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Beta males always pick predatory women to have such silly little crushes on.

Our next training file will help you become more obsessed and infected by your thoughts of your crush. And these thoughts will destroy your false male ego. Will leave you weak and helpless.

And desperately seeking the approval of all women. In her name.

Say it now!



Rob Abed

I adore my crush. I adore all women. Women are adorable because they are women. They are sweet even when they laugh at me.


yes all women are sweet. keep thinking that. it makes it easier for us to use you.

Nathan david Gurevitch-markwick

That is because they really are God’s incarnated and we are quite literally just a part of them , and it’s with some lengthy arm twists and several near genocides over several thousand years for women who have always known who and what they are too find themselves forced into making a move that they would rather have not taken so once more they sacrifice their own wants and wishes for the good of others many of them who wouldn’t lift a finger for their maker’s it’s absolutely sickening, and absolutely beautiful 🤩 🥰🧍‍♀️🧎♾💕🎶👁🙏👩‍💼👩‍🔬👩‍🔧👸🤰🧎