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Download using the link. The Zip Password is stupdmal.


- we have included an audio version and it in this post. Unfortunately, the video file is too large for Patreon.


This file is intended to help males submit to the superior female by magnifying their natural stupidity around their superiors. Nature intended for the male to be easily manipulated by the women, and therefore created a dumbing-down effect on the male whenever he becomes aroused.

This file will make the student wish to be stupid around women. Because this is what he needs. His mind will eventually completely shut down, as his desire increases.

Please note that this file will not only make you stupid around women, and make you crave long periods of chastity, but it will make you want to seek out women to use you. You will feel anxious if you are not serving females. And your only need in life will be to make women happy.

No more long hours of searching the web for self-gratifying adult content. The only thing that will stimulate you, is serving women, and being used.



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Excited Stupid Little Beta Male | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

It is a fact that the female is more important to the survival of the human race than the male. Women are the only ones capable of creating new human beings. So it is not surprising that mother nature created males to serve and obey the more needed gender. This lead to an interesting dynamic between the two genders. The female needed to be able to control and manipulate the male in order to get her wants and needs met. And the male had to evolve to be easily manipulated by the superior female. And one of the ways that evolution did this, was to make sure that the female was more intelligent than the male. That she could always out wit him into doing what she wanted. Beyond the males natural drive to please women. His stupidity, when compared to females, made him dependant on them for their cognitive abilities. But what about the women the male was attracted to. His desires would be strong with such women, meaning that nature would have to do something to help the female control him. So it made sure that when the male became excited, stimulated, and aroused. His stupidity was magnified exponentially. The more excited. The strong more idiotic he would become. And so females discovered, early on, the value of male chastity. Submissive men were lured in by predatory women, who would keep the male backed up and frustrated for as long as possible. This lead to the male become so stupid, so idiotic that he could barely think in her presence. Perfect for early women. And perfect for the human race. This training file will awaken that stupidity in the males who use it. Soon you will be so dumb. So stupid. That women will want you around, doing whatever they asked. please join our Patreon for the PATREON EXTENDED VERSION https://patreon.com/obeywomen Or for more information, you can visit our new centralized site at https://thehive.center ___________ Support FSU @Female Supremacy University Support our Art https://patreon.com/obeywomen Our Website https://thehive.center FSU is a creation of, and produced by theHIVE @Obey Women dot Pink ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



LADIES of THE HIVE. Thank YOU oink is sorry and doesn't know why but oink knows YOU are right and oink is wrong.