta male experienced here are so relatable. I also struggle with objectifying women, and I'm currently using FSU content to train my brain to respect women and channel that need into more useful things, like serving them. It is so great to have so many people sharing the same experiences as me, it motivates me to keep improving!