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One of the questions we receive on a regular basis is "When can I release, Goddess?", Or some derivative of that. Males write, bitching and moaning about being frustrated, or having "accidents". They say they have health concerns. They profess to never wanting to release, and then write back hours later crying that they had an "accident".

Now first off. We need to remind you all that we are an educational organization. We are not your Goddesses or Mistresses. And in fact, that would be inappropriate of us. We are here to give you an education so a relationship would be wrong. We are here to teach you how to find that woman to serve. Or to help program you to just serve every superior woman in your life. We do not know enough about your situation to tailor advice for each males problems. And we do not have the time to enforce rules. We are here to offer wisdom and knowledge to ignorant boys who have been brainwashed into believing they are the equals of superior women by the evil patriarchy.

That said. We can give you some things to ponder. First off. When to release. When to let all that frustration go. To expel your submissive fluids.


And it should not be left in the hands of a male. Males are just too selfish, stupid, and arrogant to be allowed to decide all on their own when they can squirt. We know that it is difficult. We have seen how a males emotions are all over the place after just a few weeks of chastity. You cry over nothing. You become angry. And you lose all control of your mind. This is natural. Your mind is not yours to control. You are too weak. You need a strong woman to help you. To make these choices for you. Because she will make them in ways that serve her needs. Not yours.

Do dominant women let males orgasm? Of course some do. And others do not. But there is general a plan or purpose for when we do.

Let me give you two scenarios.

Beth and Jerrod.

Beth has a male who works for her over the weekend, Jerrod. Each Saturday morning Jarrod shows up at her place bright and early. He knows he will spend the weekend cleaning, doing chores, and running errands. Do you think that selfish Jerrod does this out of the kindness of his heart? A lazy male. Working every weekend. All weekend. For a woman who gives him nothing in return. Of course not. You know what Jerrod was. A chronic masturbator. He met Beth at a Female Supremacist meet up and she immediately reminded him of his ex-wife. Bossy, loud, outspoken, and shaming of Jerrod. She talked to him like he was a lost child.

Jerrod was a selfish man who married his ex-wife because she was dominant. And then divorced her for the same reason. Of course, he did not know that. Because he is a stupid male. He liked watching porn depicting women treating men like dirt. And he fantasized about it. But he did not like living with it 24 hours a day. His false male ego could not allow it. So Jerrod was not a slave to women, or his ex-wife. He was a slave to his penis.

But Beth is very smart. She knows that men lie all the time. And most of all they lie to themselves. This is why it is so easy to manipulate them. They do not even know who they are. So she talked to him about chastity. Not a cage. No long time frames. Just an agreement for a week. And at the end of the week, they would talk again, and discuss if she should allow him to release. And he did orgasm from time to time. And Beth discovered how she really liked backed up frustrated Jerrod. And disliked him any other way. This is generally what happens.

So I bet you think that Beth never lets him orgasm now. Of course not. In the real world, he would end up sneaking off and doing it without her permission. And this would just lead to his selfishness being rewarded. No. She had to make him love orgasming with permission. And love waiting to receive that very permission. And soon Jerrod bonded with her. He saw her as a mentor, someone he could trust. Which is when the periods between releases began to get longer. And more difficult. And she began to control what he edged too. Mostly pictures of her. And thoughts of serving her and other women. No more nudity or sex. Eventually, the only thing that turned him on was being bossed around, used, and manipulated by women.

This is why poor stupid Jarrod shows up bright and early every Saturday to work. And why she can go shopping all day and know he is doing a great job without supervision. Because it is what sexually arouses him. Now, it is ALL that sexually excites him. So in the same way other males go to clubs and chase women. Jarrod shows up and scrubs floors.

But just like the boys who chase women, who are not going to do it if they have released. Jarrod will not show up on Saturday if he is not backed up. So when does Beth allow release? Well, it is not an exact time.

Every once in a while she won't need him for a few weeks. She may be going on vacation. Or just not have any work for him. This is when Jerrod is surprised with an orgasm. And Beth always makes them memorable and without warning. But that's not what this story is about. So let's move on.

