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The beta male is a highly emotional creature. They have evolved this way to make them easier for women to manipulate and control for the betterment of everyone. Unfortunately, our culture has shamed males into suppressing this part of them, instead asking them to pretend to be "Real Men" and not follow their true source of joy. Loving and egoless obedience to the superior gender.

This will revisit the most influential parts of your development and help you to reawaken this love you genetically were born with.

A three-step process we have used on many males that will remove the shame of being weak and pathetic for women, something you have always felt. 

Watch over and over as we this wonderful piece of Female Supremacy Art reprograms you to be your true self.


Love and Obey all Women | Patreon Extended

This video is for Patreons only. https://www.patreon.com/obeywomen



Love is such a powerful feeling, and I love so much women and being beta 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I loved this file. I do love all women. All women are to be obeyed. No matter what their age even if they are very old they are still superior to a beta male and they should all punish beta males as they see fit


The WOMEN of FSU are GODDESSES. LOVING them and OBEYING them is EASY, they make me a BETTER man to live in their WORLD.

Robert Seifert

I will use that phrase next time I feel the urge to talk back when my wife or any other women corrects me. "Thank you for correcting me, I love and obey all women."