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There seems to be this idea amongst beta males that you are sweet innocent boys that we cruelly abuse.

But this is not the case.

So many beta males are really the worst offenders of women, because they crave attention from women, and can not interact with them with any degree of competence.

So you become a weirdo, freak, twerp of a male. You sneak peaks at women without consent. You cyber stalk them, just to fulfill your disgusting fantasies. You are passive aggressive toward them and may even harbor resentments toward women actually know are your superiors. In fact some of the most pathetically annoying misogynists are beta males who really hate how weak they are around women, and actually blame women for who they are.

We are here to guide you into a mental state where your focus is pleasing and serving women. Where you are still weird, but completely harmless and respectful of a womans space.

The eventual goal is to completely train your brain to crave being of service to women. To be obsessed with making all women happy. And to stop using them as characters in your bizarre fantasy world.

You are not a nice boy just because you maybe shy, or you are polite. We know what you do to women in your mind, and it is time that even in your internal world you respect women more than you even respect yourself.

We will destroy your false male ego. Even if it may be ugly and seem cruel. But it is the nicest thing we can do for you.