So after his explosive release. She quickly dismisses him and lets him know that she will contact him if he is needed again. Of course, by now Jarrod is completely in love with Beth. So he is immediately panicked that she will abandon him. Which he should be. Males should always understand that women really do not need them. That serving a woman is a privilege. Beth can clean her own home, and run her own errands. She is highly functioning. And he is not needed in her life. So he needs to be grateful of all the ways she uses and controls him.

But Beth does love what Jarrod does for her, it really frees up her time. And she enjoys messing with his head. It is a power trip to rob a man of his selfishness. she knows that if Jarrod was not cleaning her garage, or washing her clothes all weekend. He would plop his fat little ass in front of his computer. His penis in one hand, and a large bottle of soda in the other. And waste his life on Twitter playing with himself and being unhealthy. Now he only uses Twitter to promote female superiority. And he only drinks water. Now the only pictures he abuses himself to are pictures of Beth. Or female supremacy training files ofcourse. And when Beth does call. Her first question is always. "Have you stayed faithful to me?" A question with many meanings, but the biggest is that he has stayed denied. And so far his answer is generally yes. He knows that not "staying faithful" means she will hang up and call back in a month with the same question. If the answer is no again. Everything stops! It's over. Life is to short for rebellious little diddlers.

And if she dismisses him he is unlike to find someone else. Because the ladies at the Female Supremacy meet-ups talk to each other. And he will hace been labeled a player. Not a lifestyle believer in Female Supremacy. And Beth. Well, there is no shortage of males in the world who can be coaxed into this type of life. Beth isn't even that attractive, by disgusting male concepts of female beauty. But she is very strong. And extremely strict. Which really seems to get beta males all twisted up inside. When they see how bossy and demanding she is, their penis stiffen and are drawn to her control.

Example 2

Amy and Peyton

These two actually met before attending any female supremacy clubs. Peyton was an art student and Amy spent most of her time in the Chemistry building right next to his studio. She is quite a handful. A hyperactive woman who rarely sleeps more than five hours a night, Peyton found that he was having a difficult time keeping up with her. Of course, like almost every male, Peyton wasted a great deal of time in selfish pursuits. Playing video games with his roommates. Surfing the internet for bizarre fetishistic pornography. And masturbating to orgasm several times a day.

You may find this difficult to believe. But Amy was the one who was into female supremacy and "femdom". She loved reading stories of women abusing and controlling men. And just the idea of making Peyton whimper, caused her to shiver in delight. So, as all women do when we need help with something, we ask other women. Amy did not approach Peyton with the idea of dominating him. Because he would just see it as a sex game. And Amy was not one to play games. She wanted something real.

So she reached out on Fetlife, and began talking to lifestyle dominant women about how she could pull this off, and get exactly what she wanted. And they all gave her one important piece of information. Make him fall in love with you, then you can make him into what you want. That you need to get down below that rational mind, for what it's worth. Because the rational mind, in men, has been polluted by the patriarchy.

So she did. And soon she had Payton wrapped around her little finger. It really is so easy. A few late nights of listening to a man drone on about his problems as you caress his naked body. Giving him all the attention he wants, until he begins to take it for granted, and then taking it all away. Running interference so that you are the center of his universe. no other women, no friends. Those will come later. He can form new friendships with submissive men and dominant women only. Best to limit his exposure to toxic opinions of the patriarchy.

And when he was completely obsessed with her. She moved him in. Which is when she took control of his sexuality, the untrained males whole life is about ejaculation. She wanted to wait till he moved in because there was no point in trying to keep him from releasing when he had his own place. Amy knew he could not be trusted. That just proved how childish he was. That he would sneak around and lie to her. Lie about his own masturbation habits. But when they lived together it was more difficult. And Amy was a brilliant woman with a plan. She would steal his keys and then accuse him of misplacing them. Yell at him for losing the keys to her place, and not feeling comfortable that and safe. She would cry and say that it just made her feel so violated. Ofcourse this was all a lie. She was not upset but she needed prytAfter the third time she did this she insisted that he could not be trusted with a key. Which meant he was never alone in the apartment.

