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While the women of FSU have already voted on what content we felt it would be interesting to allow the males to voice their silly opinions as well. Even if it is just something for us to laugh about.
So here are the titles:
Purity 2.0
This video will cover the need for males to be trained to be pure of thought and action. May include revirgining, porn free, and purity pledge. Some women despise the males filthy mind and will require this sort of training.
NWO  New Women Order
This video will cover what is needed to bring about the new order of women, and what the roles may be for the genders. This will be a more militant vision of female supremacy focussing on societal changes and not interpersonal relationships.
What a Freak!
A developmental exploration into why women think beta males are such little weirdos and freaks. What is it about you that females find so unnerving. And it will be a fairly humiliating topic for most males to listen to.
Good Boy Forever
Some males are very good boys. this will be a rare discussion on how to be a very good little boy. A more positive approach to the acceptance of your beta male nature and your inferiority.
Why Boys are so Dumb
An in-depth exploration into the stupidity of the male in comparison to the superior female. This file will include a stupidity mantra to help you accept your stupidity when compared to women and to become more idiotic in their presence. 
Comment about these topics only we do not need ideas for new training.
Thank you.
We will take it into appropriate consideration.


David Komarnisky

Purity and all that comes with it please