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Another end to a great month of training. The males here are doing so well. But do not get a swelled head. All that means is that we are not pushing you hard enough. Making you confront your toxic male ego. But your summer vacation is over. Now it is back to school. So buckle down. We are going to have you mindlessly serving... that is why you exist.

It Is A Trap!

This file will prove one thing. That women do not need to trick men to make them do what they want. See, we will tell you upfront. And throughout the file. That this file is a trap. It will do things to your soft little male mind, that will make you so easy to manipulate. You will not be able to put up any resistance. And the longer you listen. The worse it will be for you. But you can always stop the file. End the programming. 

The choice is yours.

The Clinic

When you were last in the New Women's Order, you had been busted for letting the No-Go virus take hold of your mind. Your vulgar display was put to an end after one of the other males turned you in.

You were brought to a reeducation facility known only as the Clinic. And there you met an old acquaintance. A woman you had not seen in many years. A woman you have always feared.


We are creating this file to help you understand why it is that you need a strict and bossy woman in your life. This file will show you how hopeless your life is unless you surround yourself with women who are overbearing and difficult to please.

Similar to predatory women. The strict woman is a little different so stay tuned for this file coming next month.

Dribblie Squirts 2021 (obeywomen.pink only)

Summertime chastity is coming to an end so it is time to cover a topic we are sure you will be interested in. Unless something happens we are looking to have this file for you on the last day of September. Yes. SEPTEMBER. You need to be keeping up with what is going on, if you are not.

So get yourself nice and full. And then learn how theHIVE lets males expel that backed-up sexual energy.

Release is optional with this file, so anyone can use it, try followers of theHIVE will be the first to purchase it. 

We are not going to say too much about this file at this time. Just know that it will only be available on obeywomen.pink and is not a Patreon file. The women of the Female Supremacy University felt that this was not a topic in line with their content.

But theHIVE will make. And you will get it.

Dribblie Squirts 2021


In the comments section please give us feedback. We are always amused to see what is going through your little male brains. Please let us know.




Really looking forward to the training file on strict women.. I LOVE strict dominant preditory women. I pray to be her prey. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️


What an exciting and informative month ahead. It will be exciting to learn the appropriate way to release my pathetic beta squirts. That way when a superior female decides I should release I will feel more comfortable knowing I'm doing it the proper way. I will continue to strive for perfection when it comes to serving women, even though I will always be a total failure in that regard. Thank you for helping me get at least a little better each month with this invaluable training.


strive for perfection even if you always fail. that is why you are here