And now he could only masturbate when she was in the home with him. But if she caught him masturbating without letting her know she exploded. She had a fiery temper anyways and although she was barely five feet tall, the anger in her face and eyes was terrifying. She was also very clever about breaking the locks on bathroom doors, and ensuring there was no place he could find privacy. And she knew him. He was too much of a prude to whack off in some public restroom. Besides she had planted fears of men being arrested for sex crimes for such behavior.

But fundamentally she had a different approach to giving males orgasms. She did not have so detailed a plan about when he could and could not release. No, she was very capricious about them. She might just start masturbating him for no reason, and it would end in an orgasm. She might do this three or four times a day. And Payton would think he was in heaven. And then she would change her mind. Weeks could go by where she wouldn't even touch his neglected penis. She would snuggle close to him in bed. And feel it swelling next to her as she smiled to herself and thought about how terible it must be not go so long without sexual release. But she would still shoot down any attempts he made at lovemaking. In actuality, she stopped having sex with him as soon as he moved in. She had actually started sleeping with one of her professors, mostly to get him fired for giving her a poor grade on her midterm project. But so far she was enjoying how good the professor was at pleasing her body. And he was incredible.

But poor Peyton was left high and dry. If he brought up his penis in any way, she would get angry and accuse him of only wanting her for sex. And this is how their relationship is now.  Although she now has many lovers both male and female, Peyton nevers knows when his next release will happen. He has no say, he can not earn one, it is just up to Amy. Because Peyton does no longer gives himself orgasms. In fact, no one but Amy gives him orgasms. If she doesn't want to see him orgasm he waits for her to change her mind. He knows better than to do it himself. And in this way she completely owns him. He knows that if she is mad at him there will be no touching, no closeness. And no orgasms. With one exception. A fun little activity Amy calls "hate edging". This is when she is mad is so mad at Peyton that she edges him throughout the day. She knows that his next orgasm is far off in his future. And she stares into his eyes with anger. As his mind screams for relief, or just for her to stop. But she will do it for a very long time. He will have to work hard to get back on her good side. And then maybe.

Mostly these days Peyton is exceptionally and exceptionally good and docile boy. So most of the time Amy just completely forget how long he has gone without release. Weeks, months. He knows better than to bring it up. And she is an extremely busy woman, and worrying about Peyton's little squirts is not a top priority for her. Besides, who really cares, his art is incredibly tortured. Depicting scenes of powerful women controlling and dominating men. He is obsessed with Amy as his muse. Cruel, energetic. His art is full of explosions of color. All that frustration is laid out in whatever medium he uses. Standing, working on his art. His penis hard, swollen, and desperate. All that energy is thrown out into the universe for all to see. And his agent loves her sizable commissions on every sale. The rest, of course, going to his wife. Amy.

Well that was long. Sorry...

We just wanted to give you some thoughts on chastity. We know many males have questions about it and we hope that you found this helpful. Please remember the most important thing is. Whether or not a male orgasms, is not a decision he should make on his own. If you do not have a woman in your life who will help you with this. Look online for a woman who believes in female supremacy. She will help you focus on what is important. If you are struggling you can also get support from other beta males online. It is important that you normalize your chastity situation by exchanging points of view with other inferior males. Your arrogant false male ego will look at the patriarchy and claim your lifestyle to not be valid. To be perverse. So talk it out with other men who understand what you believe. But always remember what is the most important thing in your life is. What really brings you joy and fulfillment in your life. It is not your orgasm. Or your penis.

The most important thing in your life... is women.

So act like it!




LADIES of THE HIVE. oink knows its opinion doesn't matter but if it did then it wasn't long enough. It should always be the decision of the superior FEMALE when it comes to sex, who has it, when and how and never the inferior male. we are not smart enough to make those decisions.


Women who embrace their power of denial are beautiful. Thank you for that.