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Your biggest problem has been one of your own making. As a male, you were taught all these character traits of men. That they are smart, brave, strong, and good with women. And you believed it because it served your selfish interests.

The Patriarchy has taught you these things, these lies. And they are lies. You are starting to understand this. You are learning that males are actually weak, submissive, pliable servants who are genetically driven to please the superior female gender.

And this file will help you accept it more. You will feel so inferior around women. As the mantras you have learned repeat in your head. Women are powerful. Males are weak.

This audio file can be listened to whenever you do not need to focus on something. While you should not use it while doing activities such as driving. Try taking a walk on a safe path. Or shopping at the mall.

Just be safe.

And be around women. It will help you see them as the superiors they are. And help you embrace your inferiority. Are you ready?




Because us beta males are naturally inadequate, women won't like us, so we need to show them very hard that we will do anything to be useful and serving to these superior Women 🥰🥰🥰🥰

sissy jamieanne

This lesson and recording was a serious wake up call and effected me deeply. I recognize and confess that I am an inadequate male and I am guilty of all of the things I confessed in the recording. I have so much improving to do...so much work and training and learning. I am an inadequate male...I am a weak male...I am a cowardly male...I am a silly masturbator...I need to improve. Thank You, Superiors for this lesson. I will repeat it frequently.