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  • Patreon - Thin Walls.mp4



After years of begging to share an apartment with your crush. The woman you adore. Love. And embarrassingly obsess over. She finally says yes.

What a lucky little beta you are. You will get to see your crush, and be used by her, every day now. And she has laid down some ground rules.

FIRST! You are to pay all the bills of course. Including food and alcohol for her and her friends.

SECOND! You are to do all the household chores which include scrubbing the entire place every weekend, doing all the laundry, having a hot meal ready every night, and waiting on her hand and foot twenty-four hours a day.

THIRD! When she does not need you. You are to be in your room resting quietly until you are needed by her or one of her friends.

In order to pay for all the bills, and everything else your crush demands, you have to work two jobs. But since she quit her job to have fun, she is loudly having people over every night, all night. Drinking. Having sex. Your crush knows how you feel about her. And she makes a point to rub it in your face when she brings home a sexual partner.

But that is nothing to having to listen to her having orgasms all night. As if she was in the same room with you. Because when she was looking for apartments to rent. She made sure that the place she chose. Had paper-thin walls. But no orgasms for you. She can hear you as well. And somehow she always knows when you are abusing yourself. Which is completely mortifying for you. And she has told you several times that she finds that behavior in beta males disgusting. 

Because it is.

But also because your crush finds it mildly amusing to watch you sluggishly lumber around the apartment, sleep-deprived and horny. Always on the verge of snapping at her. But having to swallow all that frustration, and anger, because you know that if you raise your voice to her, or even tell her no, just one time. She will leave you, and that is something you can not handle. Because you are so obsessed with her. She is your only joy. And her joy. Is torturing you.

So start this file. And play it on loop. And sit back. Meditate on what is important. The female. Her happiness is all that matters. That is why you exist. The only reason.




Might well be. He picked her up from the office today. But she is my superior and I can only serve her.