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We know many disgusting males want to be a human toilet, our lick our toilets clean. But that's just about males getting off on being degraded in front of women.

But here is the reality. At a party one of the things a hostess worries about is if the last person who used the toilet left it ready for the next.

And beyond that, many women do not want to sit down on a seat that a dozen other naked butts have sat on. Or that they themselves used hours ago. Who knows what is growing on that seat.

So a toilet boy is really a male who runs into the bathroom after every use and cleans and disinfects the toilet.

It not as degrading. You won't get to see women doing their business. But you get to ensure that every woman gets a clean seat every time. It is such a wonderful feeling knowing our most intimate parts are sitting down on a clean surface.

Would you be willing to do this for your crush. Whenever she asked. Even if it meant driving to her place on your lunch break. Just to scrub her bowl. While she sat on the couch and watched TV?

Or getting that call at 4 in the morning, grabbing your brush, and rushing across town to ensure it was sparkling clean for her morning pee?

Or would you expect her to soil her own perfect hands doing this job?

Reality or Fantasy?

Are you really ready to serve your superiors.



Lou Smith

a sanitized toilet is a given..my crush is a pristine woman...there is nothing i am doing that is so important that i can't put it on hold and drive over to her house to clean her toilet...it is a given.


Why should I be permitted sleep when there's pebble dashing to hand scrub? Her flat should be clean.


Yes i'm ready to be a toilet boy